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Joined 9 months ago

I wasn't raised with cable so TV isn't my thing, but I was fortunate enough to live by a $1 theatre and watch all kind of movies in a theatre, I'm just gonna go back to that. Once I find a dollar theatre.

But wait... that means they can claim them as dependents right?

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Pilot shortage? I know more unemployed pilots that tech workers.

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This is a tactic Oregon representatives use quite often. So we voted on a bill stating that if you miss 10 or more sessions you're in eligible to run for office again.

Once we're able to synergize the increased throughput of our knowledge capacity we're likely to exceed shareholder expectation and increase returns company wide so employee defecation won't be throttled by our ability to process sanity.

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He should have been forced to sell all of his properties prior to his presidency.

I just found out my account that I deleted, was in fact not deleted.

Don't forget about the Uyghurs who have been living in fear China will harvest their organs.

The shitty part - there is a lot of this happening and it's quite exhausting. Like when does the fire-bombing start?

I attended an auction in UT where I came across guns like this and the part that was destroyed on most of them was the serial number. Yay 'Merica and upcycling?

I 100% understand the need to charge for these services, but how much profit this IP has generated should have secured all funding for future expansions and more economical pricing.

Subs should drop to $5mo with expansions starting off at $20ea. Hell make the "Classic" servers F2P.

I'm gonna make my own mmo, with a TCG and Furries.

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I'm gonna go with the Romans?

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The food isn't as good.

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Hope I'm attractive enough to make a living on 0nlyF@ns

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My explanation is that I went to Pop_OS and never looked back.

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Could the residences of the guests be published instead, that way it will be easier to accidentally drop cocktails off?

so we can have a barbeque to eat the fucking rich?

I miss the old Netflix, where discs would come to my house.

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Best part. Once it returned errors... I almost cried.

Student loans

I wasn't being paid for advertisement

Do most U.S. Libertarians not see themselves this way?

I had always been a fan of smoking and chewing. One day, a friend showed me his Strawberry Shortcake vape. I never looked back. Lemon Pound cake vape for days.

Eventually I got into making large bottles of ejuice. Then I just gradually lowered the quantity of nicotine.

Once I hit that 0 nicotine, I just worked on decreasing my frequency. Then one day I bronchitis and I was like: okay I'm done.

Wasn't he also on Weeds as Nancy Botwins sole bakery employee?

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Meat, nobody tastes good anymore.

I like the cut of your jib

Give Texas back to Mexico.

I thought they were eh'holes?

You know they will wait for 3 days outside Maralago for the third cumming of christ.

I really want to say yes because I love weed.

I take a prescribed medication for my anxiety, along with the support of talking to strangers about what my stresses are and that definitely helps.

I've used CBD for a 6mo period of time and I feel that it didn't help the situation, but masked it during times when I would be exposed to my stressors. So if I used something throughout the week, that meant I'd have a breakdown/meltdown over the weekend where I could just eat a tub of junk food and binge watch a show. I really thought it was helping ke, but like any substance you develop a tolerance.

So I just stuck with weed, but eventually the same problem would come up where I was just masking it, but I was high and smiling all the time. Productivity kinda dropped but boy did reading become fun again.

I really hate pumping my body full of pills, and I'm not going to lie and say it's not masking it either, but I feel like the mask is a constant while I work out my issues it a healthier way vs. just kinda sitting around in a fog.

What's comical is that I'm finding out my cause for anxiety seems to be coming from what I think ADHD is? My inability to focus on projects and see them to completion is a HUGE stressor to me, making me anxious all the time. I think once I'm in a better headspace I'll transition to looking into that deeper in hopes that my assumption is correct.

I've been trying to wrap my head around a decentralized git so I can release a pokemon rom hack.

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Isn't Joseph's pronoun in Hebrew she/her? Hence the perfume cart and the shocking response from pharoahs wife once "he" was naked?

Oof, that will have to be a very busy day. But if it's just for one day then I guess just sleep it off.

Right? 7am here and my day is already being dictated to me.

So far it's shit.

I really believe individuals are looking at the issues wrong. Choose a side because of this choose a side because of that. Why aren't we rephrasing it as - stay away from that side, he doesn't know who the current President is. Stay away from that side who believes people are "vermin" Stay away from that side, it's a bunch of old dudes that dodged the draft to do drugs.

People should start choosing elected officials that will help us, not tear another individual down.

We have a generation of geniuses that haven't figured out how to fix private insurance yet we can develop AI that can scan images for any abnormalities with a higher success rate than doctors.

We can design and model infrastructure to be more efficient yet we'll keep those plans in the attic and let them go to waste.

Greed will win, and I don't know how to communicate that I can solve all of these problems without demonstrating I too am greedy, but my currency is human progression, and a few extra bucks to get us there.

Only individuals who want to defend the Constitution should be allowed to run for President.

Meh... give TX back to Mexico.

I'm calling HR


I feel that modern day politics are proof the CIA didn't assassinate JFK.

First they came for our Lead based fuel Then they came for our Lead based paint They're not touching Lead based ammo, because Lead based ammo isn't killing people. People are killing people.

Haha... many other developed countries.

Punky Eufster