Ukraine takes down massive bot farm, seizes 150,000 SIM cards to World – 1165 points –

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I always wonder if Russia would collapse, if suddenly a lot of the disinfo & hate on various online media would become noticeably quieter.

That partially already happened at the start of the war. There was a massive "brain drain" among the higher educated part of society, which did include a bunch of hackers. Why live inside russia these days when you can move elsewhere and get paid better?

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As I recall there was a period a couple years back where Russia was cut off from the greater internet and a lot of interesting things got quieter, including r/conservative on Reddit.

there's also iran, I wouldn't be surprised if north korea and china also have bot farms, and then even in america evangelical christians fund shady hate operations around the world too

its well known china has an enormous online presence set around spreading misinformation, and of course the worlds best 'whataboutisms' you are ever likely to see

You can see them all over the worldnews community talking about how Ukranians dying needlessly isn't anybody else's concern and any aid to them will immediately mean nuclear annihilation of the entire world.

we need to give in to every single one of putins demands otherwise you're in favor of WW3 😠😠😠 /s

Probably. They've managed use throughput using bots, but if the government collapsed the bit farms would stop receiving funding, and the entire project would either wither away or be wiped away by a new state trying to replace the instruments of the old.

We actually did see this at the start of the war. When Russia was dealing with the new sanction and shifting focus from the west to Ukraine.

They seem to think it's important based on how much they invest into it

Oh man, where would Lemmy be without all the communist propaganda memes?

communist propaganda

It's like you know that these are words, and they're words that you've seen people put together in the past, but you have no idea what they mean.

Where is anyone talking about communism? Where is the propaganda? What the fuck are you even talking about??

Where is anyone talking about communism?, I assume? I dunno if it's "propaganda," though, mainly because I haven't really seen much from that instance. It isn't defederated or anything; it just apparently isn't popular enough to show up in Active/Hot/Top.

I see a lot of communism good/capitalism bad meme content in in general. Now I'm really not against communism and I absolutely see the negative effects of western society's brand of unregulated late stage capitalism, but political meme content in general is just entirely devoid of all nuance to the point where people are seriously dropping silly statements like "capitalism is the sole contributor to climate change", as if if you could turn off capitalism climate change would just stop lol. It's straight up propaganda.

That and conveniently ignoring any negatives involving China/Russia.

There are a few users on who I see all over the place. Half their posts will just be funny "lol capitalism sucks, amirite?" memes and the other half will be "Look at how China is ushering the world into a golden age of social and economic progress" or "When will the west acknowledge Ukraine's Nazi problem?"

They often seem to blame capitalism for the fact we're not in an impossible utopia.

Agreed, seems like "capitalism" has become analogous with "greed", which I mean, they sort of go hand in hand, but that doesn't mean greed doesn't exist without capitalism.

I think people also conflate social democracy with socialism, and/or communism.

And communism with Stalins dictatorship (and Xi etc etc).

The ideas behind the ideologies are all interesting but only democracy have proven "not horribly killing a large part of the population and a large part of the neighbour population" like all the time

So for me anyways, it's full democracy, then tack on socialism (for example).

I think the discussion about democracy is also largely non present, I mean how fun is it if other people just decide what they want and you can like object every X Years?

We got democracy 0.1 let's move forward!

it's kind of like how USSR/Russia was seen bad because of communism, and now since 1991 they are not communist so they are the good guys.

It is the same freaking country, they just embraced fascism over communism in the last 3 decades.

We're on different instances, bet our top day looks very different.

Yes, I understand how lemmy works... I meant in these comments specifically. Otherwise the comment was a complete non-sequitor.

Huh? The comment I replied to is about disinfo and hate in online media, Lemmy is online media. I was making a joke about the content I see regularly, and clearly it landed perfectly.

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People are confusing pro-china and pro-russia users as "pro-communists" even though they don't ever mention communism and only comment things that benefit the dictators running these two governments.

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What does communism have to do with Russia?

Only a tankie can answer that question.

This is nonsensical, nobody that regularly gets called a tankie considers Russia communist. The tiny handful of instances of children that do not know better really don't count.

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