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Joined 11 months ago

It's a Good Thing those Lobbyists had NO WAY AT ALL to Influence the Justices with things like Gifts Trips and Money! If they did I'm SURE the Republicans would be Up In Arms since it would OBVIOUSLY be a Sign of the Deep State!

It's a Good Thing the Justices didn't take ANY Money or Gifts from Billionaires who stand to gain BILLIONS of dollars from this decision!

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It's a Good Thing the People who Benefit Most from this Ruling had NO WAY WHATSOEVER AT ALL to Bribe or Financially sway the Judges in their Favor!

Book Bans are FREEDOM!

This is a BETTER use of Tax Payer Money then simply NOT giving Israel a ton of Bombs!

This is ABSURD! Somebody needs to AMEND these laws to allow little girls to get Breast Implants!

-Republicans that totally aren't Sex Offenders like DRAG QUEENS ARE!

The Republican Supreme Court giving themselve ULTIMATE UNCHECKED POWER is PROOF Democrats are the Deep State!

I'm VERY clearly a REAL Republican because I LOVE Insulting our Troops while claiming i'm a Patriot!

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REAL Patriots who support our Troops call them LOSERS and SUCKERS!

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DRAQ QUEENS TERRIFY ME! I'd MUCH rather be surrounded by Trigger Happy Legally Murderous Police Officers or Child Raping Priests!

I'm MUCH Happier with my Tax Dollars going to these companies first to Drill the Wells and then to Clean the Wells. It's a MUCH better use of Tax Dollars then Feeding STARVING AMERICAN CHILDREN!

That's because PUBLIC HANDJOBS are EXACTLY what Jesus Preached!

If Republicans love America so much why do they keep Stealing Valor?

It's a GOOD THING those people are going to be electing MORE REPUBLICANS into office so we can ensure this happens AGAIN and AGAIN!

It's a GOOD THING none of these Justices ruling on the Legality of Bribery have EVER taken Bribes!

Agreed! Paying for YOUR degrees is DANGEROUS! Paying for Billionaire's Yachts via Warfare is AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM!

This makes me SO HAPPY!

-Christ Loving Republicans who have no problem with their Tax Dollars paying for Jeff Bezos new Yacht.

Has he tried not being Cognitively Impaired?

Yes but Biden was kind of mean to Bibi while giving Bibi a bunch of weapons which makes BIDEN ANTISEMITIC and TRUMP LIKE JESUS!

I TOO Remember when Biden sent his DOJ to attack Protesters so he could hold a Bible! That DICTATOR! And when he Advertised his Donors Products in the Oval Office. BIDEN THE TRAITOR!

This is because of SOCIALISM! And if not Socialism it's because of IMMIGRANTS WHO DON'T EVEN LIVE IN THESE COMMUNITIES! But it 100% is NOT due to Racism or Capitalism killing off Job Opportunities or Bigots or Catholics wanting to Legislate your Bedroom. No it's DEFINITELY Communist Immigrants causing this!

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GOOD! I HATE Lawmakers who are beholden to Voters instead of BILLIONAIRE PACTS like AIPAC!

It's a good thing Judges in the US are NOT Bought out by the Deep State and ONLY make Decisions based on the Rule Of Law!

I can't Wait until the Supreme Court makes it LEGAL to Force Schools to post Satanic Text in EVERY classroom!

Dead Kids is called being Pro Life!

Why would Robert's Supreme Court care about the Constitution?

I ONLY want Adults to put FDA Bribed drugs in their bodies!


-Republicans apparently judging by the Primary Results.

TRANS PEOPLE and DRAG QUEENS are BAD for KIDS but ALSO we should be able to MARRY CHILDREN!

-Republicans. All of them!

Amazon pays me SO LITTLE I can BARELY Squeak by! And that's why UNIONS are bad!

Republicans are literally CUTTING OFF PEOPLE'S HEADS because of Ideological Disagreements but they are NOT Terrorists! ISIS are Terrorists because THEY cut off people's heads because of Ideological Disagreements!

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That's RIGHT! Releasing Tax Returns gets you MORE Jail Time then trying to violently overthrow the United States Government and HANG the Vice President! That will teach Hostile Countries to MESS with US!

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Small government means making it ILLEGAL to be Vegan or Vegetarian!

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I'm GLAD we not only BAILED THESE COMPANIES OUT WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS and also DON'T TAX THEM but we ALSO get to Pay Their Employees!

-Republicans who don't want to use their Tax Dollars to Feed Starving American Children.

It's a good thing their Republican Leaders are working hard to help them with this issue.

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If this happens one or two hundred more times there might be maybe serious sort of consequences!

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It's a good thing we haven't raised the Minimum Wage! Otherwise they may have Raised their prices!

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If only she had a gun she could have protected herself!

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Having a RAPED 13 year old girl give birth is BEAUTIFUL! It's MUCH better then letting that 13 year old see two gay people in public!

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