Civilian deaths are indefensible, whether done by Hamas or Israel | Rajan Menon to World – 255 points –
Civilian deaths are indefensible, whether done by Hamas or Israel | Rajan Menon

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The travesty is how many people are unable to say this out loud. Everyone is stuck in their black & white tribalism, making them blind for their own sides atrocities.
You can be pro Palestine and still condemn Hamas. You can be critical of the Israeli government and still grief for all the innocent Hamas victims. It's not actually that hard to be a decent human being.

The travesty is how many people are unable to say this out loud. Everyone is stuck in their black & white tribalism, making them blind for their own sides atrocities.

Personally I don't want to say it out loud because I'm just so mentally exhausted from the screaming. I know (like know, not just feel) that if I say this out loud in a more public space then somebody is gonna scream at me over it. And I just don't want that anymore. I feel in this instance it's better to just keep silent because I just hate it when people get so uppity at me over this kind of thing.

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