
1 Post – 1048 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I always wonder if Russia would collapse, if suddenly a lot of the disinfo & hate on various online media would become noticeably quieter.

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Linux has its flaws, but so does Windows. And for me, the flaws in Windows became much more annoying than the ones in Linux. Game compatibility was the main factor that kept me backt from using it on a desktop, and that's a non issue nowadays.

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That's how I look for broken mods too. Move half of them into a temp folder, launch the game. If it works, put half of the sorted out ones back. if it doesn't work, remove another half and try again.

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The travesty is how many people are unable to say this out loud. Everyone is stuck in their black & white tribalism, making them blind for their own sides atrocities.
You can be pro Palestine and still condemn Hamas. You can be critical of the Israeli government and still grief for all the innocent Hamas victims. It's not actually that hard to be a decent human being.

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Cancel culture.

Are we ignoring the PC as a platform?

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To be fair, GN provides excellent Chapter selection to encourage you to skip to whatever you want to know. You don't have to watch the whole thing if you don't want to. I'm more annoyed by them using those idiotic clickbait thumbnails. Complete no-go for me.

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All the shills promised me and other doubters that something like this would never happen. I'm glad I lost all interest in Oculus the moment Facebook bought them.
Hopefully we'll see some solid info on the Deckard this year.

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I remember when absolutely no one used https and then in a matter of a couple years things got really fast. Now you can easily browse with https required and only occasionally find the odd website that doesn't use it (mostly some internet relic). That was such a great transition when it happened though.

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Afaik this (third party) investigation was started by Terren Tong, the CEO, who was not in this position as of this year and Madison left a couple years ago. I think on this part we can at least give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Linus position might be a very different matter though.

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It amazes me that covidiots still don't understand the difference between inside and outside spaces for that matter. If people breath and cough around the outside, shit will just be swept away by the wind. If people do that in enclosed spaces, then they'll just start to saturate the air with germs over its prolonged time. And then you even expect them to take off the mask when they're in the witness stand? Do you think that's like a germ free zone? lol

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Sad that something like this is even needed but the US is full of bigoted hypocrites that want to turn the country into a religious state.

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And the latest version is Unity based. Also, I'd say the only thing that prevents Enterbrain to do a similar move, is simply that they don't even have nearly the same significance & reach as Unity. RPG Maker always was a niche product, even if it a popular one at that. But you don't really see big commercial game releases that are based on it like you do with Unity.

We'll have to see how this Unity thing plays out, but if this isn't going to be the engine's downfall, then it will become a new norm for others to follow.

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Which is a load of bullshit: https://old.reddit.com/r/de/comments/16ngwke/berlin\_lesbisches\_paar\_von\_jugendlichen/
Been up an entire day with more than 1k upvotes on the German subreddit. Maybe ask what agenda your mod is trying to push there.

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One of the many reasons why I will never return to Windows.

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Be confused. Then probably masturbate.

I was just about to say. This is like a Chinese Apple, but with shitty quality and a negative score in privacy.

AI feed from various types of information, in this case public information. Public information about WEI consist of a bunch of tech articles criticizing it. Thus, the AI tells you WEI is bad. It's as worthless as the majority of AI based replies about certain topics because it will just summarize popular opinions, as that is the majority of its dataset on a given topic.

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None of these people ever faced any actual hardship in their entire entitled lives.

I don't know why you feel the need to insult me over trivial bullshit like this, but I can throw that particular one right back at you, just for that.

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Self hosting and then asking this on a tech community is kind of ironic.

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This is highly misleading and makes more sense when reading the original question thread.

This affects fictional content where it is hard to determine the age of the character. No obvious underage stuff.

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It's not Vodafone but someone using Vodafones network.

Should we make separate bathrooms for non white people too? Maybe we should have different seats in public transport too.

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Take-Two is such a shitty and rotten company.

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It's simply cheaper for them not to have two different devices.

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Louk was later pictured in a video, identified by her dreadlocks and tattoos, being paraded through Gaza as onlookers shouted “Allahu Akbar.”

She is among a large number of Israeli nationals who have been taken hostage by Hamas militants and are now being held in locations across Gaza, complicating Israel’s response to the deadly attack.

*Half naked, with her limbs broken and a bloody wound to her head, very likely dead & spat on.

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No. Israel must change, Netanyahu must resign.

Good old Stasi telling.

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It's honestly stupid. They just go to less moderated sites, or if you're lucky, learn how to use a VPN and bypass all this nonsense anyway.

Or because it's moronic whataboutism and kind of sociopathic to drop comments like that under such news? It's clear that you people don't care about the victims on either side, just what kind of political agenda you can push with it. It's disgusting.

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I think at this point he knows that he can do fuck all without any Russian uprising.

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Governments across the world need to effectively age down. It's ridiculous that those old clowns who aren't even affected by the consequences of their actions can just continue to do this shit. Yeah, they get voted in, but that's because of the aging populations of so many countries being such a majority while most of those who are going to be affected don't even have a legal say in the matter, since they can't vote themselves. Millennials got already fucked over repeatedly through politics in the past decades and now Gen Z has to face the same bullshit. People will just further radicalize if they don't address this.

It's such a tired topic. Most pathogenes of this kind travel by attaching themselves to little droplets, aerosols and larger spit particles. Thinking that even cloth masks aren't at least reducing those to a certain degree by catching said particles just feels dishonest, and medically related masks have been in use in hospitals and other locations for ages. Do people think they are worn out of fashion? And now we've got even more studies and data that confirms all of this even more, but covidiots will just continue with their idiocy. 🙈🙉

I hope I won't have to witness an even deadlier disease turning into a pandemic, but at the rate things are going it is probably not very unlikely.

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Generally yes, but there's cases where parents gave this shit to their kids too.

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A Reddit spokesperson declined to comment about this year’s edition of r/Place, telling Polygon via email “redditors are going to reddit.

Primary takeaway from the whole "protest" and why it isn't going to change anything.

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There's literally no way to enforce this.

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