
1 Post – 360 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

those IDF soldiers would have to be pretty fucking stupid to accidentally do a hate crime on the large van marked "TV" when there are plenty of other people in beating range they could do a hate crime on with no consequences.

Hanlon's razor be damned this was 100% on purpose.

Edit: and it's not like Israel has a history of killing journalists or anything. Please don't look up "Shireen Abu Aqla", nothing to see there

Edit edit: Shireen ain't the only one, ~20 in 20 years.

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Oh come off it. You're all up and down these posts repeating lies about Hamas using human shields or how driving the civilians out of their homes in mass does not constitute ethnic cleansing.

Btw here's the actual definition of "ethnic cleansing"

the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society.

You argued with me that it's totally legit that the IDF isn't letting journalists verify footage of supposed Hamas atrocities but the IDF is cool with showing that footage to journalists in a private setting where they're not allowed to record anything.

You whine constantly that Al Jazeera isn't legitimate but you haven't posted a single source to debunk any of their reporting.

Post some sources of your own or sit down

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Israel has killed 36x as many children as Hamas. https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties

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Copied from myself elsewhere:

In 94 we (royal) almost had peace. In '93 The Oslo accords promised Palestinians self governance in 5 years. Israel under Rabin and Abbas with the PLO had an agreement for Palestine to be run by the PA in the mean time and work towards peace.

Rabin along with either Abbas or Arafat (can't remember) even pulled Israeli troops out of occupied Palestine and gave land back as part of the peace agreement, marking the most significant step towards peace we will see.

But then Rabin was assassinated in 95 by a zionist. Israel turns over to Netanyahu. Netanyahu refuses to meet with Arafat.

Oslo II fell apart as the US refused to recognize Hamas (who had popular support), preferring the secular Fatah (PA). Whats the point in holding an election if it wont be recognized anyways? Hamas doesn’t enter the '96 race.

At some point Netanyahu starts funding Hamas knowing that he can also pit Hamas against the Fatah. Netanyahu will fund Hamas on multiple occasions throughout the 90’s and 2000’s.

In '97 the US declares Hamas a terrorist group, ending any chance of an election that satisfies the people.

Hamas wins the '06 election

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The headline is propaganda but not for that reason.

Dude was in the cockpit and pulled the fuel cutoff valves for the plane. The pilot and copilot kicked him out of the cockpit and re-engaged the fuel pumps and continued flying. Dude ran up to the fight attendants and told them that they need to handcuff him. Then he tried to open the emergency exit.

It's propaganda because he said he took the mushrooms 40 hours ago they don't last that long and he was also sleep deprived and emotionally unstable due to the recent death of a friend

Downvote anything about X/Twitter. No one cares. This is a waste of bandwith. Delete the X app. It's mostly pedos and racists at this point anyways.

No offense OP, no hate to you. Saw someone post a similar comment earlier and I agreed "yeah my life would be better if we just stopped pretending X is important"

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Israel routinely bombs news buildings, wtf are you talking about?

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Remember when we almost had peace in '94 and then a Zionist fucked it all up?

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We can talk about whataboutism

You're not talking about whataboutisim you're doing a whataboutisim. Israel is an apartheid state. If Israel want's to stop the violence they can get their settlers out of the west bank. They can give back Gaza. Until they get the fuck out of Palestinian land I can't blame the Palestinians for fighting to get them out.

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Is it 40 beheaded babies or just one guy?

There shouldn’t be this much debate. Pics or it didn’t happen.

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In the very recent past they shot an American-Palestinian journalist in the neck and then attacked people at her funeral and ripped the flag off her hearse


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Oh it’s the same fucking dude. Why are we posting this uncritically?

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Literally no new info. "We watched the videos on liveleak and while we don't know what happened we know it wasn't our team".

And what's this?

The audio was not the same as that released publicly by Israel’s military previously, and it was vetted and deemed authentic, the official said.

Oh come the fuck on. Who is still buying this shit? "Hamas beheaded babies! JK we didn't say that. But heres 42 minutes of footage that confirms it but we will only let journalists watch if we can strap them down like Alex in A Clockwork Orange. Here's our evidence we didn't attack Al-Ahli. Ohh that's been determined to be fake by a 3rd party? Well we actually have extra secret audio we didn't tell you about before"

Netanyahu is somehow "my girlfriend goes to a different school"-ing his way through this war and dumbasses are lapping it up.

The US has microphones at the bottom of the fucking ocean to listen for submarines and I'm expected to believe we don't have a single camera pointed at Israel/Palestine? Come the fuck on.

Occam's Razor, the simpler answer is probably the correct one -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyNLvL_8SeY

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Yes, you can usually find it abbreviated as PIJ and supposedly has ties to Iran

Warning me isn’t really the point, how are they getting the message out to civilians if they cut power to Gaza days ago?

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I’m Jewish clergy, which makes it even harder for me to express my thoughts on Israel and it’s government

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


The safe way to move civilians south

Street name 1

Street name 2

Yellow line: Safe route

Dotted lines: Gaza Border

Source: Google translate app

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The soldiers have since exited the area and returned to Israeli territory.

It was a pre-invasion to prepare for the big one

How exactly are they getting this information out to the Palestinians who ostensibly do not have power?

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Israel - Infamous for their Information community

Israel - Backed by the US

Hamas - Doesn't have internet or clean water

Palestine - Doesn't even have 3G internet when not at "war"

Palestine - ~50% children

Conclusion: "man Hamas sure do be lying on the internet a lot"

It’s not “feature creep” when you prioritize ntf avatars over tools for moderators to keep the site functional.

I know we're all fighting but I think this guy has a point.

I'm pretty sure Israel and Palestine were closer to peace in 94 than they ever have been but then Zionists assassinated Rabin.

After that Actually kinda the whole time the US and UK refused to work with Hamas and in 97 they declared Hamas a terrorist organization.

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Born in Tel Aviv, spent 1/3rd of his childhood (14-18 + a few years when he was younger) in the US, returned to serve in the IDF at 18

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We didn’t argue that

Israel has already been caught lying about Oct 7th. I was pointing out that not releasing the video or allowing it to be recorded means that no one can verify if the footage is legit. You keep insisting "they reviewed it". I don't know what you think you were arguing but you were in fact arguing that it is fine that Israel is not allowing journalists to verify evidence (or that a 3rd party had actually already verified it).

::: spoiler Screenshots I'm hiding in a spoiler because they are large


What you were mad about is not being able to watch the deaths yourself

I made a dumb joke about the snyder cut and you interpreted it in the least charitable way insisting that I personally want to watch the footage to celebrate. Don't be an asshole

And all that assumes you’re actually physically capable of walking to the safe zone

I'm not saying the 6 million number is wrong I'm just asking for evidence?

Is it easier to see what WidowsFavoriteSon is doing now that I flipped it around? It's called JAQing off

The point is to ask what sound like reasonable questions but in reality you're just trying to sew uncertainty for others. Check WidowsFavoriteSon's history, they're not asking in good faith.

If they weren't just stirring shit it's easy to look up which side has killed more civilians. And this is how the data is collected:

Information about occupation and conflict-related casualties is regularly collected by OCHA field staff and entered into OCHA’s Protection of Civilians database, following review and verification. As a rule, for an incident to be entered into the database it needs to be validated by at least two independent and reliable sources. Exceptions to this rule include incidents resulting in Israeli injuries, where information is typically based on media reports.

And the fact that this line of questioning exactly mirrors holocaust denialism is gross. I know, har har, godwin's law; but it's really the same fucking thing. I would bet money that it's not an accident.

My favorite part was "even if you notice we intend to break the law just be quiet about it"

There is no solution where Israel is allowed to continue forcing Palestinians from their homes. But hey, colonizers gotta colonize.

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And there's a video of the IDF attacking her funeral

With that logic there is no solution and Israel is justified in depopulating Gaza entirely.

OK so just to be clear I said "Israel needs to stop taking what isn't theirs" and you said "nah they should just kill everyone". And people still don't know which side is wrong here?

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In what world does someone saying "hey you can't steal my house" justify you to murder them?

Found it: https://maps.app.goo.gl/HVGPAaCMFHJQsxEg9

Google says it's a research institute but there are photos of kids on horseback?

Why target a lone school when theres like 15 more in a dense area 6 miles to the north east? Maybe too hard to get too?

Edit: might be a middle school? https://sites.google.com/a/sulam.co.il/daat_herum/home

Edit: or a high school of 100

I've marked what I believe is the only school in the immediate area in purple

Edit: There may be a second school, an elementary school, above the purple arrow, in the buildings with the blue "roofs" in the top right.

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I’m pro-Palestine all day but I don’t like this line of questioning. The only reason I see to make this argument is to try to erase the very real horrors the Jewish people survived.

However debate lords are still gonna want an answer (not trying to imply you are one). If I had to respond I would say:

English is a living language. The definition of words is determined by how we use them. Think of “literally”. It meant one thing but it was so misused that the definition had to change because the common use was completely disconnected from the textbook definition.

The words “Semitic” and “anti-semitic” did not come into existence at the same time, similar to matter and Antimatter. “Anti-Semitic” is specifically “anti-Jewish” because that how the phrase was used.

It’s not a word whose definition comes from the literal sum of its parts, it refers to a specific phenomenon.

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You can host most basic web apps off a raspberry pi. You just need to:

  1. connect your device to the internet
  2. start your server application
  3. set up port forwarding on your router to forward the port your application is being hosted on
  4. get a domain name
  5. configure ddns
  6. Maybe get some SSL certs


Edit: BearOfaTime brings up a great point. I'm telling you how to do what you asked but you probably shouldn't. If you do, try to airgap the server from your personal network as best as you can

Edit edit: You know people will let you use their servers for small projects for free right? Check out https://ctrl-c.club/#what or hang out in the LowEndTalk forums and provide quality input and enter some of the giveaways for server space

Although the drawback to ctrl-c club is that you're not going to get full control of how you install libraries and applications

Yeah Hamas def made those Israeli settlers steal Palestinian homes /s

Yeah there might be more to it but I'm pretty sure that assassination fucked up peace for the last 20 years.

Here's one of the sources I used to come to my conclusion, it can give a more detailed explanation of the breakdown https://www.britannica.com/topic/Oslo-Accords#ref360514

Am I the only one seeing this? Is it... normal for 3 comments in a row to have exactly balanced numbers of up and down votes?

That's a very strange coincidence.

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The average age in Palestine is 19 so ~50% of civilians killed are going to be children. And for the survivors 53.5% of children in Palestine have PTSD and something like 80% show symptoms.