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Joined 1 years ago

Don't we all?

Lmao this is gonna get out of hand fast

Lol this was funny AND educational! Although reading it as comment instead of being stuck in that actual class probably helped.

"28% more clicks" Yeah cuz ppl thought they were actual posts not ads lol

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I feel like a lot of people confuse feminism for straight up misandry. #killallmen? #maletears? These were started by so called "feminists" but this is the definition of misandry.

And people wonder why young men don't like feminism when this might have been their only exposure to it.

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You don't need to get married or have kids to have a happy and fulfilling life

There's an idea about "autistic ai" or something where you give ai an objective like "get a person from point a to b as fast as you can" and the ai goes so fast the g force kills the person but the ai thinks it was a success because you never told it to keep the person alive.

Though I suppose that's more human error. Something we take as a given but a machine will not.

25 more...

God this guy is so out of touch

They tried tax incentives, workplace daycare, changing laws, literally everything besides making a society conducive to raising kids lol

What's the point of even having them if the police can just decide not to release the footage then?

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Yeah, you could say I'm bilingual

Well when most employers can fire you at any time for almost any reason (at-will employment) and your healthcare is tied to your job then.... yeah, employers can treat their employees pretty poorly and get away with it, especially if you work in something like fast food or big box retail where plenty of young, unskilled workers are entering the workforce every year that they can replace you with.

I really hope the original owners re-buy Twitter for a fraction of what they sold it for lol

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"Sir, our youth unemployment rate is 25%! What should we do?"

"Easy, just stop reporting it. If we don't know what it is then it's not a problem we have to deal with"


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Not just someone, the legendary philosopher Diogenes. One of my favorites stories is that one day he was cleaning veggies in a river or something, when Plato walked up and was like "You know Diogenes, if only you could pay taxes to the king you wouldn't have to wash vegetables." And Diogenes responds, "You know Plato, if only you could wash vegetables you wouldn't have to pay taxes to the king."

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Read somewhere they target places that are easy/defenseless/won't give resistance. They target schools, churches, shopping centers, all places with little to no ability to fight back against someone with a gun. Life/society has been cruel to them so they want to return that cruelty to society.

But as someone else said it's not always rational stuff going thru these people's minds.

Pasta la vista

Ok I'll try to explain it. Imagine before if your company had 100 people and they all needed offices so you rent a place that has 100 offices.

Now you switch to work from home and let's say only 20 people really need office space since the other 80 can just work from home.

Why would you continue to rent the building with 100 offices? You wouldn't. Instead you find a place with maybe 30 max. And you're not the only company doing this too.

So now nobody really wants or needs huge office spaces and the people who own these have trouble finding new tenants, demand isn't very high so they'll have to lower prices. That's what people refer to, since the value of these buildings is partially based on the income they can produce. If that goes down then so does the overall value of the building.

It doesn't hurt the employer unless they themselves just spent A TON of money building their own huge building. Then it would be mostly empty and a huge waste of money so it would look bad.

So this would come with a hazard pay increase since they have to carry live firearms right?... right?...

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It's cozy here :)

So this is what our politicians work on all day....

Send those letters to a cops wife or daughter and I guarantee they do something

Lol as if medical bills won't wipe out most of their wealth before they can pass it on

They signed up to abuse power and be bullies not put their life on the line to protect people.

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This is the answer. Its simple but not easy. Do you think the average person knows what they're spending money on each month? And how much? One chick I knew was spending almost $500 a month dining out!! A MONTH!

It is difficult to not have any "fun" purchases tho, nearly impossible imo. But you have to have spending discipline and next to no people have that.

But let's say everyone stops spending on non essentials, taken to its conclusion that would leave only grocery stores, dr offices, mechanics, and banks left to do business lol maybe a few others.

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"Is this some out of season April fools joke?"

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Honestly. How do they still have customers?? Are the majority of consumers just accepting this?

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Why not give people actual hope for the future if that's the problem?

It was either that or they start charging. They're gonna piss people of either way but at least it's still free.

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There's already more houses than people to live in them.....

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Just a little fucksy wucksy :3

LMAO! I mean they basically extend your HP bar to infinity, limited only by their cooldowns and mana pool.

Yeah and homeless people should just buy house lol

Well when politicians ignore the concerns of the people, the people will elect anyone who seems to hear them.

Seems similar enough. I thought it was more for random suicidal thoughts than ending someone else.

I've tried to argue a company that made $800k profit this year even tho they made $900k last year is still a profitable business and people unironically argue that company is dying and bad...

Hundreds of millions? 1/3 of the U.S.? I don't really see that. Even if the value of your home drops to $0 it wouldn't automatically make you homeless as long as you can pay the mortgage or if you have it paid off. And the mortgage payment would stay the same cuz we have 30 year fixed rates.

Hundreds of millions of homeless people in the U.S. wouldn't just hurt, it would be a total collapse and the end of society as we know it here, not to mention we'd drag most of the world down with us.

That's fair, she seemingly learned her lesson at the cost of her son's life, so people shouldn't pile on. But she is not getting an ounce of sympathy from me.

Don't you guys get it? He HAD to destroy it to make sky daddy happy smh

Honestly if I saw a job description that said the company has a 4-day workweek it would definitely stand out. Hopefully your employees will see that you genuinely care about them, which is such a rare thing it seems.