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Joined 11 months ago

You can only get one though.

You can run and point a gun backwards/shoot in their general direction.

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Dumb luck happens, plus could hit an innocent bystander. It's honestly a shit situation all around.

He is like a cult's leader, they can do no wrong. People's belief in him is unflappable.

They definitely do on the most important issues, however they continue to be impartial on the issues that don't hit mainstream media (Fox Business Network)

Okay, you just killed a cop. What do you think happens next? Do you think its over and done with, just go home for the day? No, you are, at best, going to be arrested and put on trial for murder. It doesn't matter if you were justified or not. And when they arrest you, it will be at gun point. So, will you let them arrest you at gun point or will you start shooting the police again?

You're also assuming your some badass who will walk away without getting shot also or in any way injured. Not to mention the emotional toll of killing someone has on most people.

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It feels cringe (to me) cause these type of people are often bullied in real life work places, again with no real reason.

Who would have guessed the bribe takers are all for bribes...

When you give thirsty people water and they still complain... /s

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Exactly what the mind controllers want you to think. They want you to think they don't work, but I know, I know the truth!

I think organic memes like this are better than ones designed specifically to be memes. That being said, yea, it's really not super funny/interesting/unique of a meme.

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Actually some countries with the highest suicide rates have decent gun control. Japan isn't in the top 10, and South Korea is the Asian country with high suicide rates and has strong gun control. Here are the 2024 countries with the most suicides per 100k, and the USA/Japan for reference.

Lesotho 72.4

Guyana 40.3

Eswatini 29.4

South Korea 28.6

Kiribati 28.3

Micronesia 28.2

Lithuania 26.1

Suriname 25.4

Russia 25.1

South Africa 23.5

#23 USA 16.1

#25 Japan 15.3

Here are the estimated guns owned per hundred residents

Lesotho 4.8

Guyana 15.8

Eswatini 4.8

South Korea 0.2

Kiribati 0.8

Micronesia 0.7

Lithuania 13.6

Suriname 15.9

Russia 12.3

South Africa 9.7

USA 120.5

Japan 0.3

I would need to graph this data for every country and year over year to see if there is a correlation. It would be hard to extrapolate especially considering so many different cultural beliefs on suicide and gun control/ownership.

Yea, it isn't hard to beat someone on that though...

This guy is pretty rare, plz don't steal.

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When you have to explain 10 years of Internet history to explain a level 5 meme to your normie friends...

But will their viewers know that?

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Now they know it's worth just 150k to litter all they want.

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The siren's song nearly claimed another victim.

Sounds like human trafficking to me.

Hard to imagine a city that's nearly 2/3 black electing a black mayor /s

It blows my mind there are still such shitty people out there who think like that user.

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I'll never financially recover from this!

Or ya know, she could have retired 15 years ago at a reasonable 75.

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Is the game actually this amazing? I was thinking of checking it out once it's significantly on sale, but just curious.

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Republicans should be outraged about it too, but they apparently don't realize they are being fleeced (again).

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This was posted by the Creator of that level.

"TTH was made to be unreasonably difficult and to cause a ruckus. I put effort into promoting it in 2017 so that it could be played, dissected, and scrutinized. Once that would happen I would announce that TAS existed for SMM. I did not expect that it would go unnoticed or perceived as easy from watching the video, or that it would take nearly seven years to be uncovered. The sunk cost fallacy of wanting to follow through with the failed troll, combined with new IRL responsibilities, allowed the nonsense to continue. I knew about Team 0% so I let things be until they would uncover it. I delayed uploading bombs5 until the uploads shut down because bombs5 is also illegitimate. I deserve no credit for either, and will not deny Team 0% their victory.

From attempting to upload bombs5 I developed tendon issues in my thumb. After some breaks and noticing they weren’t healing properly, it became unrealistic to continue. Once I accepted this, I felt a sense of relief.

Someone had messaged me about a TAS they were working on for the Wii U. In a video they sent, it seemed to me like they had it working, but they told me they were abandoning the project. The TAS was replicated by my friend after two days of building.

Because I had already resigned to leave streaming and pursue other things, and suddenly had a working TAS, I thought that the bomb guy should go out with a bang, so TTH was constructed. The PogChamp contest was made because I wanted there to be a venue for kaizo enthusiasts to gather. The judges were doing a live viewing of the contest levels, and I let them know that I (intentionally) broke the timer rules and that after showcasing TTH, they should disqualify me.

The past week, when the time bomb finally blew up, things escalated quickly, and the community was divided, which was not my intention. I’m sorry for the drama it caused within the community, and I regret the ordeal, but at least it was interesting. However in the end the truth matters most. Congratulations to Team 0% for their well-earned achievement! SMM is cleared, and The Last Dance was the last level!"

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There were several pinned posts when it happened.

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Depends on your Ph level. Everyone's is different.

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Be born to a rich family, like rapist Brock Turner?

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Her and RGB staying on too long, very iconic.

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Because it works so well normally....

Apple-owned headphone company, beats, delivers lobotomies to customers.

Potential PTSD treatment. I think this is the plot to a movie or book though, where soldiers are taken advantage of.

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It's not called the me generation for no reason at all.

Well he got more subscribers after being shot, and is still doing it. He probably thinks it was worth it.

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Also, part of the campaign

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It's not like you have to use it. My phone has it, I've used it to listen to local football games while camping. Worked great. Some people like to have the option to use it though.

He bought a motorcycle, then got in an accident damaging his leg.

Also, did they verify the new lead is cis? I know a lot of people who have been in theater, there is a surprisingly large percent who aren't cis.

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At least they are different colors. My work makes us separate them by taste.

It's a family farm, so it's okay.

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