1 Post – 287 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Alternative title: People creeped out after woman discovers what tech literate people have been saying to do for a decade

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Epic bought rocket league and promptly tanked it in favor of their stupid fortniteverse. Maybe steam keeps winning because they're not actively screwing over their customers.

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They don't want to deescalate. They already had a big celebration planned in their head for murdering someone before they even do the act. They want to kill people so they can look like some hero. These people are sick and as far as I'm concerned their punishment should equal their crime.

So this is scam right? Overpromise on a product that doesn't work then sell the company for some huge price because it's cutting edge technology? Because it feels like a scam.

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Single threaded performance was the only reason to go Intel.

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I really don't believe twitch is blocking Firefox. Check your add-ons, clear cookies, etc.

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Hey Google, maybe you assholes should realize that if people are willing to jump through this many hoops to not watch ads then maybe you should realize that ads are the problem, not users. Nobody wants ads shoved down their throat so kindly go fuck yourselves. Advertising is a cancer. I've been trying to convince people how dangerous attention grabbing billboards are but nobody seems to care.

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Just bought an 11 year old car for 12k. Because a new one would've wiped out my savings and then some after saving for 5 years to replace my 20 year old car. Nobody can afford shit.

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Was thinking "what speculation"? An F-16 is going to draw a lot of attention very very quickly. Nobody is speculating because either they have them or they don't and it's not much of a secret.

Lol. They're not dealing with boomers who don't know how to pirate anymore. We grew up learning how to pirate as kids who won't deal with that bullshit.

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It reminds me of a kid telling their parents not to check on something because they know they'll get in trouble.

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On paper yes. In reality...

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That's a lot of weird assumptions in one post.

Or just don't buy HP.

Right? There's no pilot shortage. Like with every other labor shortage it's a wage issue.

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They could always just close their coal power plants. Idk why they don't.

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Oh no people can't afford anything how can we fix this? Maybe more pizza parties? Or how about forcing people to come back to the office and burn their own money in gas and other expenses? Maybe try raising prices more while keeping wages low, that will fix it!

Too late. They let their community fester and become toxic to all new programmers and have developed a nasty reputation. I don't have an account there because of that reputation, and why would I now that I have access to chatgpt? They should've ended the gatekeeping like 10 years ago but they didn't.

I can only assume the rule was proposed since the site's growth probably stagnated from the toxicity.

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Letting oil warm up for a bit. Why do you care?

No were not doom spending. We literally don't have cash to save up. What else are we supposed to do? Live in a run down car by the river and not spend a dime on anything so we can pretend to have a retirement?

Not just that but people just do not fucking care anymore. I have to walk into lots of large stores for my job and it's almost every lot some asshole has to speed through so they don't have to wait for somebody walking into the store. Even had some asshole run their car up right next to me then stop just before hitting me and when I stopped he was just smiling at me. Fuckers like that belong in jail threatening people with a vehicle.

I've spent the last 18 months learning how to program so I could get a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself, not being ironic, and now this bullshit. Am I just forever doomed to be miserable and just not enjoy anything or have a single break in life?

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And this is why I consider advertisers leeches. Anything to get more crap shoved in our faces no matter what it costs us, not them.

All I can find about their next game is called "In the Valley of Gods" which looks like it is still being developed. What game was cancelled? Also how is that the same as buying an IP then running it into the ground so their main IP can get a mildly popular game mode that will likely be forgotten about in a couple months? I'm already bored of rocket racing and I only installed it because a friend kept begging me to play fortnite zero build which I also don't enjoy.

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I go out of my way to avoid them already. They changed their sauce or something like 10 years ago and it tasted awful.

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It's more like co-owning. Both the owner and the HOA own the property. But at least with my HOA the agreement is they handle everything outside my walls, I handle everything inside.

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I used to have a program called netlimiter (needed to throttle individual aop downloads on a shared WISP that was slow as balls). I bought a lifetime license like 10 years ago because I liked the software. A couple years ago they got rid of the old version and bumped me up to the new version. About a year ago I got an email saying something along the lines of "pay our new subscription fee or you lose your access" and basically put me on a trial account. I pirated their old version years ago to see if I liked the software enough after a couple months. I no longer use that software.

Another time I bought a lifetime access for a game on patreon. About 2 years later the dev switched to a subscription only fee to access all the new content and never released anything from updated versions to the older public release. So essentially I bumped down to a free tier of access to a game I paid for.

I will pirate until I die. Fuck these douchebags.

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Ah yes, "work or we will unplug your server" sounds like a great future.

No that's where the pee is stored.

Agreed. Anything sold with the intention of being used with a subscription service should have 10 years of support.

Companies should not only pay out much more for a class action but also replace the product sold. It's insane how they can just constantly steal from us and just get a tiny fine.

Is this really an ADHD thing? I'm not diagnosed but I do this constantly. Visiting parents in the evening? Day gone. Errands that will only take me an hour? Day is gone so I guess I'll play video games or something I can hop out of at any time since my day is over.

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Holy shit your comments are a joke lol.

This guy just makes a lot of long winded posts insulting people. Block and report.

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I feel like they're trying real hard to blame "screen time" when in reality people are able to keep up with all the horrid shit corporations are getting away with now. It's like some form of pseudo censoring. Blame too much screen time because people are more informed now than ever.

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I don't think they're making an argument that vaping is healthy, just that it's less harmful than literal ash in your lungs.

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If I don't own the games I bought them piracy isn't stealing. It goes both ways fuckers.

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I'm still not cool with them raising PC games from $50 to $60 almost 20 years ago just because they could and used the console parity excuse due to their licensing fees. I don't think I've bought a AAA game since EA's stunts around 2012/2013.

I just cancelled. Was thinking about doing it during the last price hike but never got around to it. Good thing they announced it now since it was going to renewed on the 15th of October.


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