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Joined 1 years ago

Probably still bots, I'm the only real person on the internet

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Just google it you dumb piece of shit - Stack overflow user

Marked as duplicate

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So this entire article is based on a single person's anecdotal experience, other than this bit:

Bruening isn't alone. Despite the efforts of big incumbents and buzzy new apps, the old ways of posting are gone, and people don't want to go back. Even Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, admitted that users have moved on to direct messages, closed communities, and group chats.

This links to another article from the same site, and the only quote I can find related to any of this is this one:

DMs are also crucial for younger users. "If you look at how teens spend their time on Instagram, they spend more time in DMs than they do in stories, and they spend more time in stories than they do in feed,"

This Instagram head guy says nothing about how "nobody posts on social media anymore", just that teens spend more time in DMs and stories than in the feed. This just in, kids do things differently than previous generations! Mind blown, A fucking plus journalism right there. You'd think you'd be able to properly quote your own god damn article properly lol.

Honestly I don't even give a shit about this content, I'm just so sick of biased opinion articles based on the writer's feelings at the time filling my feed like they've uncovered something revolutionary. Stop giving these lazy clickbait news sites your views and fix the dumb bot that keeps posting this bullshit.

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I was on Reddit since almost the beginning and I would not say it's similar, but I also don't think that culture exists on the internet anymore, closest thing might be tildes?

What I really miss is the intelligent conversion and actual debate in the comments. People don't really lay out arguments anymore, complete with sources and logical conclusions. Back in the early days of Reddit you'd be downvoted and told off if you made a claim without evidence. Anecdotal evidence, speculation, and bias were called out. There were still jokes and light comment sections, but comments aiming to make a point were essays where you could actually learn something. Might sound exhausting to some, but it feels like the internet has turned into just upvoting whatever confirms your bias, whether there's evidence of it or not. I'm sure you can find some excellent examples in the old r/bestof posts.

The content was a lot different too, the community was just a lot more scientific. Studies were posted over articles, and clickbait articles (before they were even clickbait) were called out as not having substantial content or evidence. Even studies were heavily scrutinized by identifying the bias in the methodology.

There were a lot less communties (subreddits) too, which I think lead to healthier discussion overall and less of an echo chamber effect. It was still always criticized as being a "hive mind", but it felt less like one to me back then anyways.

I guess overall it feels like the main difference is everything nowadays is meant to radicalize you, or get a reaction out of you. Back in the day if something political or scientific was being shared it was shared with the intention of changing minds, not confirming bias.

Anyways, that's my old person rant. I'm probably looking at it all through rose tinted nostalgia glasses, but there's definitely been a shift in how we communicate on the internet for better or for worse.

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Why's everyone blaming the engineers lol, pretty sure they're just doing what they're told right?

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Ok but also Elon Musk is a problem

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Hidden cameras? They've got big ol fuckin cameras on them and apparently a red LED that lights up when in use lol. It'd be easier to secretly film someone by pretending you're texting on your phone. More ragebait.

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Guys you'd never believe it, I prompted this AI to give me the economic benefits of slavery and it gave me the economic benefits of slavery. Crazy shit.

Why do we need child-like guardrails for fucking everything? The people that wrote this article bowl with the bumpers on.

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I'll take things that won't happen for $200

Gettin real sick of the forum sliding into "but America bad too" every time there's a post about China doing shady shit on here.

EDIT: Two days after making this comment I'm still getting replies from Chinese propaganda trolls lol. Making it easy to add to my block list I guess.

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Redditors are immortal beings with very little regard for mortal human lives, and as such view stage 4 cancer as a minor inconvenience much like a slightly misaligned tile.

“Dangerous technology should not be open source, regardless of whether it is bio-weapons or software,” Tegmark said.

What a stupid alarmist take. The safest way for technology to operate is when people can see how it works, allowing experts who don't just have a financial interest in it succeeding to scrutinize it openly. And it's not like this is some magical technology that only massive corporations have access to in the first place, it's built on top of open research.

Home Depot sells all the ingredients you need to make a substantial bomb, should we ban fertilizer and pressure cookers for non-industrial use?

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All the user data is stored in a single json blob

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Does it feel like the news is all opinion pieces these days? All I see is "someone said something on Twitter" lately.

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Everyone's talking about enshitification, but they're also just extremely late to the game. The rest of big tech monetized a long time ago and pissed off their users, but managed to keep a solid amount of their users and the rest went... to Reddit. I guess I understand a corporation's need to monetize, but when you built a platform that was meant to be different than the rest you're definitely going to experience some pain when you decide to be like them.

Reddit will most definitely survive this and maybe even be profitable in a few years, but they'll have completely given up what they originally stood for to do so. Personally, I'm just happy this whole thing gave me a push out the door and a place to migrate to, Reddit was already turning into a place I didn't want to be long before this.

We're a step away from posting minions memes around here

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Bears have predicted 100 of the last 3 market crashes

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Some tech workers on social media

This isn't fucking news! Enough of this dumb ragebait bullshit.

Omg you wouldn't believe, someone on the internet was an asshole!

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Any evidence to this or just speculation? Empress is absolutely batshit fucking insane for sure, but so far we've got no reason to believe she's planning bundle cryptominers with cracked denuvo games as far as I can tell.

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You've got a thread full of helpful messages and you're leaving because one of them was mean? And you're going back to Reddit of all places? Good luck I guess.

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So they received a take down request from the Indian government, mistook the users for being in India, followed the law that they're required to follow in India, and when it was brought to their attention that those users were actually based in Canada they went back and allowed the posts. This doesn't seem as malicious as people are making it out to be, they should probably work on their geo-blocking, but with 3 billion users in 150+ countries with their own local laws it's probably safer to be aggressive when it comes to removing content when requested.

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Not only was it not very successful, it's an old outdated Microsoft playbook from the 90s/early 00s and was targeted at closed source competitors and freeware, not open source software where you can just fork out a separate version.

By all means block Meta instances if you want, but they have 3 billion users, they definitely don't give a shit about a "competitor" with a few hundred thousand users. If simply the presence of a corporation in the Fediverse is enough to destroy it, then it wasn't going to last long anyways. It's embarassing that "embrace, extend, extinguish" caught on around here just because it's a catchy alliteration.

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Not a very big sample size, did you perform an exit interview? Why not just ask their thoughts on the way out?

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Stop giving Musk so much credit, he's shown historically that he's just massive narcissistic fuck up who got lucky in the dot com bubble. There's no reason to think there's some far right conspiracy here, he only bought the website because he got in a pissing match and couldn't get out when he tried.

Stop telling me what to do

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You're still using their shit, just in a very inconvenient way. In fact, you're going to their site that contains targeted ads rather than using an ad free app. What a strange hill to die on.

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How does this system solve that? Comments still have vote counts and reactionary comments still make it to the top of threads, there's just no visible count of total aggregated votes.

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We found the source

Stop clicking on right wing rage bait and it won't be recommended to you lol

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I can think of a lot of things worth $140,000.

  1. $140,000


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Wait now he wants to turn Twitter directly into his shitty banking website from the dot com bubble? Is he hoping for someone to buy him out again lol

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I am willing to bet that the overwhelming response from tech to "build a back door into every internet user's E2EE communication globally for us to use" is going to be a big fat "No". The UK market isn't big enough to be making these kinds of demands.

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Every single time something sketchy is happening in Chinese tech a Lemmy user will slide the conversation and accusations to American tech. It's a rule.

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Lol did you just call this Redditor's 9/11?

Over reliance on algorhythms has degraded the user experience to the point that the average user is drowning in ragebait and extremist politics, because they drive up engagement

People on Reddit, a vote based platform, used to say this all the time and the front page was filled with ragebait.

Even here, sort by hot or top and most of it is anti-reddit/meta/twitter/capitalism memes or infuriating news articles.

Go back further, what hits the front page of large newspapers? Not puppies, that's for sure.

At some point we have to stop blaming "the algorithm" and recognize that it's human behaviour to seek out ragebait that trains the algorithms. Only way to remove ragebait from algorithmic or voter based platforms is to retrain the way we seek content really.

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This isn't entirely correct, the $25M fine is a slap on the wrist sure, but this is a COPPA ruling, which essentially means it's a $25M slap on the wrist and a "delete the data and change the way you're doing shit now or else". Nobody has gotten to the "or else" with COPPA afaik, but you'd essentially be risking daily fines until fixed and risk losing operating rights in the US entirely. Would that actually happen to Amazon? We'll never know, because they're going to fix it before they get there. Not worth the risk.

This is a win. Not every ruling has to bankrupt a company, changing how they operate through legal process is a good thing. This is how regulation is formed.

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We live in a society

First of all, if she went home she would've just been arrested, how does that help anyone? And second, why's it on her to move Iran past it's issues? Good on her for her brave protest and good on her for not going back and choosing to do more with her life than end up a martyr in an Iranian prison.

Do you have any evidence of that?

This is a shitty opinion article that links speculation, anecdotal evidence, and "experts" with no actual studies at all. Whether or not they're doing a good job at it, all of these companies invest heavily in moderation on their platforms, and that investment hasn't been reduced substantially.

Everyone hates social media through elections, it's an easy thing to blame because the loud get louder. This article is punching down early for clicks.

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