Killing the Middlemen in the Rideshare Industry to – 254 points –
Killing the Middlemen in the Rideshare Industry

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It has already been done, that's what the article is about:

Currently based in NYC, but getting ready for a big launch in Minneapolis in response to the incumbent rideshare companies pulling out of the city in protest of increased rideshare regulation. Big opportunity to seize some marketshare without needing that much startup capital if your better financed competitors are removing themselves from that part of the market.

Best of luck to them. I'd love if this became a reality, it would make the whole gig economy a better place.

Past few times I have tried it. No drivers in Denver. I will keep trying but they need more drivers and this is not something that happens overnight

Yeah I think it's pretty much just in NYC for now, with a big launch in Minneapolis in progress. Hopefully they get to Denver soon!