Live updates: Multiple victims in shooting near Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade to – 258 points –
Live updates: Multiple victims in shooting near Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade

The only thing more American than the Super Bowl is a mass shooting.

1 dead, 3 in critical, 5 serious, per KCFD.


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The only way Republicans would consider gun control is if the mass shooting was done by Taylor Swift and Joe Biden whilst holding hands and wearing pride flag t-shirts...

Historically speaking, the only way they would consider gun control is if we handed minorities guns.

The last time serious gun control was passed was when the Black Panthers armed themselves.

And signed into law by then-governor Reagan, no less!

A gun store near me, here in southern California, has a picture of Reagan on the wall. Standing under that picture I listened to an employee explain to a man in a wheel chair that the recoil from a Desert Eagle would push him backwards across the room.

Ugh, nobody talk to me, just sell me my bullets.

I'm convinced that if Dems came out and said, "we think ownership of the AR15 and any replica thereof is a human right!" then Republicans in their classic Anti-Dem platform would pivot to advocacy for a nation-wide ban.

Nah, just reboot the Black Panthers and have them march on every state capitol with legal guns.

A bunch of armed black folks even convinced Saint Ronald to pass a gun law.

They should start using reverse psychology on them. "Ukraine needs to be destroyed by Russia! Health care should remain private! Universal basic income is a terrible idea!"

We should have gun control.

Our generation and those alive are fucked however. There are so many guns in circulation even strict rules would not stop this shit.

But our future will be Improved.

That's why we need to focus on the why it happens, not what tool is used.

We need safety nets for people, single payer healthcare, ending the war on drugs and rebuilding our mental health support system. Ending for profit prisons and creating ubi so people don't turn to crime when they see no other ways to survive. Rebuilding our education system as well, pay teachers more build more schools and hire more teachers, so we don't have 40 kids to a single class room. There is so much we can do that wouldn't need to even have new laws on the books that would curb all violence 1000xs what another awb would accomplish.

We don't need gun control. We need to remove the government regulation that prevents civil law suits against gun manufacturers. No reason they should get that special privilege.