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Cops are cops, it seems.

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What the fuck is wrong with this guy.

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That sounds like Discord alright.

I guarantee his death is listed as "suicide" in the official report.

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Maybe cars should not be so easy to steal... I thought we came to an agreement on this.

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Man i don't wanna buy a car made by people who aren't sleeping in a bed. Come on, now.

The American auto industry could also produce EVs, if it so chose. Nobody has to lose their jobs.

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I know Boeing is kind of fucking everything up right now, but safety delays are an indicator of safety, not the opposite.

Remember how a bunch of Republican staffers rioted and tried to intimidate the vote counters in Florida? (The "Brooks Brothers riot".) Remember when the Supreme Court halted the vote count and declared Bush has won? Remember how the eventual full count of the votes showed Gore won by all metrics?

I fucking remember that.

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This dude looks like he has some kind of ulterior motive, here.

What i am saying is: he looks like a rapist.

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This is absolutely political and it's political specifically because of people like these two.

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Places like Lemmygrad and Hexbear are actually pretty benign. They're just on the verge of being acceptable to people so they make a lot of noise and cause a lot of drama but in terms of the actual bad actors... well, as you can see, they don't even rate.

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Finland got accelerated NATO membership because of Russia/Putin making a bunch of threats about them so i think they damn well did have problems before. Fucking creep.

I'm a tech worker who's planning to move from one of those states international oversight groups consider "no longer a democracy" to a blue state.

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If the backlash is the scary imagine how frightening the presidency would be. Fucking cowards.

It's not just today, even his contemporaries kinda sucked and mostly didn't like him.

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Good news! COVID is still going strong, there's time!

...Wait that is not good news.

It was definitely friendly fire. Cops are fucking awful at containing collateral damage.

Go look at how often they shoot random bystanders, animals, whenever. Now: Who's going to be in that line of fire more than anyone else? That's right! Other cops.


Oh yeah from lower in the thread, it was friendly fire:

So the dude took part in an insurrection where they brought a gallows to the Capitol and said they were going to hang Democrats until Trump got declared the winner. Now he's got Christmas ornaments in the same vein.

Do i still have to pretend like their conspiracy theories about antifa or whatever are reasonable theories? Like, can we admit these dudes are fascist revolutionaries who want to destroy democracy? It'd be nice to just be honest about it, right?

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Ruby: No, it has been redefined as the number 5 so buckle your seatbelts, kiddos, cuz shit's about to get wild!

Funny how diversity is bad when it includes non conservatives but suddenly good when it forces (occurred) conservative views into, say, science, medicine, and engineering.

Presumably the IDF will explain that they were all Hamas commanders.

It's more like the article is focusing on the wrong part of this story. The exact mechanism can be debated but we know what's happening and why: global warming. The article just doesn't want to acknowledge that so it focuses on the fact that science hasn't conclusively figured out the mechanism.

"I don't like Nazis... but you have to understand, they're very profitable."

Transmission does have network binding. At least, i'm pretty sure it does. At least on Linux. It also has a cli interface and is a "full" client so it should at least be on par with rTorrent in that sense. It's not a great cli interface but it works.

It's fucked up the pizza delivery people are more professional than cops but here we are. It's sadly a more dangerous job than being a police officer, too. At least, on average.

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Let's not forget the medical world ignored and sidelined her research for years until suddenly it became necessary. If it weren't for COVID they'd still be pretending this technology doesn't exist. I bet they still don't even want it (case in point: it was developed with the intent of treating HIV and there's still no HIV treatment in sight) but the CEOs and shit have had to accept it.

You, uh, forgot to change accounts there, buddy.

This is an interesting bit of reporting. Runs counter to the "lone wolf with no motive, nothing to see here" approach we've seen in similar cases. I hope this means journalists are waking up to the reality of far right political terrorism, but it is the Guardian so that awareness may not spread.

Keep systemd. People can cry all they like but it's the best init system we have right now. Unless you want to start building a better one, i guess.

Are you kidding? Parallelize that shit. 64 threads simultaneously, 64x the cost. (Okay probably like 20x but hey.)

You're 100% right that the real context here is the racism angle. It was always legal for white people.

I believe they're throwing a fit about it right now but we'll see. They don't have a lot of room to complain about literal tons of free guns getting shipped to them.

Damn, Melania wasn't gonna just take it huh.

Housing for everyone, food for everyone, clean energy (nuclear power, though we would do well to advance the tech a little is immanently practical).

Those are all easy mode stuff that would dramatically improve the world for a lot of people, but we could do more.

Hard mode: Orbital rings.

We would have to develop some tech, but not nearly as much as you might think.

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That depends on what your definition of "publicly available" is. If you're scraping New York Times articles and pulling art off Tumblr then yeah, it's exactly stealing in the same way scihub is. Only difference is, scihub isn't boiling the oceans in an attempt to make rich people even richer.

Sure but he obviously doesn't care. There's no attempt to be even handed here, he just wants to hurt LGBT people however he can.

I saw the Ferrari and the plane immediately but not the tank. I guess camo works sometimes even if it's in a stupid environment for it.

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