The Batshit Crazy Story Of The Day Elon Musk Decided To Personally Rip Servers Out Of A Sacramento Data Center to – 1029 points –

Back on Christmas Eve of last year there were some reports that Elon Musk was in the process of shutting down Twitter’s Sacramento data center. In that article, a number of ex-Twitter employees wer…


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Elon Musk is a privileged manchild who never grew out of his teenager phase, throwing around his inherited wealth like the kid from Blank Check and throwing temper tantrums anytime someone calls him out on his bullshit. Any claims to success he may have had been entirely in spite of him, not because of him. He doesn’t have any fucking idea what he’s doing and if any one of you or I failed even a fraction as much as Musk had, we’d have all been fired ten times over.

Sounds a lot like another conservative figurehead I could name...

Actually, it sounds a lot like almost all conservative figureheads in US politics.

They're completely idiotic and yet way more successful than I'll ever be. But then again I have a guilty conscience.

They're "successful" if you define success as being born into wealth and/or being willing to ignore the suffering of others. For you and me (and most right thinking people), that's no real measure of success. Unfortunately, capitalism and the US political systems gives power to the people least suited to wielding it.

And that's why their base votes for them. Because they can relate.