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Yeah, I agree with them. Ranked Choice voting is extremely confusing. First you have to rank the candidates in the order you prefer to win, then…oh wait, no. It’s really not confusing at all.

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Shitty Executive: “Oh shit, our terrible idea turned out to be wildly unpopular and we’re getting massive negative feedback! Quick, play the death threats card to make us look like the victim!”

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“Resources that would have gone into Ads and Rallies, will now have to be spent fighting these Radical Left Thugs in numerous courts”

Did he just admit to another crime?

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The internet is unusable without adblockers.

Elon Musk is a privileged manchild who never grew out of his teenager phase, throwing around his inherited wealth like the kid from Blank Check and throwing temper tantrums anytime someone calls him out on his bullshit. Any claims to success he may have had been entirely in spite of him, not because of him. He doesn’t have any fucking idea what he’s doing and if any one of you or I failed even a fraction as much as Musk had, we’d have all been fired ten times over.

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Ah yes, “cancel culture” from the “go woke go broke” crowd.

They don’t have the numbers or the evidence to impeach Biden on any grounds, so the strategy is to keep talking about it because that’s basically as good as a guilty verdict in the heads of conservatives. Why else would they bring up impeachment if Biden didn’t do anything?

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Classic Republican. “Let the people decide” but also “no not like that!”

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This is great!

Could you also not show a link to shorts? I could also do without those.

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That’s because most Social Media players aren’t interested in the social community aspect. They only care about the nigh infinite metadata they can harvest and then sell, and advertisements. It’s profit driven first and last. So everything ends up being rather samey because it’s the best method to achieve those goals.

Dark Knight Detective

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“Ethics are not in the constitution”

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Please stop acting appalled at Russia as if they follow any sort of rules. If they could launch unarmed infant Red Cross journalists to drop down in parachutes strictly to shoot them with white phosphorous, they would without hesitation. There’s no war crime they won’t commit. There’s no rule they won’t break. There’s no line they won’t cross. They’ve proven this fact at every opportunity.

Jesus was woke AF by their own loose definition of the word.

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I’m glad to see some light being shined on the taint rather than it all on the asshole.

The only thing I expected that hasn’t shown up yet is the Apollo app logo.

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Sounds like a public admission that it’s against the GOP’s policy to work with Democrats.

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They must have run out of food and attention again.

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That didn't happen. <-- Removing slavery from history lessons.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad. <-- We are now here.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

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Anything to do with space. I’m so sick of hearing about what newly observed thing has scientists baffled and is definitely absolutely unquestioningly hyper advanced intelligent extraterrestrials.

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Unity plays the reverse victim “death threats” card because it made a universally panned decision.

He’s unbanned from Xitter which was the whole reason he started Truth Social to begin with. It’s served its purpose.

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Why does this article (and everyone else) seem to pretend like Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2 didn’t exist?
Or how games like Neverwinter Nights came before Dragon Age Origins?

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I wish I could take time off work as often as the House does.

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This is a non-issue. Provide the chronological feed and let people choose how they want to consume their content.

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I noticed this while shopping for something last night and also immediately noticed a huge, glaring flaw in it. It doesn’t account for products with multiple different listings under the same product page. So for example you are looking at a page that has one option for pants and a second option for trucks (just an example) where the product reviews mix reviews for both, the AI bot will think they’re all for one product. You’ll see something like “Most customers feel they fit just right, while others think they don’t get enough gas mileage.”

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Louisiana AG hopeful Liz Murrill may be laced with fentanyl.

There’s the letter of the law and then there’s the spirit of the law. What was the law made for?

I think the idea of banning fully automatic weapons was to make it more difficult to have a high rate of firing. All of these automatic adjacent fixes are skirting the letter of the law, in spite of the spirit of the law.

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They don’t give a shit about dress code. They give a shit about having an excuse to be angry about something.

I guarantee if some GOPer showed up in a stained wifebeater with camo shorts and crocs, they would be celebrated as ‘just like us’ and ‘a hero of the people.’

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He’s a business owner that sells lumpy pillows who dove headfirst into the alt right deep end during the Trump era. He’s also involved in the 2020 election interference and is angry that he’s found out after fucking around.

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Local authorities said they were investigating the newsroom for "identity theft," according to the warrant. The raid was linked to alleged violations of a local restaurant owner's privacy, when journalists obtained information about her driving record.

Oberlander said exceptions to the Privacy Protection Act are "important but very limited." One such exception allows authorities to raid a newsroom if the journalists themselves are suspected to be involved in the crime at hand. In a statement sent to NPR, Marion Police Chief Gideon Cody cited this exception to justify his department's raid of the Marion County Record.


Several media law experts told NPR the raid appears to be a violation of federal law, which protects journalists from this type of action.

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They always do this. They always weaponize words with powerful meanings without understanding or caring about the meanings. They just know the elicit a strong negative emotional response and that’s all they care about.

Because they think this is all just a fucking game and that the GOP will sweep in and fix this. It’s like a sick badge of honor for them.

He’s definitely one of the pissiest babies, but I wouldn’t say he’s the dumbest when people like Boebert and Greene exist.

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But if you use an adbwockew then I can’t suwvive…
👉👈 Pwewse disable youw adbwockew…

-Adblock off-
-Adblock on-

👉👈 Pwease…

Manchin will never get the DNC nomination if he runs as D, he’ll never get enough votes if he runs as a third party, and he’ll never get the Trump votes if he runs as R. There’s no way Manchin can become president in this current political landscape. He would need politics to return to the 80s to have a chance at any kind of success; when the parties weren’t so inflamed and divided.

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This is pretty par for a Larian Studios game. The first act receives all the polish while each act afterwards gets less and less polish.

It should be no surprise that there wasn’t any feedback for acts 2 and 3 considering only Act 1 was ever available to play in EA.

This post is sponsored by NordVPN. Make sure to check out my Patreon after reading my comment.

They’re contrarians. They don’t stand for anything except the opposite of the Democrats.

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MacOS has been fine for awhile now, but Apple’s hardware is very expensive. They’re great for productivity but not so much for gaming.

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