Donald Trump 'Can't Be Trusted to Show Up' for Georgia Arrest–Lawyer to politics – 549 points –
Donald Trump "can't be trusted to show up" for Georgia arrest–Lawyer

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Does it feel like the news is all opinion pieces these days? All I see is "someone said something on Twitter" lately.

This is the politics community, not news, so opinion pieces are fair game.

But yeah, even so, I hate how even "news" articles are "elon posted something on twitter".

I suspect it's a function of engagement. Trump's edictments are hot, so some will click on anything vaguely related to it. Even reporting on chirping does the trick since people want more of the "story" even though it's not a development.

Sure, but that doesn't mean we have to perpetuate it.

The steep decline in money available to publishers means that they’re going to cut reporting in favor of paying an intern to copy and paste off of twitter. You end up with twenty different publications summarizing the same AP article with one paragraph, the. a dozen hot takes on twitter by people you’ve never heard of.

And we’re reaching the point where they don’t even need the intern to do it.

What? You don’t want to hear about the latest thing Elon Musk said/did on/with Twitter?

It's the 24-hour news cycle and the drive for constant content. Nothing of value just content. They'll tell you the same thing thousands of times. Over and over again drilling it into you. Reporting on he said she said inanity. In Pursuit of an agenda.