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Joined 11 months ago

Iron males is something I can imagine some incel dreaming up. It might be a fun troll.

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The funny thing about disasters is that they tend to bring out the best in people. Read Solnit’s A Paradise Built in Hell for a good survey of the phenomenon. Elites tend to panic and get the rest of us killed during a crisis while we the people are unfucking things cooperatively.

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It is widely understood in the white supremacy community that this would happen. But they are a bunch of fucking dipshits.

Molly Conger has an excellent podcast that highlights people like this called “Weird Little Guys”. This tactic is mentioned in like 50% of episodes.

It’s a great book. I listened to the audiobook from the library.

I was introduced to the concept from the Behind the Bastards episode “Elite Panic” which is a great introduction to the topic and my favorite BtB episode of all time.

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That might be a bit hyperbolic. It is a really good one but the adventure park one is the best episode based on how funny it is. And the little Nazis one is probably better in terms of content. But it is a really good single episode that I recommend to people that is eye opening.

They should make this the default.

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I fucking hate that the crypto currency ghouls have captured the word “crypto”. When I first read this I was wondering why in the fuck would Linus not like cryptography. My brain is old and crypto will always mean cryptography.

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““Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.””

Lady, you realize your party did a fucking coup? Fuck off.

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Can we stop calling insurrectionists “rioters”?

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I hope he speaks so long that he dies of heat stroke.

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Make sure Nazis know that you pour milk in your eyes for mace. It also works for itchy eyes and all sorts of other things. Use raw milk for best results. Only works for Nazis.

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Law and order is just a thinly veiled reference to using police and prisons to abuse black and brown people.

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The federalist society six on the Supreme Court have been throwing out tons of law (abortion is the big one) based on bullshit readings of the law. That is the happy guy.

The sad guy is sad because Trump was convicted of 34 charges yesterday in relationship to his election interference case. He improperly edited his books to hide the fact that he paid a porn star to not speak about their affair before the 2016 election. This conviction has really pissed off Trumpers because they are credulous dipshits.

Amateurs. Never put a date on your rapture predictions. Just say it is happening soon.

I thought it was our ability to just run and run and run that broke evolution.

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Do yourself a favor and watch this video. Literally the funniest and most horrifying thing you’ll watch today.

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They put people from food not bombs on trial in Houston not long ago. The jury came back with a non guilty verdict because the law is fucking stupid and feeding hungry people is always good.

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The fact that Wu Tang made this thing is gross. Fuck that art collector bullshit.

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Yes, because a court that found immunity in the constitution where there is none will give one flying fuck about a statute.

Do something real like campaign on adding non corrupt justices.

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I buy sterile saline all the time. I think they probably just didn’t give a damn.

Imagine the pain those people went through when they didn’t get their pain meds.

Fuck that nurse.

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These fucks who claim to be all about personal freedom sure hate when people make choices about their own bodies.

The truly frustrating thing about all of this is that the courts composition can be changed by acts of congress. The republicans pulled some massive bullshit to get this court. Biden could run with the campaign promise to unfuck the Supreme Court. This would be massively popular. Just add justices to rebalance the court. It can be done.

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The PhD is apparently only honorary. I was curious because it’d be nuts to be an undergrad learning music theory from Bruce Fucking Dickinson.

Everything else seems to check out. He also performed in Sarajevo during the siege in 94 which is pretty fucking badass.

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This, but I do wish this guy dead. Fuck him.

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I would probably throw myself at the people that killed my family. Try to take a few of them out.

Sort of makes me wonder if killing all these Palestinians is really going to bring about peace for the Israelis. I think not.

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Criminalization hasn’t made the problem any better.

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Sovcit learned why states have power over us.

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It is also sort of like the WWII US grenade being modeled on a baseball because every young American knew how to throw a ball.

Everyone has used gaming controllers, so it is a familiar control system.

Ask everyone about their salary. Salary transparency is a good way to show solidarity with your coworkers.

Why would I believe anything andreesen Horowitz says about anything, let alone gaming? These people believed that NFTs were the future of gaming. Grifter bellends.

Very normal Zionist behavior.

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I’m glad fascists are fucking stupid. That kid is going to be so pissed at his dipshit mom for a good long time. Fuck them both.

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The only Liberal Democracy in the Middle East™.

Haha eat shit fascist.

Real “League of National German Jews” vibes.

I asked it how to uninstall itself. It responded with the command line. I copy and pasted (this was probably dangerous, given that LLMs lie, but whatever). Now I no longer have it on my task bar. This is sort of like the open edge to get Firefox deal I’ve always had when using a fresh install.

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This seems like a bad place to put a town

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He crossed it before he was president when he suggested he wouldn’t accept the results of an election.

Mia is about the only person I miss from my Twitter days. Luckily I hear them about weekly on It Could Happen Here

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