2 Post – 494 Comments
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This is exactly it, and it has to do with the Norman Conquest. After 1066, French was the language of the hurling ruling class and English was for commoners. As such, a lot of French words got borrowed into English, and they usually carried a higher status. Cow vs beef, deer vs venison, that kind of thing.

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I forget the numbers I've heard, but that sounds right. It's also important to remember that in the 11th century, English vocabulary was much smaller than it is today, so those 10,000 words were a much larger proportion of the English language than might be apparent.

Another thing to know is that English was heavily influenced by Old Norse prior to the Norman Conquest, too. The mixing of those three languages, each having some differences in grammar and inflection, ended with English dropping a lot of inflections and turning to word position in a sentence to determine what's subject, object, verb.

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It starts with proto-Indo-European (PIE), and is a fantastic mixture of history and language and how the two intersect. And no ads!

I've been watching Monk recently, without ads, and it's very interesting how television shows used to be written and edited for commercials. It's dead obvious where the commercials used to be, and even that detracts from the overall experience.

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There's a reason we don't have hood ornaments anymore, but somehow a vehicle completely constructed of sharp corners and edges is just fine.

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Literally all he needs to do is shut the fuck up and collect money, and he can't even manage that.

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Just imagine how many infectious diseases could be greatly diminished or eliminated if people, I dunno, listened to healthcare professionals.

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Prosecution should make a motion to exclude him from the courtroom.

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The car’s owner, Renee Sanchez, was taking her granddaughter to the zoo, but after loading the child in the Model Y, she closed the door and wasn’t able to open it again. “My phone key wouldn’t open it,” Sanchez said in an interview with Arizona’s Family. “My car key wouldn’t open it.” She called emergency services, and firefighters were dispatched to help.

Just so nobody thinks someone left a kid in the car and then went into a store or something. Tesla should be paying for the broken window repair at the very least.

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I'm a pro-life person ... there are times when you need an abortion.

That's pro-choice my man.

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"What, they’re going to start seizing assets if he can’t put up something that’s not available in the United States?"


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Diogenes was captured by pirates while on voyage to Aegina and sold as a slave ... Being asked his trade, he replied that he knew no trade but that of governing men, and that he wished to be sold to a man who needed a master.

Fucking savage.

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The irony of Mr. "I demand $56B to stay with the company, even though I already have more money than God" demanding at maximum $351,500 from six people who got shitcanned.

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Instead, they would only accept cash to the tune of $1 billion, ...

"I need a $500M loan, what do you want for collateral?"

"One billion dollars."

This is absolutely hilarious. Even Trump's cash is only worth 50% of its face value.

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This is what happens when you just "print more money."

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... the ABC entered "Miscellaneous Ad Interim Permits," which allow the facilities to continue serving alcohol until a hearing on the renewals is held.

So, still no consequences.

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And that's how you know ranked choice voting is the right thing.

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Play bow. Dogs do this to each other, too, as a signal that they want to play.

Source: I speak dog.

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Nope, that was Julius Caesar. Who also told the pirates that he would return and crucify every one of them. After his release, he assembled a posse, went to the city he'd been captured in - where the dumb pirates had returned to - captured them all and turned them over to authorities.

When the authorities were not taking swift enough action, Caesar demanded the pirates be remanded to his custody, and because of his sociopolitical clout, they were - and summarily crucified.

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The bond Trump is posting with the court now is essentially a placeholder, meant to guarantee payment if the judgment is upheld.

I'm curious as to how a $175M bond is supposed to guarantee a $454M judgment.

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Trump's nonsense immunity claim doesn't even apply here. He is not president. He has been found in criminal contempt for actions he took when not president.

I am 100% certain that everyone is handling him with kid gloves because they know that treating him like any other defendant would likely result in violence. Well, guess what? There's gonna be violence in November (and/or January and beyond) no matter what the election results are. Trump loses? Violence because "stolen election." Trump wins? Violence because "Now we can hurt all the people we've always wanted to hurt."

It's not a matter of "if." It's "when" and "to what extent." Justifiably jailing Trump controls the "when," making the response to "to what extent" more effective. It would also force Trump and his menials' hands before the election.

Let's fucking go.

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Armed agents of the state with the power to detain, arrest, and imprison are explicitly excluded from oversight. What could go wrong?

"That there was a craigslist ad" is evidence of absolutely nothing. Let's review that headline:

  • Election commissioner Yup.
  • presents evidence Nope.
  • that Trump Nope.
  • caught Nope.
  • paying people to attend rally Yup.

So the somehow more accurate headline reads:

Election commissioner 'paying people to attend rally'

This article is bullshit propaganda. And before you cry foul, check my comment history. We should all demand accurate journalism about everything, and call it out when it's bullshit.

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Headline wildly overstates. "Donors" here means two people.

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You know, I get if they want to do this to Home editions, but why in the world would they do this to all editions? At the very least, this should never apply to domain-joined computers.

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If fried chicken and watermelon were the only things served, then there's a problem. Otherwise, no.

Unless the other things served were grape drink and Newports.

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... monkey torture enthusiasts ...


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They don't even realize that that's not how appeals work. It's not just "the appellate court says acquittal," there needs to A) have been a failure in the legal process which B) would have been impactful on the jury's verdict during the first trial for an appeal to be successful. Appellate courts only address the legal process. An appellate court would only get into addressing the facts of the case if there was an absolutely glaring smoking gun to point to some evidence or testimony having been false.

You know, like Allen Weisselberg does when he testifies.

Even if an appellate court was to side with Trump's appeal, that just means it goes back to the lower court to be tried again, unless the DA goes "yeah, forget it."

Wouldn't it be unfortunate if someone reported that kind of thing? Which one should do, since we're talking about a convicted felon possessing firearms.

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How about Uber Feet, where you pay to walk somewhere?

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Every accusation is a confession.

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There is a fine - but very important - line between someone who lives in a barrel jar and jerks off in the middle of the street and someone who lives in a barrel jar and jerks off in the middle of the street for philosophical reasons.

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I remember when, if a former president and current major party nominee for the next presidential election was a convicted felon, that person's political career would be over.

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Alito is either a traitor or too stupid to recognize what would make him appear to be a traitor. In either case, unfit to serve in any office, let alone sit on SCOTUS.

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A decent search tool is right around the corner.

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This is just naked corruption, making promises to the oil execs he's been trying to curry favor with, right? Because apart from that - the thing that might put more money in Trump's pocket - I can't fathom what the point would be.

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Putin is welcome to cease firing any time he likes.

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Conservatives, they don't send their best and brightest.

Oh god, maybe they do.

That's not how appeals courts work. EDIT: Except in New York State. Please refer to this comment for more details.

Appeals courts only address matters of law, not matters of fact. There would need to have been a legal error in the process of the first trial so large that it would have impacted the jury's decision. In the best case for Trump, the appeals court would find that, and then send the case back to be retried (though depending on the error identified, the prosecution can choose whether to retry the case or not).

Appeals courts don't just say "No, we decided you're innocent! OVERTURNED!" and we know this because of Trumps previous appeal attempts on other shit.

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