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Joined 6 months ago

His base are enthusiastically slobbering on his c**k, and most prominent politicians for the gqp seem to be lining up to holster it when his base are done. Not to mention the supreme crunchwrap court are in love with him too.

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Vodka sprite or whiskey diet

Send me to jail, offsir

I use tidal and i like it, it pays artists better than most which is also nice. Napster pays the most, but their app is gaaaaaarbage.

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Well they definitely have something from them

Valid criticism? Using deadnames and putting “transitioned” sure ok.

Also hard to say they are being censored when you know, downvotes aren't censorship. You might be anle to say what you want but that has consequences. Kinda sounds a little like op might have earned their ‘downvotes to oblivion’ or whatever

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Give some examples and ill see if its there. One thing i would say is ridiculous is if you are just trying it out (free not paying) its a horrible experience

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True, and i have said all kinds of stuff in the internet but i dont want to too much. :p

Wiw, truly the most pressong thing to worry about. checks notes people just trying to live their own lives and be happy. Fuck this

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If youre a republican or vote repulican, look in the mirror, really look, and ask yourself: is this really important? Does it matter to you? Why? Allow peiple to be themselves.

Its easy, follow the steps in the wiki and you'll be fine.

Special snowflake ‘the muskrat’ cant handle being called cis

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What in the dystopia is going on in the south? Grief.

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To a 6’2” (1.88m) transfem (me) yes

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Exactly. I mean come on ‘I can’t consider using another service other than my current shitty service. That other might become shit!’

So is that closeted racists/fascists up to the kkk, or what?

Seriously, does anyone believe this? Trump is the DNC fault? Ridiculous. It’s certainly not the RNCs fault or republican voters for choosing him. And it’s certainly not the voters fault for voting for him, or people protest voting because they don’t want a woman or whatever. No, it’s not even the electoral colleges fault! It’s the DNC for not pushing Bernie. I can’t believe I voted for the leopards eating faces party and now my face is eaten! Damn you Hillary!

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I was just thinking that lmao

Literally!….in Minecraft

So instead of addressing anything I wrote you move the goalposts and start hurling insults? Like sure, it would be great if we can go forward and hold the powers that be accountable for shady crap, but how is that relevant to this election? Unless of course your goal is really to sow dissent and try to get trump elected.

Are you sure I’m the one who ‘lacks intellectual capacity’?

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That…. Is an excellent handbag! I love it!

Not that i know of, i certainly don't have that many, but 2k maybe and it works just fine? Is the app just junk….?

To echo this person, I wanted to come out a few times, but was too nervous and waited until I was ‘financially stable’ but I wish I could go back and transition earlier. Suicidal, depressed, would have better results. That said, it’s never too late, so do what’s right for you

Alice, that you?

I think it was “ I thought it was about to disappear “

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This is a beautiful idea

‘Crush dissent’? lol good you clown, I don’t think law makers should be crushing dissent…