1 Post – 384 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Windows 11 exists for the sole purpose of requiring tpm 2.0 in order to boost new PC sales. 10+ year old hardware worked perfectly fine running win 10 and PC manufacturers were steadily losing sales as there was little or no need for organizations to replace what they had. The decision to make that requirement will result in millions of PCs going in the trash.

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Obviously they are Hamas

Most of these hospitals are non-profit. They just funnel all the money into for profit companies and management salaries.

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Marketplace and local groups for the tea.

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I'm my experience, people like this are shady AF. I had an eBay seller that sent me a car part that didn't match the photo. He kept insisting that he sent the correct part and trying to trick me into sending it back at my cost. It turns out that he was using a drop shipping service that you can use if you own a shop. He had gone out of business and was using an address of a different building that he had sold.

It also turns out that the manufacturer had used the incorrect stock photo for the part. It was neither of our faults, but he wouldn't take ownership as a seller and tried to deny my return and accused me of fraud. eBay gave me a refund on the end because he kept trying to upload something with just the return warehouse address instead of a shipping label like he was supposed to. He lived in a huge house in a major city and wanted to fight me over less than $10 in shipping.

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My attorney said that the ballif wouldn't let him in without a tie one time. He had a last minute call from a client and didn't have time to grab one. She finally let him in without one, but this guy can break any rules he wants to.

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Something something, I'd rather be alone with a bear.

Actually, that guy is completely fucked. That attorney will make sure that there is zero chance that guy can ever appeal any of his cases.

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Not checking in with someone if we made plans. My wife will ask if I texted my family to see if we're still doing the thing we planned. If I make plans with someone, then I'm going unless they tell me is cancelled. My family could make plans for 12 years from now and we'd all be there a little earlier than the time we said we would be there.

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This happened to me. Cop said I "pulled away from him" when all I did was turn my head to talk to him. He then used a wrist lock to inflict pain on me without saying why. I suspect he wanted me to "resist" him for real, but I told him to twist it harder so that it would break and he stopped. That charge was dropped of course, I suspect that he pulls this shit all the time.

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I'm excited to see more and more activity pub compatible software. These projects are created and maintained by just a few people and could stop being maintained at any point. Many of these platforms lack features that make moderation a reasonable task among other less desirable quirks. It's one of the reasons I decided against hosting my own instance.

I think it is a shame that the creators of these projects lead with stating which programming language and methodology they're using. IT DOES NOT MATTER. This is a major sticking point for the pedants. Just tell us what it does, leave the technical aspects of the project in the docs for the people that it actually matters to.

The mix of microblogging and threaded posts should be interesting. Kbin has both, but they are not intermingled. I personally don't use microblogging, but I do see screenshots of posts on here, which is basically the same thing I suppose.

As far as complaining about fracturing of the userbase, well, this is an issue across the Internet. There's Facebook groups, Reddit, message boards, YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, and too many other platforms to list, all fracturing topic enthusiasts and competing for users. I believe that more projects will allow the fediverse to contribute to grow and eventually mature into something a lot of people will use. More projects and forks means more ways to try new ideas and improvement without a single project owner preventing growth of the entire ecosystem.

They probably mean in regions it wasn't available in yet, which is a key reason people would pirate. If they just made the game available everywhere then they wouldn't have these problems.

In many red states you have to declare a party when you register to vote. This makes people think that they have to vote their party in the general election. People also don't know that you can abstain from voting for an unopposed candidate.

I use BSD btw ;)

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Short form video, infinite scrolling, and an algorithm that shows you videos based on your habits is a lot different than watching cartoons with random ads sprinkled in. Even as a kid commercial breaks were there to get up, use the bathroom, and get a snack/drink.

I guarantee that cop on the far side either shot himself in the wrist or got shot by a coworker.

If you don't have access to one through work you qualify for a deduction and a credit if you contribute to an IRA.

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Dress code is up to the judges discretion. Look up your local court dress code and see for yourself. Judges can and do require male attorneys to wear a suit and tie.

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Thrifting used to be fun Now everyone thinks they're a flipper and goodwill and other places have jacked up their prices to unreasonable levels.

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That's basically what their elected prosecutor will say, I've seen it a lot. They'll say "he has a weapon and was committing a crime, so the shooting was justified." That's what they said when my local pd shot a kid in the back when he was running away. He hadn't done anything but run away and was killed.

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It became popular during the pandemic when hiking surged in the area, and has also taken off on social media as a destination.

On one hand, fuck those rich people who live there. On the other hand, fuck those assholes that ruin places like this because they want to take pictures for social media.

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I flip items all the time, but they are items that very few people want, so I'm providing a service to the few people who need the things that I sell. If anybody needs any vintage vacuum tubes, I have several hundred. I have a Pentium III laptop. Good luck finding these things out in the wild if you're looking for them.

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Chinese spyware, has been for years now.

You must be very good at masking.

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You can put $5 a week into it if you want to. $38/ week ($2k/yr) will get you the full $1K savers credit if you don't have access to a retirement account through work. So essentially you're only contributing $1k and doubling it with the tax credit.

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The $22,500 was paid in nine monthly installments of $2,500 in 2017, the filing said.

I hope they get slapped with structuring charges too.

Being married gives you the ability to make medical decisions among other issues.

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I started a new job at this manufacturing plant. New supervisor is threatening everyone at the morning meeting that if you look at your phone for ANY reason he will write you up. See him walk by on his phone smiling not 10 minutes later. 🙄 The little shit walks around like a damn prison guard trying to catch people like they're in highschool cheating on a test. Then if you're idle for more than a minute he'll try to find some bullshit for you to do. He also micromanages things to the point that it hurts production because he has no idea what he's talking about he just wants people to look like they're busy.

The engineers that designed the production line are a bunch of dickheads too. They didn't put enough of a buffer zone between areas and the later part of the line runs slower than the first half. Their solution is to make the workers take widgets off the line by hand and then put them on again if the backend goes down.

Just give them a box of crayons to eat so the adults can get some work done for once.

Distributors send their junk to home stores because they know they won't reject it.

Freedom of assembly and speech apply to public schools since 55 years ago from the Tinker descion.

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Even if they not going to jail him they should at least sequester him with no outside contact.

Imagine getting your ass kicked by this family and the grandma just jumps in with a sandal.

It costs about $5k for a decent lawyer in the u.s. for a minor offense, not including random expenses and fees. It could cost way more depending on the complexity of the case. One trip to jail can bankrupt the average American and it's entirely up to the discretion of a cop with a highschool education and nearly unlimited immunity.

Most people can't even afford to pay bond to get out of jail, so they can lose everything they own. Certain places have "crime free housing" ordinances and the entire household can be evicted and blacklisted from renting in that town based solely on an arrest.

People didn't realize that they are on the razors edge and fuck wads like this get to walk away with no consequences.

How do you even explain that during the hiring process? That's not even enough time to figure anything out

Companies know they can make tools quieter. They didn't do it because louder sounds more powerful to consumers.

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Mechanics at your local car dealer likely get paid on flat rate. That means they get paid a set amount of hours based on the time estimate for the job, regardless of how long it takes. Also, manufacturers set lower times for warranty repairs than you would get paid if the customer had to pay. Also, if there is no book time, you have to guess ahead of time. If the vehicle comes back, you have to work on it for free. You also get service writers and managers breathing down your neck while you're trying to troubleshoot and not understanding how long things take and also pressuring you to upsell unnecessary services and repairs. Anyway, I don't work on cars anymore.

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Even the prosecutor was only asking for $1k for each violation of the gag order. That's just limp wristed finger wagging. I don't really see the point in this charade. Anybody else would be in prison for pulling that shit.

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