3 Post – 2310 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Doesn’t matter. This is America where things like that are ignored. This is how people like Clarence Thomas can keep their job. Corruption and criminality are rewarded in America. But only if you’re in politics.

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When one of you are willing to offer up an alternative solution that even remotely resembles an inclination that you’re paying attention to the problem at hand- we’ll start taking you seriously.

Until then, you’ll remain the joke that you are to everyone with a functioning brain.

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We live in an age where three massively bloated companies are going to battle it out over who owns a letter.

That asteroid won’t come soon enough.

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Why is everyone in such a hurry to make lemmy into a Reddit clone?

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Does anyone else remember back when conservatives said that the left would become unhinged when they didn’t get their way?

I’m still waiting for that to happen so I can at least admit that they were right about that one thing.

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Take note: NOT a drag queen.

Watch how fast nothing continues to happen.

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TIL people take commenting on YouTube seriously.

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All right wing fantasies are rotting young men’s minds.

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So again….. why is he not in prison again?

EDIT: I’d love for the cowards that are downvoting this to stand up, be counted, and speak their mind.

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The GOP is running out of lawyers and it’s hilarious.

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Dude was arrested for showing everyone what trump was obligated to show, but illegally hid from everyone.

This is America.

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This is how he needs to lose. A systemic refusal to allow a traitor to America to hold power.

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He’s a “libertarian” in the sense that like most libertarians…

he’s a conservative that’s too afraid to commit to the bit.

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• Trump- a twice/impeached treasonous draft-dodging rapist coward is accusing a decorated military general of treason.

THAT is how stupid this guy is.

• close to half of America is voting for a twice/impeached treasonous draft-dodging rapist coward.

THAT is how stupid America is.

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How about instead of nets, we instead install a functioning mental health care system. This has ‘put bulletproof vests on school kids’ written all over it.

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This is on you conservatives. Take a bow.

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Shouldn’t ALL homeopathic “medicine” be pulled?

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And another mother got two years for giving her daughter abortion pills.

Don’t EVER let them tell you it’s to protect the children.

Didn’t disclose why?

It’s because MAGA are murderous cowards. That’s why.

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It’s a brushing scam. You’re now going to find that somewhere online, you have left wonderful reviews for their products.

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His entire existence is a Nazi dog whistle.

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PragerU isn’t even an academic institution! How the fuck is their nonsense allowed in schools? This is the equivalent of Walmart creating curriculum.

Conservatives are a god damn cancer in Florida.

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Please don’t diagnose people using YouTube.

“…Conservatives afraid…”

that’s all you need to know for context.

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Translates to- twitter will only show pro trump ads.

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Ill save you a read- it’s because conservatives will vote for a criminal and a traitor to his country just to own the libs.

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Take a bow conservatives… you made this happen.

Why would he? It’s fucking crazy how the GOP has so normalized corruption that this is something to be asked of a president.

AITA is one of the worst karmafarming subs to exist on Reddit. 4chan is more reliably truthful than that place.

Conservatives: “It didn’t happen.”

Everyone: “it’s on tape.”

Conservatives: “Fake news, it didn’t happen.”

[assume this to be their reasoning in every argument moving forward]

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It blows my mind that there are people dumb enough to remain on that shit platform. There’s no excuses. If you remain, you’re in support of that trash.

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The only reason why most Christian’s aren’t violent psychopaths is because of their fear of going to hell. And even then, it’s not enough to keep them still.

For the rest of us- there’s morality.

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He cannot and will not speak against his voter base and he knows it. He knows damn well what was said- it would be near impossible for him NOT to know.

Fucking liar.

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This is what you wanted, conservatives. No sense in hiding the cheers you know you want to do. So come on now….

Let it out. Show us you’re not afraid to be called the racist pieces of shit that you are.

Otherwise- start openly standing against this shit for a change.

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It would be sad how badly these idiots fail to see the irony when it’s spelled out for them if it wasn’t so funny.

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Jesus Christ America is so fucking trigger happy. Pathetic.

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Hate to be the one to tell you, but that’s not a Reddit thing. Thats an internet thing. Those clowns are here too.

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Imagine being such a coward that who someone else loves scares the shit out of you.

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Lemmy is officially Reddit’s little brother now.

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