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Exactly. I know plenty of people who have driven a car for over 3 decades, and do not know what a timing belt or a spark plug does. I don't look down on those people, but it certainly makes sense as to why they don't know. They don't really need to!

This is a bold statement considering how many daily Windows users don't understand how to use Windows.

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Crazy how you managed to photoshop the decimal point to the left by so many digits!

(I know, it's only a partial payment)

thank mr skeltal

I came here to say this. I go into zen mode when ironing my clothes because I only have to do it when I'm either celebrating or doing something very important to me.

All these other things to worry about, but right now, my only enemy is this wrinkle next to the collar.

By spinning the can in ice water, it increases the rate of transfer of heat energy from the drink in the can, to the can itself, to the ice water. It's like how stirring the ice in a cup of not-cold water will melt the ice / cool the water faster.

At a molecular level, you would see an increase in the number of collisions between ice molecules and liquid molecules. The collisions must occur for heat transfer to happen, so more collisions = more cooling. It is also the same reason why a heatsink can draw more heat from a processor when a fan blows air over it (until the air is saturated with heat).

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No, it's $31.07. You likely combined the 92 cents and 18 cents to a dollar instead of a dollar and 10 cents.

By utilizing the Choose 2 combo, the total cost (assuming same delivery cost and adjusted tax) would be about $25 dollars including a 20% tip (based on total and not subtotal, as in the picture). However, that would include a medium pizza instead of a small pizza.

It's not a massive difference. It is definitely a meaningful difference, but it's still pretty costly for 2 meals worth of food.

3 days worth of food? Maybe 3 meals for a child, not 3 days.

BTR5 on LDAC + wired headphones/IEMs have been doing wonders for me.

"Pretty sure that's a bot everybody, careful what links you click"

The goal isn't to make it hollow, the goal is to shrink the size proportional to honest participation, so that it doesn't have an outsized influence on the general population.

Yes. There are, and it's fucking awesome because it's a space where we can say "the gender of the person who did all this great work has zero negative impact on the wonderful outcome!"

People can argue that trans actors can "feel out of place" or that trans athletes "ruin the spirit of competition." I don't agree with those perspectives, but I can see the (warped) logic behind them.

Here, there's nothing to possible complain about. Does the PCB function any differently because of who reverse engineered and recreated it? No. Should it impact one's experience gaming on this hardware? No, and if it does, said person has a problem disconnecting their personal beliefs from their objectivity.

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24 thousand tracker calls in one minute.

That's impressively gross.

A group holds a vote to either cross a bridge to side A or stay on side B. Staying on side A means you won't have much food. Going to side B means you still won't have much food, but also most of the food is poisonous.

Part of the group says "I don't want to starve, I refuse to vote in a way that accepts malnourishment as a solution!" Group C also opposes eating poisonous food. This partial group votes to try and find a better source of food (option C).

48% of people vote A. 49% of people vote B. 3% of people vote C.

Surprise, surprise, Group C had 0 impact on the starving situation AND helped facilitate the eating of poisonous food.

Fuck Biden, and FUCK Trump. But if you think voting for a leftist party or abstaining from voting will change anything in a system entirely designed around having only two candidates, you are just as okay with Trump as you are with Biden. At the very least, you are saying that they are equally as bad, showing that you clearly don't understand the dynamic.

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Dude really said he's going smokeless... to reveal that he did a collab with a fire pit brand.

That's a lot of carbs.

This is a symptom of jobs undervaluing good workers...

If working harder gets you no raise, then why would anyone work harder than they need to?

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I love it when Apple pushes advertising that touts their focus on privacy... when in reality, they're breaching user privacy in all the ways that every other company does.

Meanwhile, the dbzer0 version has an eyepatch and says "Respect no Copyright"

Bobert, eventually known as Boberto, really didn't really appreciate that the names stuck

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Kinda? In interstellar, the crew lives decades of earth-time while traveling space over what seems like a few years. The solution that is revealed when McConaughey returns is the result of decades of study spearheaded by his own daughter.

So it's a bit inverse in some ways.

The success of a landlord's job is not just about delivering shelter getting paid for having lots of money, but it's also about creating a safe and comfortable environment for tenants to call home their only option.



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In this one you aren't expected to be flipped upside down and then right side up in the span of 2 seconds. It's the loop diameter and the angle making this one safer.

The brain is the processing unit of the body, mostly commonly known as the electric meatball.

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The problem right now is that we need to find better ways to turn renewable energy into stable, reliable power. The power production problem is highly dependent on balancing power generation and demand, and any excess energy must be stored, used, or wasted.

The main benefit of gas/coal/etc. is that we can (almost) always control the output to a close margin based off of demand projections, which are typically updated every 15 minutes. That being said, the drawbacks of using this form of generation are obvious and need to be addressed.

For renewables like solar and wind, we can't always predict the output, so in the larger scale of power balance, we need to supplement it with something that can make up for fluctuations in generation. In the current system, this is from conventional sources.

The goal is to implement a robust energy storage system, ideally one that can hold a huge amount of excess renewable power during the day (largely due to solar), and reliable output that power when it is needed (higher demand at night). I would love to see the day where our nation is fully powered by renewables, and I'm super happy to see that there have been pushes to build up renewables, but the target scenario relies on big advancements in storage.

I would suggest anyone who is interested in what I said to look up "california duck curve solar" for some reading on what challenges solar overgen presents in bright and sunny states.

All that being said... we can do it! I sincerely hope we reach a point where we can phase out dirty generation across the globe, but it will take a lot of time and effort.

source: taking several power systems courses as part of my EE degree

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Been called a ch*nk multiple times by random people in public, been told as a child that I should be performing better in school because of the "type of person" that I am, been called a dog-eater by peers, asked "what's your real name" (even though my government name is an English one), etc.

One time someone called me a ch*nk, I explained that despite them being shitty for thinking that's okay, that I'm not even Chinese, so they must be extra braindead. I also said that it must be disappointing to know less of the English language than a non-white person, and that if a white person like them can't learn proper English, then they're failing their own expectations of what it means to be American. I suppose hearing me say that in perfect American English was enough for them to realize how dumb they were being. Everyone in the room glared at them and they shut the fuck up and left lmao.


...forreal? You do realize dealership markups in the past few years have jumped as high as 40%?

A woman fell to her death right before the graduation ceremony... and then this guy did sing-a-longs, crypto powerpoints, and ayahuasca speeches?

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I would go crazy just to have the fatigue masking mask.

1 hour... fully rested??? Assuming one gets 8 hours of sleep a night (though, who is really getting 8 a night on lemmy?), you've just converted your ratio of sleep-to-awake from 1:2 to 1:23.

Extreme change imo, plus gives you the benefit of having time to take care of your hygiene anyway.

I know you're joking, but it would still be better to have a bit less funding and much stricter enforcement than our current already-small funding + nonexistent enforcement.

Like all of those pandemic restaurant business funds that got sucked up by massive restaurant chains and hardly anyone else.

ALL of the ching chong jokes, lots of dog-eating comments, being told I wasn't welcome in white gf's family, etc. I feel that.

I have participated in this with PCBs for keyboards and gamecube controllers (PhobGCC). It worked fine, but YMMV.

You're describing exactly what happened to me. In elementary school, I read so many books that I would win free books each semester. We had mandatory reading quizzes each month for books of our choice, and high scorers would select a few books to keep from a big spread. I would read larger, more complex books from the 3rd to 6th grades, as they would net me more reading points than simple books. Thus, my (competitive) book reading habit would feed into reading books I received for free, which in turn could be used to take extra quizzes to win more books.

Then, middle school happened. I was stuck reading books I didn't care for, covering topics I was already familiar with, and writing analyses that I was already capable of forming within my head. This continued through high school, where I found that I was so disillusioned with narrative literature that I much preferred non-fiction and educational content. I fell out of love with reading, and I don't think I've finished reading a book on my own time, out of enjoyment, in almost a decade (excluding textbooks and non-fiction).

I just can't find the strength to read through any narratives, as all the busy work ruined reading for me. My least favorite portion of reading for school was being made to fill out entire tables of characters, with details on the mannerisms, presentations, quotes, etc. of each. It was all bullshit.

Sorry folks... I dropped something.

My bad.

So you generate a completely random grid of pixels. Tell bot 1 to unblur it, then bot 2 evaluates how much it resembles the prompts, then bot 1 takes that evaluation and uses it to unblur the image a bit better, bot 2 evaluates again, and so on and so on until you have an image that passes evaluation. So bot 1 has never even been trained on other peopes data.

I'm sorry, I'm not understanding. So Bot 1 relies on Bot 2 to evaluate Bot 1's iterative images. Is Bot 2 not trained on the Mona Lisa in order to determine if the image resembles the Mona Lisa? And if Bot 2 has no idea what the Mona Lisa or its artist's works look like, can it reliably guide Bot 1 through turning blurs into an image that resembles the Mona Lisa?

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I saw a noticeable difference going from a Switch to a Switch OLED, mainly in the contrast in scenes. Greys and blacks can almost look inky in comparison to LCD, and glowing lights (think neon signs) pop out a lot more.

That being said, the topic is the Deck OLED, which I haven't seen in person, so your mileage will vary.

Growing up as a second-generation immigrant I didn't have any grandma/grandpa figures to look up to. My family became very good friends with another family, and their family's "grandma" always treated me like one of her own. She would always have raisin shortbread cookies or chocolate push pops like the ones pictured above, and I would always gobble them down.

Thank you Jacque, you stripped away a lot of my internalized fears, I miss you heaps.