4 Post – 164 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if you look at it right

He’s not carrying water for the facists, he IS a fascist and they’re trying to spill that water on everyone in an attempt to undermine people’s freedoms. Fuck him and fuck his kind

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Internet Archive and Wikipedia are two websites that need to exist in perpetuity.

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Approval ratings mean nothing to lifetime appointments. Nobody should hold a position forever. If they wanna keep them there for life, then at least make them subject to review every X years

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Please, please do that. I can’t wait to see the discovery portion of the trial

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Buying Twitter was never about him making money. It was about giving shithead, likeminded assholes, like him, a place to openly spew their vitriol hate speech without fear of bans or repercussions.

Delete your account if you have one; don’t share links to his site and FFS let’s stop allowing hatred to have an open forum or a place within proper society.

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I want stricter enforcement on anyone with power, not less. If you have the power to create and/or enforce the laws of the nation you should be held at a higher standard to uphold them.

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Does this fucker not get it? State laws don’t supersede federal laws.

A link for Ronnie Meatball’s education

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During covid my former company made record profits 2 years in a row; nearly doubling their annual profits. I had an open position on my team and had to hire a new employee. I got to pick the candidate and HR handled their offer and compensation package. The amount of disrespect they showed in their offers made me lose a lot of good candidates and in the end the person that was hired left after a few months when we were “reorganized” and he was going to be moved and dropped from L3 support down to L1 and his salary was going to be cut in half. I wrote letters of recommendation for all my team members and I'm happy to say all of us left for greener pastures. At one point I was even told my most senior employee couldn’t earn more than me despite his years of tenure and complication of his role. I had no issue with it but it apparently was against “company policy”

Fuck greedy companies!

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I’m just shocked that the NYPD didn’t kill 50% of the people arrested. Most useless bunch of assholes on planet earth.

I say this as a NY’er and as a person whose personal experiences with them have taught me that they’re absolute trash

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In America, if a corner exists a company will cut it.

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Social media has been out of ideas since we got video chat. The fact is people want a free place on the internet to share interests with other people and communicate with them. Every company tries to figure out how to monetize it.

So of course they’re out of ideas, they never had them in the first place. Capitalism cannot drive progress

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It was never about the children.

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It’s so funny that the man who pushed the “fake news” narrative was in bed with the National Enquirer — a publication that’s literally the definition of fake news

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So no more federal funding for Nebraska??

If he doesn’t believe in welfare, surely he doesn’t believe in government aid or subsidies

That goes for every citizen of Nebraska, and if you don’t like it vote him out!

I’m tired of this fucking pissing contest between Republicans and people that care about others

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What in the fuck is happening in this country?!

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Amazon Basics “Douchebag Collection”

You know, firing C level employees creates a lottttttttta cap space for actual employees!

I’ll save you the Reddit click:

Existing awards will be removed from posts and comments; this will happen after Coins/Awards are sunset on Sept 12.

The changes we are announcing today will not have an impact on award-related trophies on user profiles, except that once awards are no longer available, those trophies will stop being delivered.

These changes also won’t have an impact on users who have already accumulated Premium via gifted awards.

Don’t talk about gender identity under fear of losing your license; teach kids that slavery was a positive experience for those in captivity; allow blatant BS to be added to your curriculums because it aligns with your incredibly fucked up values

Ronny Dos Meatballs you are a fucking prick!

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Charge the hospital administration with Gross Negligence, Manslaughter and any other charges that will apply and correct this trend. Healthcare isn’t a privilege, it’s a basic human right and access to it should not be denied

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Substantially so, he is the worst president in US history. He can hug all the flags he likes, but at the end of the day he’s for Donald Trump not the United States

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Quit Reddit! Join Lemmy

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More to consider when selecting an airline. Greedy fuckers, I hope their stock takes a nosedive thanks to this

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A bunch of rich folks gathered in a room to discuss how to defeat the democrats should tell you all you need to know about where your vote should go.

The direction of the rich should be ignored entirely. Whatever they want will only trickle up.

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There’s a reason cops are called pigs, cause they’re fucking disgusting and shouldn’t be associated with actual humans!

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When are they gonna start wearing little red armbands?

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All he does is lash out and shit his Depends. He is literally a toddler

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I’ve been told that their was no riot. That it was all made up and that Antifa and BLM and Biden had people dress up like MAGA supporters in an attempt to make Trump look bad.

I wish I was making that up. But sadly, there are many brainwashed fools out there who believe crazy nonsense like this. I mean FFS its 2024 and there are people out there who think the earth is flat.

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So you’re saying there’s a chance he’s just gonna disappear one day. DON’T YOU TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS IF YOU DON’T REALLY MEAN IT!!

I’d love to buy a house, I really would. But even with our salaries combined my wife and I won’t be able to do it any time soon. And it sucks

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Are we surprised?

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UX designers present to Directors and VPs; VPs and Directors speak to their C-level; C-level and Board want more money; VPs and Directors tell UX/UI team; UX team complains; designers fired; UI outsourced at 2x rate; Ad driven website achieved; Consumer Satisfaction drops; Revenue increases; Board rich; People poor; Sad

Difference between most Democrats and Republicans is that if a Democrat committed a crime another Democrat would want them prosecuted, same if a Republican committed a crime. Whereas if a Republican committed a crime other Republicans want the charges dropped and if a Democrat committed a crime they’d be calling for the death penalty.

Crimes are bad, mmm-kay. Doesn’t matter what side you’re on, mmm-kay. So, let’s not be bad, mmm-kay.

Fuck it; at this point stuff his face with Big Macs until he bursts! He’s never going to jail, so lets clog those arteries until we’re done with this shit stain

If a company wouldn’t hire me for my beliefs chances are I don’t wanna work there anyway.

When these students/people in general are searching for somewhere to work, a company’s values should align with your own.

Fuck letting the Zuckin billionaire into this party! Build your own shit communities with your own shitty user base

That’s by design. Force your opposition to sell, bankrupt them and write off the loses. Shrink the industry and force players to sign up for your subscription services.

I’m not a fan, but it’s hard to see this wasn’t their plan from the get go

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I think I already know the answer and I think it’s because doing so would expose tons already in power, and even more in the past.

But, why hasn’t the KKK been labeled a terrorist organization in the US?

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I love that Xena, Warrior Princess stepped in to let HerQles know how stupid he is. “No, Peanut” lmfao

How is it possible for the NFL and other sports to be shown on broadcast television and pay their athletes insane amounts of money but the UFC can’t do the same? Make it free and broadcast it on CBS or FOX. Take your money from the advertising and end the stupid PPV greed

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