1 Post – 279 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Awwww so cute! I remember seeing a dog a lot like this in Denver the underbite is such a cute look on some dogs

It’s not to bad as others are saying. Real question is to why you don’t want to use the installer?

They are quite good. I just used one for a Gentoo install because I have better things to do with my time. Can I do it for the millionth time sure by hand sure but what’s the point? End result is more consistent than me as a human doing it by hand

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I wanna know who/(what bots) are down voting this post

I was not crazy for him in 2016 but he has grown on me a lot. I think he is a great candidate! Biggest issue this election cycle is he is gay. Lot of bigots will not vote for him because of it and go for Trump.

I really hope he make a presidential run again!

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That answer would shock you. Lot of older people it’s still an issue especially in the Midwest and in the south. Your younger more progressive voters it will not change a thing. Hamas is probably the most polarizing issue for the younger voters right now

Why I send my kids off with a Browning M2. We ain’t playing

Will there be a gun rebate now? I need to protect myself from this public crisis

Yuuuup, and a lot of times the people that get parodied love it. It’s like fuck me! We made it to the point where South Park makes fun of us. Only person I know of that got pissed was Kanye but fuck that guy anyways

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Man what a wild ride ReiserFS has been. I remember when it was the mainline FS in a lot of Linux distros. Good on Hans to right some wrongs. Prison has done some good on him

No shit we knew this like 20 years

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That’s a losing move for Biden and he knows it. It’s like going to a zoo and a monkey just throwing shit at you for 90 minutes. Trump will just word vomit about nothing and declare himself the winner. Sometime the only winning move in a game is not playing at all. Kind of like nuclear war

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Picture make it look like Zucc mullet

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Still order like grandpa. I go in and want to talk to a human and order. I hate those gross ass touchscreens. I am probably a minority especially in my age group and working in tech

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Old Mormon joke:

What’s the fastest way to go though a case of beer?

  • Invite a Mormon fishing.

What’s the best way to keep that case of beer to yourself?

  • invite two Mormons fishing

Please come to Colorado!!!!! I have my Aldi’s quarter ready!

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I am thinking about getting robot legs. It’s a risky operation but worth it

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Basically a threesome every night 🤣

All joke aside these girls are bad ass I could not imagine being in their situation. I remember them dating different people for a while which would have been interesting for everyone…. Glad they figured it out with a life partner

Geewiz I bought my my car to play Steam game!! /s

No, av would not stop this kind of attack….

ClamAV is used widely though on inbound SFTP shares though in a corporate environment

Cool, let’s pull back their federal funding and see how things go

Does it have a replaceable battery and can I still use it as a murder weapon and place a call afterwards? Asking for a friend

NFL this weekend forcing you to have a Peacock subscription for a playoff game. Are you crazy?!?

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It was said some monks would only drink beer during Lent as part of their fasting.

There also is this man who raises charity money doing it as well

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This seems to track for Idaho. Super large Mormon and white supremacies population there

Poor Rudolph has a really bad herpes outbreak going on right now

God I want this so so bad! But I don’t think it will happen since he has yet to be convicted of the crime. Hate to say it but innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. Hope that happens sooner rather then later

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This is some 2 year old logic

git commit -m “changed somethings “

git push origin master

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Why the fuck didn’t you call the fucking cops then????

“ One of Carter's neighbors believes that he was running a human trafficking operation and other illegal activity from his home. “He had just kind of explained that, um, he had some girls that were in there, and he never used the word locked up, but, um, he was kind of protecting them from themselves,” Jedediah Beights told Click 2 Houston.“

It’s not gay if it’s a young boy duh! /s

This is actually a huge issue though on accepting the LGBTQ+ community at large and getting them in at least here in the United States. A lot of other religions have started to and I have gay and trans friends that go to these churches because they accept them for who they are and don’t try to shame them or try to change them

Ask from a security and compliance perspective of I need to see an SBOM. See if it’s in that report

Yuuuup lowest pay bump I have gotten was 10k highest was over 50k with the potential of a bonus. I got low balled for a long years and am now like pay me. Wish I would have seen/known my worth long ago before getting taken advantage of

Hell yeah! Great choice choosing Tumbleweed!!!! It’s been my go to for years

Amazing what a ghost writer can do lol

Time for OP to install a User Agent Switcher plugin

Laughs in OpenSuSe 42