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Forget the obvious bullshit that is being unable to sell it. What's this about autopilot/FSD not being transferable?

Who the hell would buy this monstrosity of a truck. Be sure not to buy FSD since it will be a lost cost and never recouped for a capability that really doesn't work yet. $12,000 down the drain.

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Why should a company get to use my work and data for free to train their AI, for which they'll make a ton of money, without compensating me. At a minimum they should be informing me so I can make that choice with full knowledge.

This isn't a university or educational research either, this is one of the largest companies in the world with Billions of dollars in annual revenue. And to top it off, I already have to pay them for their operating system and annually for their office suite. So not only am I paying them for their product, they'll then steal my data to train an AI to try and sell that to us too?

That's not even taking into account any concerns with "AI might replace me at my job" that a number of folks have.

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Don't forget taking forever for an initial patch release, despite there being multiple game breaking bugs.

The state the game was at release was absolutely awful.

The only folks who kept playing that I know were folks grinding for the final levels/achievements/weapons. Which consisted of playing in unenjoyable ways like using bad load outs, doing stupid crap like tagging a billion guards, etc. Who wants to pay money for an unenjoyable grind?

They released a decent patch, some new content and DLC but everyone has already moved on. They totally screwed themselves, sucks it's an IP that I like, but more games need to fail like this so publishers stop doing the same bullshit

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I think they came to the wrong conclusion. Yes those games were cheaper, but really they were just good, and mostly finished at launch. Didn't feel like we were nickle and dimed for more DLC or season passes or mtxs, we got whole games that were fun.

All the big "AAA blockbuster" games anymore are reskinned, half finished versions of the last version, and the only thing they've put a ton of time into is analyzing how to get addicts hooked and spending the maximum amount on micro transactions.

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The ironic part is the one place their store is available (PC), it's such a pile of steaming crap that I don't even use it for the free games

If it's that big a deal go after the service providers for the servers, this type of shit just makes inhibiting free speech easier.

If I don't want people using Truth Social I guess making a bunch of accounts to share torrent links would be enough to shut it down?

The MPAA still has never been able to demonstrate that privacy even has actual impacts on movie and ticket sales... When Netflix was super convenient and had a lot of content piracy went down. Turns out splitting to dozens of streaming services made it difficult enough that people just went back to sailing the high seas. So lower your prices, make it more convenient to pay for services and people will just do that instead.

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This article just reads as an ad for the scanning company.

Also, while it's possibly true, it's based off seriously small sample sizes.

That was my take too. "We're spread too thin".... Then why the fuck did you buy up all these companies? Sure sounds like they just gobbled up all the good IP to hoard like a dragon on its pile of gold. Or to make sure those IPs don't make it to Sony exclusives, wish the FTC would hang them by the balls since they've basically done opposite of what they promised during the mergers.

There's a lot of issues with our shitty 2 party system. No doubt.

But I think you (and a lot of folks on lemmy) are vastly over estimating how liberal most Americans are. The country as a whole is fairly moderate (and compared to the international world, pretty conservative), and when both parties allow themselves to be controlled by the fringe edges (right or left), most Americans will lean away from the party unless they're a brainwashed group of idiots without the ability to critically think... And those type of folks already have their orange champion.

Abstaining from voting is only going to help one group of people, and unless you enjoyed Jan 6th, that isn't ok. I agree whole heartedly that this situation sucks. We've got a wanna be dictator with a real shot at the presidency and our only other choice is Joe Biden.

But there's only been one president in the history of the country that has promoted and pushed for an overthrow of democracy, I'd vote for anyone running against him to prevent that shit from happening again. Meanwhile I'm voting for any representative and senator or local politicians who work towards a ranked voting solution. But if you abstain then you're helping Trump get elected, you're absolutely stupid if you think the 2 are the same, Biden is not my ideal candidate by any means, but at least he isn't actively trying to destroy our country or literally offering to sell our future to big oil.

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That stupid click bait title.

I like the Analogue Pocket, I think this FPGBA sounds like a fun project but man they are very different products. The way I see it, the more FPGA emulators out there then the more likely more/better cores get created.

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Fun game, passion projects usually have that magic that you can tell someone cared about it.

But it's very early EA, don't expect it to be done any time soon. I'm shelving it for now so when it's done I can enjoy the full experience

Yeah I treat gamepass like a demo to try the game sometimes. But if it's something I know I will play, I just buy it on steam. Its such a pain. Half the time the game won't launch. The only reason I keep it around is because my kids play on my Xbox sometimes

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Super broad generalization, yes.

That's one of the biggest things valve has contributed to for the Linux community, unshitifying gaming on Linux. Proton does an amazingly good job at working on most games. And steam does a great job of making it easier to use proton.

Now there are always a few problem games, mainly ones that use some crazy kernel level anti-cheat (that doesn't work anyways). But if you're curious look at https://www.protondb.com/

Have to be intolerant of intolerance or you lose freedom and free speech. We as a society have to decide that intolerant speech that tries to remove rights from certain demographics is in fact harmful and evil and intolerable.

We're not talking about academic debates here or hypothetical arguments. Folks are actively working to reduce the rights of others, and in some places they're winning. Advocating to reduce rights of others is not okay.

Normally I would agree censorship is not the answer. However without limits, we will see hate gain ground. Part of being a society is setting limits of acceptable behavior, we can't shit in the aisle at the grocery store, we can't propagate hate speech, both of these rules (should) exist to protect ourselves as a group. Pretty simple stuff.

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Definitely a case of "good, now go do apple again". The mobile marketplaces being locked down and tied to services is bullcrap. If I want a run of the mill open source android OS and to be able to use Gmail (or drive, or some other Google product ) I should not have to allow Google full access to the knowledge of every app I run and the screen time and my location information... Etc, etc.

But I do think the apple win on a technicality will be revisited at some point.

And to be clear, I freaking do not like Epic. But this fight they're on the side I agree with. Open up the mobile platforms.

Wish I could be a fly on the walk when the bad actor realized years of work has just gone down the drain

Yeah, that's not the job of the government. While I agree that the divorce rate in the country is surprisingly high and I personally think that's a bad thing, one partner should not be trapped in a relationship they want out of because "they're not allowed out". If either side of a relationship wants to end it, that's their right.

A judge should not have to determine if a reason is "good enough". And despite religious beliefs, from the government's perspective, marriage is a 2 sided contract that can be ended at will.

If your church or personal beliefs say otherwise, that's up to them. Keep it out of my government.

Didn't recognize that name at all. After reading his wiki I recognized that he was one of the Georgia run-off Senate races. Maybe he'll do some stuff and gain some popularity in the future. From what I saw in wiki the only thing he has done so far is vote with the party and help get a college re-accredidated. The reason his campaign was somhighly funded was because he was running in one of the most contested races in the country that was flooded with cash from all over.

I'm very glad he won, but also would someone who barely won their district really be a great possible push for a national candidate?

Also, "not a huge supporter" and have now posted him as a name/possibility all over the thread lol.... You campaign for him? Are you him?

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We have to be intolerant of intolerance. The paradox of tolerance is a great read.

Check out Project Highrise. Felt pretty similar to the nostalgia.

Or https://www.myabandonware.com/game/simtower-the-vertical-empire-3f2

It's fun but definitely busted and janky just like when ASR was released. So many bugs, and kudos to the devs, but also sooo many patches. Cause it's clear they're testing live on us lol

Monopolies suck.

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They're the 3rd largest video game company and the current highest valued company (by market cap, so yeah not a perfect metric) in the world.

They became that big of a video game company by using their ridiculous amount of money to buy up a bunch of other game companies, reducing the competition but hoarding the IP. While they might not be the "only" company in town I think it is safe to say that they're doing the most buying and consolidating

Today I Learned

Retrotink 5x is awesome so far

Sure! I can see a bit of overlap there. I imagine it's more an alternative to the modded GB side just due to cost similarities, compatibility, etc. But like I said, I'm just glad more people are releasing products

Yeah, well they should keep it up. If they can prove in a US court that a "website is bad" they can make the same argument in the jurisdiction the website is hosted in, the Internet is great because it's not (mostly) stuck under a single country's thumb

Yeah, it'll be bad. Already felt like a F2P

Eh, it's just easier on the console. They can pick anything in the library and play online this way. Otherwise no such luck. I mean I don't usually pay full price fo gamepass anyways.

I mean that is slightly better. Still a waste of money. Get enhanced autopilot and leave it there.

Yet the lady doesn't define what ultra-processed is. I have little doubts that eating McDonald's every day is bad for you, but in their study did they include stuff like kraft Mac and cheese, dehydrated mashed potatoes, cereal, etc as "ultra-processed?".

Whole thing reads like click bait with no actual science behind it, would love to see the results of an actual study on the topic too.

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Yeah, not what we want to be supporting. The Posse Comitatus act is there for a reason. I'd rather we don't start supporting use of the federal military as law enforcement.

And I hate to say it, but pretty sure the reason they haven't been activated federally is because they're worried calling that bluff might not work out well and escalate the confrontation, potentially leading to something worse.

Frankly this is awful. But also something manufactured to sound a lot worse. From a states rights perspective this isn't that different from states legalizing marijuana while it's federally controlled and illegal.

How do you think those people got power and how do you think those rich people keep their money? It's not just the illuminati in the background. They use free speech to convince people that their problems are caused by someone different, not the guy on the microphone robbing them blind.

I don't think it's a controversial statement to say fuck Nazis, we literally fought an entire war to make that statement. They don't get to have a podium anymore, because their ideas are evil and harmful to others

Agreed, specific issues a lot of people lean all over the place and I think more people are realizing we need social programs.

Imagine if TOTK was truly immersive with an adaptive world based on more than milestones. I wouldnt have run around 3/4th of the time being the only person that knew where Zelda really was, lol. I'd love it and would play the crap out of it (more than I already do every Zelda game), but Zelda games have never been anything like a elder scrolls or fallout type open world.

I agree that Bethesda needs to step up their QA game, but at the same time I also understand that sometimes weird stuff happens as consequence and isn't something I'd expect a QA team to test for. Hopefully Starfield finds the right middle ground of a huge, adaptive open world and acceptable levels of QA, that they really have not hit in the past. Also hoping they release bug fixes and patches to fix the edge cases as they're discovered... Which is another thing Bethesda has kind of sucked at in the past

Curious about how the cabal can be a dog whistle. Can you enlighten me? The wiki article didn't help. Though learning the etymology was cool.

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