Leonard Kelley

@Leonard Kelley@beehaw.org
26 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 11 months ago


No ....no it's not it just isn't. What this is a sensationalist headline trying to sow discord, despair, and defeat.

I understand the implication of a future where Trump or his like were in charge, but as dark as it looks I still think the majority of our country has better sense than to elect him president again. So what if he makes the Republican nomination it just confirms their lawless criminality.

In other words STOP with the crap attitudes that trump is "Inevitable" Shit... he's not.

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It's shit like this that really just makes me want to start the Butlerian Jihad for real.

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You have a choice A. Be a Chad who Dumps Chrome and chromium based browsers . or B. remain a whiny loser who has to deal with ads.

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Does anyone else ever notice that the changes like this they make are done piece mail, brick by brick ,they continue to shitify the service. That's intentional...Imagine you tube in the year 2009. I'm betting no one really remembers, and youtube made the same bet.

How many things have they taken away that users really like over the years think about it. Now imagine they did all those changes AT ONCE...TODAY... from 2005 at inception. Horrifying huh ?

Big companies always start off with an amazing array of "Standard Features" that they allow everyone to use, so that the users get hooked on them, then suddenly they make an announcement like this and they change, remove, or premium tier a feature. They know you wont like it... but they got you hooked and they know it and they dont care. It's all driven at profiteering as much as they can off of you. Honestly I see youtube trying to become like Netflix by continuing to increase inconvenience with ads (for their profit), and ultimately making Youtube a completely payed service subscription to everyone.

They gaslight the great majority into just giving in to more ads, shittier service, and eventually a payed subscription by breaking your outrage up into small little pieces over time. STOP LETTING THEM !

Edit: So yeah Twitter/X as predicted.

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Never be afraid of using the DEFED hammer on those that deserve it. You guys are doing a Fantastic job of keeping this HIVE balanced and free of garbage extremist instances like shit.just.works, Lemmygrad and The general obnixiousness of hexbears.

Thank you for you for giving us such a nice community. Keep up the good work.

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To think republicans pretend like aiding Ukraine is the real problem.... yet They'll blow Netanyoohoo any time he wants. If anyone in Washington had a damn lick of sense they'd cut Israel off entirely.

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Uninstall all google apps and CHROME... get Firefox...done. How many times will i have to say it before people start to understand.

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fuck nestle

Came here to say this, but i see you have it covered. I get sooooo tired of the "coulds" ,"woulds" and "shoulds" we see in article titles like this. What is more likely to happen..... a promising new technology that's cheap to produce, maintain, and reduces prices for the delivery of the worlds most needed resource is universally embraced by ALL....or Companies like Nestle, who's massive water profiteering is threatened by this innovation, either buys out all the patents and sweeps it under the rug , and/or launches a campaign of legal litigation against it's developers so that it never gets funded nor ever gets to the practical production stage.

I know what kind of world we're living in... and it's not one that favors the hope and needs of the many over the greed of the few.

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Becuase the other browsers suck.

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I can guarantee you they're all garbage and i don't even have to watch it once, and i won't.

They like to look tough saying that, but when they find out how many of their opponents are just as capable of and willing to fight such a war the reality that sinks into their faces is fun to watch.

I say to hell with the internet.... Lets all go back to Cathode tubes with Uhf/Vhf antennas and get Tv like it was meant to be. Free... and you made the kids stand in one spot to tune the antenna just right if you had any reception issues.

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Whats happening to women in Afganistan is THE WORST violation of human rights happening currently.

They are being treated like dogs on short chains, who get the chain jerked hard if they dare whimper in protest.

The Taliban are sick scum.

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What kind of brain dead idiot did you have to be to think they would be in the first place ?

Texas is absolutely disgusting !

You underestimate the greed of the .01 % ...my cynicism comes from seeing them getting their way the great majority of the time because money.

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I like it

When they find him ... and they will.... Maybe they'll think twice about being so soft on these rat bastards.

I'm no fan of the US military and I live here but you can keep your "whataboutisms" to yourself next time. The Taliban were doing this shit long before the US was ever there.

If the greedy rich bastards hadn't shut down operations in the US and sent it all to China for the sake of not paying higher wages/ avoiding unions 40 years ago, We may not have had Huawei or any of many of the draconian peer like clones emerge in China.

The US oligarchy is mostly to blame for the loss of this industry. Now that it has a foot hold in China and it's making their 1% that money you're damn right they'll do anything to keep it that way.

All of it is a sickness, bloody smart phones can burn in blazes for all i care.

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People should be paying close attention to when/if he surrenders at the Fulton County Jail tonight. His demeanor will not likely be anything but fully arrogant and defiant as usual. History saw a man like this in Germany Go to Jail also after attempting a coup with the same attitude in 1923, and he wrote Mien Kampf while in prison. Not that i think Trump will spend a minute in a cell, unfortunately.

TRUMP is emulating EXACTLY the same playbook. Like the other guy he knows his final victory is with roughly half a nation of fascist sympathizers who'll support him NO MATTER WHAT. It's time to be honest with yourself and ask where will all of his cronyism and buffoonery lead to in the next 10 years ? We'd better hope were not where Germany ended up in 1933... https://histoire.museeholocauste.ca/data/timelines/gen/images/large/Chart_NaziPartyRise_ENG.jpg.

It's Quite possible it won't even be Trump, but you can be damned sure it'll be someone inspired by him, There are literally 100''s of millions of them out there...and the NEXT ONE will be even worse.

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There is not too much vibing at all really. Though I like the content i get here on beehaw there really inst a lot of it. I still see the same posts from weeks before in the top 50 to 100 posts. But thats the same problem nearly every Lemmy instance has. Honestly The whole fediverse is too spread out and lacks engagement because anyone can create an instance and then most of them end up sharing the same limited content. It all feels like too much water in my Scotch.

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The attack did not occur because of his nationality, it happened because of his religion, because of his bullshit superstitious religion..... ya got that...? The guy could have been a sweedish muslim and I bet you 100% and he'd have attacked for some reason based on Islam....again religion. He Could have been an Egyptian Christian and had a beef for the Romans being the executioners of christ....once again religion.

It's Embarrassing for any nationality when this kind of mindless bad behavior happens, but you can stop debating its about anything but that persons own barbaric, irrational dogmas.

Strong Agree ! You took the words right out of my mouth.

And then you have these fucking clowns....


Thats the thing about taxes...they arent a choice...unfortunately. If i chose how my taxes were spent I'd be damn sure not to allow Israel to have one red cent, i can tell you that.

Lets see how many endless appeals we have to wait on, and if we ever see him in jail cell i'll be suprised.

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And when you don't have even that love.... freinds... or family, what is truly left of you that means anything finally dies. The Cynicism sets in and who you were is finally over. You are virtually a walking still "alive" corpse... absolutely empty...and the only thing you know to want or desire is the end.

This shit infuriates me so bad !

Even Hexbear defederated shit.just.works for being a bunch of right wing nazi shit.heads... so yeah they definitely deserved it.

cats are assholes, thats not up for debate.

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Bernie i love ya man, but this is the same China now selling Weapons to Russia. China is only interested in what makes its ruling party $$$.

It's god damn ridiculous how the whole world is just jumping headlong into the fascist abyss.

I'd say i agree he wont be writing any manifestos. He does that in the form of his own public rallies, mass media, television, the internet, and through his sycophants on right-wing radio...His cult of personality is unfortunately very effective with his base.


I swear to fuck.... All i ever hear is the latest and greatest games always crashing, and or having bugs, or some other bullshit. I sure am glad i gave up on gaming a long time ago. I simply could not function halfway right if I'd continued.

Every big game announcement and release in the last 20 years I've heard about you get the "I cant wait, and im on preorder 3 months ahead of time" crowd bitching that the game didn't get released on time, and when it did they didn't account for all the rush traffic for the start and the servers were immediately overworked, not that thats the players fault, but its always the same players who never seem to heed the age old warning of Buyer Beware and they do bare blame. One would think by now you'd have recognized this is a pattern that happens over and over and over again on the fucking regular....almost as if it's planned that way. Maybe be done with it...Maybe it's time to hang up the controller and find other things to do with life, if you stop paying them they will lose and you will stop losing.

What is the definition of madness people... ?

Yeah they are... and you're one of them. Have fun on block.