
4 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The fix was in a long time ago. I’ve said it before… America is a shithole.

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What a disgusting shithole america has become.

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This country needs to address the “god” issue. It’s infuriating. None of the supernatural shit stupid people believe in is real. We can’t let fiction run the show.

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Women are property. That’s conservative shit. They want this to be the norm. All conservatives are bastards.

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It’s not about legislation. It’s about opposition. They don’t want solutions. They want power.

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You must be libertarian. Usually libertarians are about this stupid.

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Our present is pretty dystopian to be fair.

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It displays the sheer ignorance of conservatives. Probably more like unwillingness to learn, or the inability to understand that not every pregnancy is a magical angel from Jesus. It’s difficult to separate science from folklore. It’s the christians. Their evangelism only creates extremism.

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Conservatives lie about everything. This should not come as a surprise.

Greg Abbot is a fucking scumbag.

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Republicans are scum.

I really like the Aperture Labs portal gun.

America sure is free, huh?

This country sucks.

I think torches, and pitchforks. We should go old school.

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There’s a sucker born every minute, and two to take him.

A fool, and his money are soon parted.

It’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.

Republicans are really fucking stupid. I’m tired of their incessant whining. They are the most fragile, and sensitive people on the planet. All of their “try that in a small town” shit is bluster. They are cowards.

The cancerous greed of the capitalist class is crushing the working class. The workers should fight back somehow. Maybe we should look to the past for ideas. Maybe that way the monied oppressors will remember why collective bargaining is in their best interest. The alternative is the “v” word.

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The “economy” they keep touting doesn’t really affect the average American. We’re broke because of how well the “economy” is doing for the capitalist class. I’m pretty disgusted with America. I don’t want trump to win which is the only reason I’ll vote for Biden.

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Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Sorry. I couldn’t help myself.

We can all see how pathetic that is, right?

All the same litter. They just showed up one day. I took them in when mom cat left.

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The statistical data disagrees with your anecdotal evidence.

The republicans see that as a feature, not a bug.

Bootlicking is more important than not jury tampering.

I always wanted a cool Voltron toy with all the lions, but I never got one. When Lego released theirs I bought it straight away.

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Nobody has mentioned thoughts and prayers. Should we try it. Maybe it’ll work this time…


But they all showed up together. I only participated in one act of collection. I can’t help that I got five my first time out. But seriously I definitely am all stocked up on cats.

I don’t see any way for liberals to come back after this verbal assault. This OP must be a language wizard. Truly a genius! Huzzah!!!

I don’t see any mustard… I got nothing.

I second that.

Who the fuck cares? Fuck what the rock thinks.

Some usernames should stay the same though, right?

Is this a great state, or what?!?

America is a pretty shit place.

Bowing down to the wealthiest people is what makes it a shithole. America sold its self respect to give the rich more tax breaks.

It was probably antifa. He is so mean to the republicans. What did the republicans ever do to antifa that made him so mad?

In case it’s not obvious… /s

The black ones act pretty Siamese too.

They are both very sweet kittens. I woke them up trying to get the picture.