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So this was at the bottom of the article where McConnell weighs in “this is why congress shouldn’t run for 5 weeks straight, things get weird.” Wtf, what about everyone else in the world that works 52 weeks straight. Just another example of how out of touch some representatives are.

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I’m so tired of businesses claiming that the only way for a company to be successful is if everyone is in person for the dear dear meetings. We all know exactly what this is about. 1. It’s more dofficult to micromanage employees when a manger can’t constantly observe them, and 2. All the giant real estate investments companies have made is now coming due and they cant fill up their buildings fast enough to get those tax breaks. Why the hell else are they “tracking” people in the office. Meanwhile senior leadership can come and go whenever they see fit. It’s control. Plain and simple.

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I was a long time pirate back in the day, and thinking of sailing once again. However all my old booty spots are gone. What is Jellyfin?

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You know, I really thought that the pandemic might have been the beginning of a paradigm shift. It was a terrible time, but I think a good majority of people were beginning to realize just how insane our world was and we all slowed down for a second and realized that we don’t need to be in the office 5 days a week. Welp, I guess I shouldn’t have been so damn naive. Employers decided that they couldn’t micromanage as efficiently as they wanted and those millions of dollars of real estate weren’t going to pay for themselves. Now it’s amazing how much our “cOmPaNy CuLtUrE” needs improvement or how collaboration just “iSnT aS gOoD” as face to face. Fuck you all, it’s money and control, plain and simple.

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I feel like I’ve seen a million of these “oh he might have done this” and none of them have been a “gotcha” moment. Agreed throw it on the pile. This is going to be a god awful election year.

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And our most famous monument says “give me your tired, your hungry, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”

But I guess that only belongs to Texans who have had that freedom their whole life and are threatened by others seeking the same thing.

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The problem is, this is still decietful. If this is an issue then the correct move would be to make every item on the menu 18% more expensive as a base. Because now, they still get to say “oh well our prices are still low come eat here and get “X item” for “Y price” but that’s not true anymore because of the service charge. It’s just a way to keep menu items lower in price but increase the price at the end.

That makes a lot of sense. I didn’t know Ireland had such strong solidarity with Palestine. I remember a story way back when the potato famine was happening and Ireland sent what little they could to the native Americans. Same story there. An oppressed people in their own homeland by a dominant military power.

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This sounds like another one of those “well the state has no obligation to actually protect its citizens. So therefore you can’t force us to provide life saving procedures.” I am a dude and this just boils my blood. Maybe there is just no fixing that god forsaken state. Texas, Florida and Idaho.

I’m not a religious dude, but I do know that the antichrist will come as a false prophet. Followed by the whore of babalyon, taking all bets on who that one is 🤔

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How is this a political “stunt”? Our constitution grants us the ability to demonstrate for very good reasons. You like not working weekends, that was changed because of protests. Women enjoying the right to vote, demonstrations made this happen. The civil rights movement, was one of the largest protests in our nations history. But I guess they should have just “changed their Facebook photo” instead.

“Over 100 dead bodies” are still inside the hospital decomposing with no way to get them out. This is fucking horrifying to watch. Even IF there is a command center under the hospital this is the wrong way to address this issue, but Israel is too fucking angry and blood thirsty that they don’t even care. They did it today and they’ll do it again tomorrow. The article says “they were given 12 hours to evacuate” but if those instructions are anything like what they’ve been doing the entirety of the month they were vague and probably not even sent out 12 hours prior because nobody is going to find out. Fucking the evil is what this is. Nothing like punishing women and children for someone else’s actions.

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This is fantastic news for those artists. Marvel is nortorious (and many many others) for requesting changes or scope creeping to a point that entire studios are canabalising themselves in order to stay afloat. Studios going under the literal opening day of a movie. I really hope for the best for them!

They’re at it again, they refused to certify the results even when faced with a court order. If this is defeated that will set a horrible precedent that states can just refuse to certify if they don’t like the results. Crosby’s lawer is just talking g out his ass when he says there’s no basis for this. Hit those asshats with the felony charge they deserve.

Oh I know these by another name, Tastciles.

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This is just a joke reference from It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia. Put down the pitchforks.

There are zero reasons why Hamas would prevent food and aid being delivered to the people they are fighting for. Might want to lighten up on the amount of BS propaganda you’re consuming.

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Yeah they’re allowing him to speak about only what they deem as “appropriate”. Preventing him from speaking about china is not “letting him speak” as you put it. It also sounds like the reasons for not wanting to do business is pretty clear. Stewart wants to talk about things that apple feels might show them in some not great light, so they can’t have any of that.

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If you’ve been following it all, this is not even close to the first time this has happened. During this entire conflict there has been the poorest communication about where safe areas are, and when the refugees make it to that “safe place” more bombs are dropped in their heads. The Israeli state has it out for these people and they will not stop until they are all dead. The attack on Oct. 7th was nothing but a complete and total failure on the IDFs part and now they’re going to make damn sure this doesn’t happen again, even if they commit the same atrocities that led the Jewish people to this new home not a century later. Disgusting.

Edit. There > they’re

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I’m feeling the exact same way. This isn’t a scam as much as it is just plain theft. Amazon employees are stealing the packages plain and simple. And I also feel like Amazon doesn’t want to investigate itself and find out that they’ve hired thieves instead of employees.

They likely already are to be honest.

That’s how the FBI has been able to positively identify where people were during the January 6th Insurrection. The FBI said shortly after the insurrection that if you had your phone with you, you would be caught.

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But yet somehow she rolled a nat 1 on this deception check. Hahaha.

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How tf is the US still supporting these sub-human pieces of shit. Holy fuck, Biden is just letting this happen. They’ve taken what could be called as an open area prison and fully converted it to a concentration camp. I said it last night, they won’t stop until the entire state of Gaza is dead. They talk about their vision for a post war Gaza and it’s essentially just Israeli occupation “until they see fit” and there will be “no speaking out or hostility towards Israel of any kind.” At best it’s a dictatorship, and at worst a fucking death camp.

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Netanyahu says that he will not allow "international dictates regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians." But he sure as shit will keep accepting that international funding to keep up with his genocidal campaign. When the fuck will Biden finally come to his senses and stop all fucking funding for this disgraceful asshat.

I’ll say this. What works for you doesn’t always work for everyone else, and I feel like that’s kind of the point. The CEO/CFO cares more about bringing people back to the office than they do about their employees. I hear you, it’s healthy to interact with people, and If that’s what you need awesome. But a lot of other people don’t feel that same way. I think it’s going to take tolerance on both sides for this paradigm shift to be a success.

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I wonder if that’s a portion of why it’s devalued so much. I mean I know there’s a dozen or more other reasons but brand recognition could very well be one of them.

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Wait. So now they’re bombing official UN humanitarian buildings? If that is not a war crime then what the fuck is? Can’t bring in water pumps or epi pens because “they could be used for other things.” It’s time to call this what it is, collective punishment and ethnic clensing. The US NEEDS to stop funding this extermination.

Yes!! Everyone is seemingly forgetting the fact that this ass hat is under investigation for very serious corruption charges. This war makes him important enough that people are looking the other way.

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I have a question, and I’m scared to just go look it up because of bias. Is there actually an influx of migrants at the border or is this just republicans riling up the masses again? I know for a fact that Trump did this during his presidency where the “caravan of migrants” was winding up Central America, but as soon as he had successfully deflected whatever else he was hiding from, suddenly there was no caravan to worry about.

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What business is it of the school to be reporting something like this? It’s none of their business. The only thing a school should be reporting is poor academic performance or inappropriate behavior, and a child’s gender identity is neither one of those things. They question is where do you draw the line if not here? There’s been legislature put forward in some state(s) that says a young women should disclose when she is menstrating and how long ago her last one was… let’s nip this is the bud and draw the line right here, because all this is is a school snitching on transgender kids in hopes that the parents take action against them whether that is emotional, physical or both.

Excellent, now the fighting and bombing should stop. The still existing Palestinians should get access to water, food, and medicine again. Right…

Man. I wish that were the case. But I feel like America is too deep in bed with Israel to stop now. A man can dream though, a man can dream.

Absolutely the case. I’m a motion designer and thank god I work on the partnship side of my business because that’s actually bringing in money, while the owned and operated businesses are failing. All of tech has just been under the knife the last 18 months and it’s exhausting. We’ve lost two people and no new hires because it’s not in the budget.

lol did I have it the other way around. Still a cool gesture becuase both parties were pretty bad off.

Hey! I’m also sitting on a toilet! Crazy!

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Child: Mom can we have universal healthcare? Mom: We have universal healthcare at home. The healthcare we have at home:

It’s easy, pick any doctor in your network.

Smoking is not good for your health, but we as Americans are free to make that choice for ourselves. I think that’s the definition of unconstitutional. Banning something like that is only going to make it more widespread and sketchy. Look at the war on drugs and what it’s done, but sure it’ll work this time.

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I mean, I support them and the people who perform in them, but you’re not wrong. And i think that’s the whole problem. You can simply choose not to attend or pay them no attention. It doesn’t fit Into everyone’s world view and that’s alright. But to say that you cannot do it or that it’s illegal is complety absurd and i agreee with that statement that it is petected under freedom of speech.

Wow, surprised nobody recommended God of War. It’s by a mile better than any other game in the franchise, won game of the year if memory serves right. And then when you play that one you get to roll into Ragnorok which is arguably even better.

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