5 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

My sister "knew" she was trans when she was around 8. Granted, we didn't have the terminology back then so...

That being said, how is it a "mature" topic? We teach children the concept of "this boy" and "this girl" much earlier than that. And I'm confused how the concept has anything to do with puberty either.

He's a radicalized terrorist, technically.

10 more...

Am vaper. I agree.Wouldn't dream to obscure someone's viewing of a show -- much less while inside of a venue.

I prefer it to stoges, but even the 'analogue' of the habit was relegated to keeping us away from others. As it should be.

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This is part of the reason I bicker with Liberals about appealing to electoralism all the damn time. Great, we technically got a "D" win, but the party installed a senator that doesn't vote with the party and pulls the senate more "center" as they try to scoop up disaffected conservatives. So, they effectively installed their own opposition. Well done.

Very much the smartest people in the room.

Note: venting, and I'm not talking about individuals just the collective "wisdom" of belt-way liberals.

27 more...

Did for me, at least. Having a "slower" version of reddit has done wonders for me. I've been able to get the news updates on Lemmy, but there isn't a deluge of dopamine hits in my feed like Reddit. It's done wonders for me.

Nah dawg, I'm a Dev. The websites for the menus are usually fucking aweful, and are, ironically enough, not optimized for mobile.

Usually you can request a physical menu, as to not look at the webdev gore.

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I only wonder how quickly this whole process is going to take. Can't help but wonder Trumps legal team is going to drag this out as much as possible.

Idk, tho I'm not a law wizard.

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Yeah, there was a congressional hearing where someone claimed "non human" bodies were found near a Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon.

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From my point of view the Jedi are evil.

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Also, as a vaper who switch from cigs because I was desperate for an alternative, I'm also curious about the different strata of products that exist on the market. For example, I visit a juice shop that mixes their products on site with pure materials, and I get to customize what exactly appears within my harmful juices. I build and maintain my parts as well. How does this approach compare to 'over the connivence store counter' kits like Juul?

It wouldn't surprise me if those products contain preservatives, or byproducts of a corporation skirting regulatory lines, that could be hazardous for consumer health. Though, that is purely my speculation — yet I wonder if my choice method of getting my sweet, sweet nicotine will get lumped in with everything else.

Holy god. I'm not letting go of my '09 carolla and ebike. What the fuck.

As a Floridian homie: good. There's so much to experience in the world. I put the US in the "overhyped tier"

Oh lord, I didn't even consider the hell scape of rage-bait algorithms moderated by AI. I want to get off Mr. Bone's Wild Ride.

I'm not 100% off Reddit, I still venture over there for my WarHammer faction updates. But holy shit, I dipped my toe outside that circle recently and it's a cesspool of anger.

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Phew, I’m so glad I switched to 3d-printing/war-gaming. That is absurd.

What sucks is this will likely sell “well” too. I have a buddy of mine that is a “whale” and he eats this shit up

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Millennial here, no hate towards poly-folk. Seems exhausting, but do you boo.

I expect it will be something AI related, like wanting them to have rights or whatever as they approach mimicking human behavior and appearing being alive (see, did it there). Likely because of a decade or so of us being economically threatened, and not viewing them as things that can think/'feel/not-want-to-die or whatever.

Lmao, I'm a public servant and a developer. I make that choice every year.

Absolutely not.


Yeah, I didn't care for it while I was a reddit user. The guy literally doesn't care if you post 'fuck /u/spez' randomly in a comment section. Why let the guy live rent free in your head when you can step away from his domain and influence and never bothered again?

Weird, my Pixel 6a currently doesn't have a persistent notification when I use Proton. Is this a GrapheneOS thing? Just curious.

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True, but to my limited recollection it's the right losing their minds more frequently. See Gamergate .

In response to the edit: I notice you pivoted from it being a function of "maturity" and placement relative to puberty, to now wrapping it in concern of the gov't - some how - surpressing "lgbtq rights" by teaching about their existence, which is a contradictory stance, but w.e.

Look, my sister's trans, my mothers are gay, and I'm the straight dood in my family. I'm not in a hivemind, and my experience watching them wade through life informs my thoughts. Your appeal that people who disagree with you are in one is troubling, to say the least.

Heck, you didn't even address a few anecdotes of people being precisely in the age range you had issue with, and instead chose to take a different tact -- instead doubling down you are correct.

And for the falsely imprisoned? Kinda a shit way to go.

Guess Pence is off the ticket in 2024 🤣

I don't really see the comparison to Hunter Biden and Hillary not being charged for the accusations made against them. To my knowledge there isn't multiple tapes of them admitting to the crime verbatim and proceeding to commit it. It's not even comparable.

Oh for sure. I'm not really sure what I would need to believe a "disclosure" honestly tho.

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Oh wow, I use Steam to launch I don't know how Lutris handles their translation layer, but Steam's Proton hasn't failed me!

Who is the last one?

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I'm a developer as well, but I think we're comparing professional literacy to general user literacy. I think we should be fine save some new form factor (idk, fucking AR, I guess?) or paradigm that upends UI design in our 60s

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What provides me trepidation is the economic system means slack jawed corpos with MBAs will be working tirelessly to skirt safety.

Now if the government was to run ... Wait, that is communism and is therefore the bad thing to do /s

Which is making me sad. 3d printing is so open atm, but I wouldn’t be surprised if enshittification will take place in this space in my lifetime.

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Ah Florida, the Australia of the northern hemisphere.

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That was the stat that stood out to me, and made me wonder if there's something within the "MAGA" mind that explained it.

Didn't Apple attempt to do this with "i" and failed?

Been looking forward to this :)

I want to see how the M1 version fairs on my tiny laptop. Obviously it won't be as good as my gaming machine, but finally: a Metal title I'm interested in that can push the hardware!

Holy shit! That's what I get for reading only the headline.

That's spooky.

I have no issues on Linux 🤷

That being said, the most reliable method of getting arbitrary file off the iPhone onto the machine is to store it in VLC's (or some other app that has folder access enabled) app folder.

Yeah, I don't think this one fact means anything by itself, but if more connections are found it could amount to ... Something?

I wonder if there's a pipeline amongst the nationalist of "oh, you need a florist for the wedding that turns a blind eye? Got you. His tats are sick! He wrote 88 in binary as a collar"

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Really? I haven't had any issues. What was wrong with the file explorer.

That being said, my system is base Fedora plus a few extensions.

13 more...

Yeah, I can see that. I got through college with only an iPad for the Math degree, and the most common issue I see there's two locations in the Files app: iCloud and Local Storage. Once you get comfortable you can start mounting a tiny version of Linux running onto the file system and then it gets REALLY fun :)

Any question just ask!

The OP said they made this in photoshop!