Live updates: Multiple victims in shooting near Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade to – 258 points –
Live updates: Multiple victims in shooting near Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade

The only thing more American than the Super Bowl is a mass shooting.

1 dead, 3 in critical, 5 serious, per KCFD.


The only way Republicans would consider gun control is if the mass shooting was done by Taylor Swift and Joe Biden whilst holding hands and wearing pride flag t-shirts...

Historically speaking, the only way they would consider gun control is if we handed minorities guns.

The last time serious gun control was passed was when the Black Panthers armed themselves.

And signed into law by then-governor Reagan, no less!

A gun store near me, here in southern California, has a picture of Reagan on the wall. Standing under that picture I listened to an employee explain to a man in a wheel chair that the recoil from a Desert Eagle would push him backwards across the room.

Ugh, nobody talk to me, just sell me my bullets.

I'm convinced that if Dems came out and said, "we think ownership of the AR15 and any replica thereof is a human right!" then Republicans in their classic Anti-Dem platform would pivot to advocacy for a nation-wide ban.

Nah, just reboot the Black Panthers and have them march on every state capitol with legal guns.

A bunch of armed black folks even convinced Saint Ronald to pass a gun law.

They should start using reverse psychology on them. "Ukraine needs to be destroyed by Russia! Health care should remain private! Universal basic income is a terrible idea!"

We should have gun control.

Our generation and those alive are fucked however. There are so many guns in circulation even strict rules would not stop this shit.

But our future will be Improved.

That's why we need to focus on the why it happens, not what tool is used.

We need safety nets for people, single payer healthcare, ending the war on drugs and rebuilding our mental health support system. Ending for profit prisons and creating ubi so people don't turn to crime when they see no other ways to survive. Rebuilding our education system as well, pay teachers more build more schools and hire more teachers, so we don't have 40 kids to a single class room. There is so much we can do that wouldn't need to even have new laws on the books that would curb all violence 1000xs what another awb would accomplish.

We don't need gun control. We need to remove the government regulation that prevents civil law suits against gun manufacturers. No reason they should get that special privilege.

Bets on what delusional conspiracy theories this one believed in?

Two, it would appear. Two shooters. FFS.

Were they working together or have we reached the point where we can have two separate shootings at the same time and place?

"sir, they are killing each other in confusion!"

"now that's my kind of policework, solves itself"

I live here. It’s most likely two different incidents. One a mass shooting and one two idiots throwing down at each other.

Another reason why I’m a hermit.

Could be 2 people shooting at each other. Could be 1 shooter and 1 "good guy" with a gun trying to stop the shooter. Could be 2 shooter working together. Could be loud sound mistaken for gunfire and then 2 "good guys" try to save the day and shoot at each other.

In my opinion these are in order of most to least likely.

If only there were some way to prevent this…

I legit believe there's nothing that we can do today, that would fix this within 100 years.

But that's not a reason to not start. It's just sad

America. It just never ends.

America is doing fine in general though. We are conditioned by the media to see news like this and assume the sky is falling, but it's not.

We are conditioned by the media to see news like this and assume the sky is falling, but it's not.

It is for the people who die or are injured. Could be you or me next.

No, it really could not be you or me next, statistically speaking. It's so unlikely that it's not at all a concern to me.

"Not me, so I don't care who gets shot" great attitude

What the heck are you talking about? None of these people expected any of this. Yet, it happened. And it happens all the time in the US.

Dude is an idiot, but coldly, those dead people aren't posting online lol so his statement is idiotically true for all time

"Crime is falling" and "America is doing fine in general" are not even slightly the same thing.

This makes me incredibly sad. We can't have shit in this country due to pathetic and incompetent governance. What's worse is that it will take a generation of time for us to dig out of this hole even if we start moving 100% in the right direction, today. It makes me sick.

We can’t have shit in this country due to pathetic and incompetent governance.

You're being way too charitable about that. The problem isn't incompetence; it's active and deliberate malice.

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What do you think would solve it?

Taking our heads out of the sand is a start. I would go into more detail but I checked your profile and I don’t think I’ll convince you of anything so we will just leave it here. Not in the mood for an argument over the same shit that keeps happening in this country.

It's sad that you think you can't discuss anything because of your prejudice against what you imagine the other person is like. Just be brave and say what you want anyway. Snooping at people's profiles is a level of investment in this whole endeavor that I've never found worthwhile, so I don't recommend it.

Womp womp person with shitty comment history makes shitty comments and says "checking profile history is prejudice, very bad."


No, you failed to comprehend what I wrote actually. The point was that I don't give a fuck what you or anybody's comment history has in it. You can look at mine all day long and I don't give a fuck either. The point being, that only lame nerds waste their time doing that.

I'm proud of my comments, please read and examine every one of them if you want. I personally choose not to waste my time on that lame bullshit though because I'm a cool dude with better things to do.

I'm a cool dude with better things to do

Famously said by cool people, right? Womp womp, the sequel.

Yep, by cool people who don't give a fuck about what you or anybody thinks. I'm living my best life out here, how about you?

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Nothing the elite that run the coutnry want us to do. They want us poor, uneducated, uncoordinated, scared, and fighting with each other.

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I fucking hate this country.

That's because Nobody had guns to SHOOT the Killer before he was able to KILL! If someone KILLED him before he KILLED them NOBODY would have DIED!

You forgot the /s right?

Your reading comprehension is absolutely fantastic, bravo

Mate, I spend half my time on lemmy arguing with pro gun idiots that make the point that the guy above made but for real. Now it's not only idiot rednecks but also lefties that need to defend themselves from nazis or wathever someone was trying to convince me about the other day. Excuse me if it wasn't obvious to me that want sarcasm, from outside the US this whole situation is surreal

At this point in American history ... I have to wonder if the shooting occurred because of US politics ... or was the shooting just PART of the parade.

That picture of the stretcher with confetti still falling is probably the most American thing I've ever seen.

Someone must already lock and load their "thoughts and prayers™"

With the extremely limited info available, it could also be two people who were wildly shooting at each other in a crowd. It would not be the first time that some stupid beef between people at a celebration escalates into a gun battle that takes out more bystanders than participants.

I don't know what's a more effective argument for gun control: That this was two idiots with beef firing off in a crowded place, or that it was some maniac with a racist manifesto.

Either way: Too many idiots have guns.

Have fun trying to take hand guns with giggle switches from gangs...

%99 this is what it was, probably gang violence that escalated.

parade was a target of opportunity I suppose?

Knowing the way shit is in KC, probably just a couple of crackhead assholes with guns who got in an argument and couldn’t be fucked about the collateral damage.

I was thinking about going down to the parade today. Glad I stayed home instead.

Based on it happening in a parking garage out of the way I'm assuming it was some (probably drunk) idiots fighting each other. I didn't go to union station this year, but last year everyone was fucked up, and shit would get rowdy at the edges.

Naturally There's people in this thread ready to jump on a tragedy to push their theories onto it. Nobody wants to wait and see what the actual cause was, and since we have two of them in custody we will know what it was about.

You can drop the N-bomb. The King in Orange made it OK.


Jesus, did you fucks miss the sarcasm tag?

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It is very poetic that the world's largest arms dealer has an issue with it's children being gunned down regularly like dogs.

Once this is reported to be gang violence no one will give a shit. No one is in custody, handgun was used probably, and beef between two gangs happening during a parade.

No gun laws are going to stop shit like this, you have to solve societies problems, then violence will drop. Gun laws are just feel good measures for people in white picket fence communities.