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Joined 11 months ago

think of it as TurboTax free file made by the government and that's it lol theyre a bit more than just PDFs online. theyve specifically said they're making another option on the market alongside existing products. but they're specifically NOT undercutting other existing technology.

well the difference is that the government won't go oops you traded a stock, so you need to use premium for $120 and also shove sales and dark patterns in your face to trick you into buying premium. most others that were free usually charged to file state taxes or something or another too. definitely a win for the average joe, but it's not the process that people are imagining. the IRS has pretty directly said that they are providing another option to people and not making other services obsolete.

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you will still need to manually input your information from the forms you receive. it just files your taxes for you. it doesn't do them for you.

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I like how many devs this pissed off. this picture is whack tho wtf

because they said they wouldn't. the direct file program said they're placing themselves as an option besides ones already on the market and will NOT replace any existing technology already on the market. so you still need to manually file with them. it's not the situation where they already have the documents so you don't have to do anything.


The IRS tool is meant to be an additional option people have to file their tax returns and will not replace any existing options for filing, said IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel on a call with reporters Wednesday.

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alright I'm putting my gloves on. Gatorade is an electrolyte drink. the sugar hides saltiness. also, Kool aid flavors are way fucking tastier. don't disrespect Kool aid like that again.

if I'm leading a project, I avoid this by begging POs to give me a sprint 0 where i solo code out all the scaffolding ground work before all the other engineers join the project.

(Linus leans back in his chair, a glint of amusement in his eyes, and gestures toward Richard Stallman who is seated across from him. Richard, ever the passionate advocate, is already gesturing with his hands.)

"Well, if you're talking about the revolution in computing, you can't forget about this fella right here, Mr. Stallman."

(He gives Richard a playful nudge.)

"He's the one who really gave us the framework, the ideals, the whole 'free software' movement."

Richard, his eyes gleaming with conviction, jumps in.

"It's not just about code, Linus. It's about freedom, about users having control over their own technology. It's about sharing, about building on each other's work, and refusing to be locked in by proprietary systems." (He leans forward, his voice gaining intensity.)

"We had to fight for that freedom, against the corporations who wanted to control every bit of software, every line of code. But we won, and GNU is proof that free software can not only work but thrive. "

Linus nods in agreement, a hint of respect in his voice.

"He's right, you know. Without the GNU tools, without Richard's vision, Linux wouldn't be what it is today. It wouldn't be as powerful, as flexible, as truly free."

(He turns back to you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.)

"But don't let them fool you, we weren't always the best of friends. We had our disagreements, our battles over licensing, our philosophical differences. But hey, that's part of the fun, isn't it?"

(He grins, leaning back in his chair.)

"In the end, we were all working towards the same goal, a world where software is free for all to use, share, and improve. And that's a goal worth fighting for, wouldn't you say?"

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alright guys I'll take one for the team and buy the company

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I'm glad perspectives has stopped treating Sam Altman like a tech God. dude is second coming of every FAANG CEO and Elon combined. there's no way that guy isnt up to no good.

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that's not a problem because I plan on rising to power soon and will not let that happen

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even outside the upper tiers, high paid tech workers do mental gymnastics to rationalize the shittiness they do via their companies while calling themselves liberal. motherfuckers will union bust for their company for a larger TC next year then go on LinkedIn or Facebook and spin it like "I successfully destroyed a small town's economy, killed a union forming in the division I manage, and absolutely threw my coworkers under the bus this year. My poor father swept countless floors until his hands bled so I can be here today and that's why I support the small working man and will never forget where I came from #boss"

yeah I quite respect Destin despite being pretty opposite to him in ideology. he's able to be fairly apolitical while being very clear on his views by way of his topics and minor Bible nod on his videos. the politics are never front and center tho and the dude is actually a real real engineer that is a great science educator. the dude just really loves farm and weapon tech.

I mean chubbyemu is a doctor who usually explains the medicine behind this stuff and the others are just news channels. yeah they're baity, but they're also doing what theyve always been doing.

I'm more bothered by the bait content that just steals other people's stuff and sticks their face in the corner making a stupid face

Philip de Franco did a better help sponsor and his community went up in arms about it. now he doesn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. surprised more communities don't care about it

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not defending the behavior, but is this even an example of net neutrality? it's not like ISPs are putting a slow lane for specific browsers in this case. it seems more like a shitty dark pattern type thing (which should have consumer protections as well)

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I'm gonna buy you too windie

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way to tell devs to fuck off and stop complaining. ngl I'm interested in this space, know java well, and still was immediately turned off by Java. SPRING BOOT no less. does your internal team work with anybody that has experience in building TEAMS and not just software? if you did, you guys should know what devs want and it's NOT writing java sb for free. this is a bad take, especially coming from an engineering leader.

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yeah necessary rule fsure

I'm still mad I bought the super duo costume which they then completely removed from the app

there's a bit more minutiae to it. doctors across the board there are concerned that they're increasing intern Dr headcounts while having no solid plan to support that financially. while at the same time, care to patients in Korea (a place known for having advanced healthcare from elite doctors) is already declining due lack of funding. intern doctors across the world are already underpaid as a unit as a whole, so intern doctors would probably just rather see their pays increase than have headcount increases. and senior doctors would rather just see their interns have better lives. so I wouldn't say the doctors are the bad guys necessarily either. they have legitimate concerns and government has been wagging them for years now too.

the Korean media has largely portrayed this as greed or that the medical students being salty they studied their asses off to get into med school, but that's not the largest issue for the medical workers in korea (although it is also a part of it too). the general public would just love available, cheaper healthcare and increasing headcount sounds like the easiest way to do that (which it is), so the tune the media is putting out sounds pretty nice.

this system happens here in the US too. the US medical system does not churn out enough people for required positions, and interns here are getting destroyed as a result of policy. I'm almost positive if the US did something similar, US doctors would react the same way.

I mean there's a large sentiment that goes back to antiquity that technology is here to crush the working/creative man. I think people felt it was too on the nose that a tech company worth trillions was making a commercial that reminds them of that so directly. especially in today's day and age where people feel like certain industries are on the cusp of being completely wiped out by LLMs and stuff.

can't afford Elmer's. gotta go for the rose art

on the anniversary of the day they got their asses handed to them by some bluecoats????

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he's not saying there aren't any companies that do right to their employees at this current moment. he's saying if left unchecked, it leaves room for somebody to come in and make it bad for everyone. that being said, we've already failed. we need union.

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it's true. I was one of those guys on the train. why didn't OP just put the NSFW tag??

literally not how it works. most places require voter intent. meaning only votes people meant to cast count. if a voting official notices that a person named Literally Anybody Else won by a write in, they'd go through all the ballots and make sure the ballots literally say Literally Anybody Else written out validly like a name. those in who they aren't sure of would require another election official to track down the voter and ask for their intent.

source: worked in the ballot counting process of a country. they literally have teams trying to decide shit like if you filled all bubble on scantrons, but circled one of the bubbles, does that count as intent? does it count as intent if they circle all the bubbles but not fill any of the scantrons bubbles? and yes, they count the votes even if they don't follow scantron directions but clearly demonstrate intent. i.e drawing arrows with a thing saying "this one!" next to all the bubbles you want may count as intent.

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I will never name my kid Kyle

my company took the tp out of the bathrooms and made it available upon request when we did this. they made us ask the front desk to check out the roll of tp to deter this exact thing.

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this was posted by the actual Jesus so I think this is it

it's actually true. I've seen her out of drag and she looks exactly like Napoleon

can't tell if this is a troll or not. youre telling me people outside the states think we live in wet newspaper?

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your unions are ass then if you see them that way. but you also don't bring up any of the useful things unions probably did for you behind the scenes. provide legal protection? contract negotiations? COLLECTIVE BARGAINING? hello?

hi it's me, Clarence!

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but it affects innocent people who wanna drink soda for fun or protect themselves

why is the fence peeking at me from behind that piece of wood?

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it's not a thing anymore. being a maps contributor in the past put you into a little club where you got rewards for reaching guide levels. they used to give away Google drive space , invites to socials, and the socks mentioned in this thread. unfortunately it went away since it's not a novel feature where they need to drive people to be contribute.


I've worn the same fedora since 79! no need to upgrade to a new cap!