Apparently spreading news about an homophobic attack is considered islamophobic to – 328 points –

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(See screenshot. Posted in /r/gaybros on Reddit.)


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Which is a load of bullshit:\_lesbisches\_paar\_von\_jugendlichen/
Been up an entire day with more than 1k upvotes on the German subreddit. Maybe ask what agenda your mod is trying to push there.

To be fair, it's in German. Entirely likely whatever automated flagging the admins used on the other post isn't working on non-English ones.

Still, it's a fair thing to point out.

If it is an automated thing then you can still file an appeal, but the mods pretty clearly acted on their own accord here.

I'm guessing the agenda is "this is definitely going to lead to a bunch of anti-islamic discussion in the comment section, and I don't want to deal with all that (with limited mod tools)"

I'd put more blame on reddit administration than the mod who's trying to play the safe side to keep the sub in existence.

That could've been a very different and still valid response though.

Different subs get different rules, unfortunately. The anarchism sub was constantly being threatened with being shut down if they didn't self censor stuff that was fine anywhere else in Reddit, for example.