Elon Musk hosted an ‘anti-Biden’ dinner party. Here’s who attended

psychothumbs@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 125 points –
Elon Musk hosted an ‘anti-Biden’ dinner party. Here’s who attended

A bunch of rich folks gathered in a room to discuss how to defeat the democrats should tell you all you need to know about where your vote should go.

The direction of the rich should be ignored entirely. Whatever they want will only trickle up.

Michael Milken, a financier who Mr Trump pardoned, was in attendance along with Steven Mnuchin, the Trump administration’s treasury secretary.

Rounding out the party was media mogul Rupert Murdoch, former chair of News Corp which owns Fox News; former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, one-time member of Trump’s economic advisory council; and PayPal co-founder and 2016 Trump supporter Peter Thiel.

So no surprises whatsoever in this non-story.

Let's see:


Evil- John Oliver

A honest-to-goodness Lich

A mass of flesh eating bacteria in a man suit


A gay vampire.

And not even a good gay vampire like Carmilla or a fun one like Lord Byron.

Yup, just another run of the mill meeting of the lizard people

If this group of vampires hate Biden so much that they hold an "anti-biden party," it just makes me want to vote for him even harder and kick him another $20 spot.


Yeah, I've been super unhappy with Biden lately, but if this gaggle of ghouls has a problem with him, he can't be all bad.

I'll save you a click:

The elite gathering was co-hosted by entrepreneur and investor David Sacks at his mansion in the Hollywood Hills in April, Puck first reported. The dinner party conversation largely revolved around how to raise money to defeat Democrats, a source told the outlet.

The gathering was branded “anti-Biden” by Puck but was not specifically in support of former president and presumed Republican nominee, Donald Trump. In fact, Mr Sacks said that Mr Trump’s actions on January 6 “disqualified himself from being a candidate at a national level again” on a January 2021 podcast.

The guest list reportedly included Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Milken, and Travis Kalanick.

Of course they also don’t support Trump. These people want to see democracy destroyed before Christmas, they think the Republicans’ multi generation slow boil towards theocracy takes too long.

They should donate to the republican party, or directly to trump’s lawyers if that saves time.

Could the residences of the guests be published instead, that way it will be easier to accidentally drop cocktails off?

so we can have a barbeque to eat the fucking rich?

Just like "slammed," if an article ends with "Here's who..." or "Here's what..." then I'm not fucking clicking. Why. Just why.

Like you want the guest list in the title?

No just like, not a fill in the blank type headline. Everything doesn't need to include slammed or end in here's how, here's who, here's what, etc. Nothing against you, you're just sharing the article, but whoever is in charge of drafting headlines for three last decade have really dropped the ball.