2 Post – 248 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Y'all got any more of them x3 jokers?

There's always a relevant xkcd

God, I spent so much time I didn't have playing KSP.

On the plus side, I did learn the basics of rocket science, so it wasn't a total waste of time...

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I've only ever heard it used in pulpy adventure stories/comics like Howard's Conan world (some of which do admittedly have some if that implicit racism common to fiction from that time). Has it become more explicitly neo-Nazi?

Jesus, I thought you were just using that as a figure of speech so that we could all understand that Space Daddy Musk was exhibiting meth-head-like tendencies, but no, he literally diverted a flight from Austin to Sac at the suggestion of his cousin, drove in a Corolla to the data center (edit: at 2 in the morning on Dec 24), and used his pocket knife to pry up the floorboards.

Fuck, how much cocaine has he been doing? He's about to hit John McAfee levels of bad decision making.

Also, Elon, I was just kidding about the "Space Daddy" stuff. If you want to send a few pounds of blow my way, HMU.

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I'm not IT, just a college instructor, but you'd be amazed at how many Gen Z students have told me that they can't log into their email because they don't know their own password. Not even forgot; they don't even know it in the first place because every device remembers everything for them.

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Yer here ta kill me? Oh, honey, bless yer heart!

Companies: πŸ₯©πŸ₯©πŸ”πŸ”πŸ’²πŸ’²

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"Wait, it's all projection?"

"Always has been"


Yeah, I literally just sent this article to my partner with the commentary "...and this is why I no longer think we should ever buy a Tesla"

I don't want this egomaniac in charge of anything that has real-world safety implications for me and mine.

"Science deniers" is a better description.

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That's some survivorship bias shit right here. I can't tell you how many shitty, buggy games I played in the days of early console and PC gaming. Even games that were revolutionary and objectively good games sometimes had game-breaking bugs, but often it was harder to find them without the internet.

Plus, don't you remember expansion packs? That was the original form of DLC.

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I could've believed it if not for the reply. The reply simply makes it too over the top to be real.

The very definition of a dog whistle

She's a Republican, which means there is no expectation of self-consistency or morality.

Sounds a lot like another conservative figurehead I could name...

Actually, it sounds a lot like almost all conservative figureheads in US politics.

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I mean, I've gotten drugs from sketchier people. And if we're talking about stimulants, that's almost an advertising point. "So good, it got Elon pulling up floorboards and crashing servers!" is a decent testament to how strong it is.

Plus, if this was a serious conversation, the first thing I would do would be to test for purity and contaminants. Test kits are relatively cheap, and even if you're open to getting baby powder spiked with bath salts in place of cocaine, it's better to know what you're getting into. Test your drugs, people!

Counterpoint: If you ask most elected officials edit: in the US (of either party), any two of those as policy goals would make you a socialist.

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Is this better?

Is this better?

I like the other one because this one seems too sparse and I wasn't really shitposting for legibility.

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I would have to disagree. Sure, in the modern world, one function of art is to "move money around," but it's far from the only function or even the most important function.

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You've obviously never met a three year old

I actually discovered a completely new music review site when I was looking for more information about them. Have any of y'all heard of something called "pitchfork?"

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It's sad to see the sequel get abandoned like this.

Especially when KSP has had such an active and vibrant community for a decade

What the fuck kind of snakes do you have living around you?

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People should sing whatever songs they want to their kids. Kids understand that the lyrics aren't necessarily supposed to be taken literally or even applied to them; kids just like the attention and how relaxing it is to listen to the most comforting voices they know sing songs that they love.

My wife sang our kids "You Are My Sunshine" and "Puff the Magic Dragon." I sang them love songs, break-up songs, songs about death, and everything in between. The only difference in our day-to-day life and personalities is that they are developing great taste in music and that I spent much more time singing to them than I would have had I been bored to tears singing "appropriate" songs.

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They're "successful" if you define success as being born into wealth and/or being willing to ignore the suffering of others. For you and me (and most right thinking people), that's no real measure of success. Unfortunately, capitalism and the US political systems gives power to the people least suited to wielding it.

If you're conscious, they're pretty much all shit.

To me, the thing that makes this a truly awful story is that it happened to a kid and that the parents are left with the knowledge that they've outlived their child. As a parent who struggles with depression and sometimes relies on the fact of my children's existence to remind myself that things can get better, this would shatter me.

So much has happened in the 5 decades since the 2016 election...

It's just like all those conservatives that "left" the GOP because they don't want to be associated with Trump and called racists. The problem is, they still all vote pure Republican down the ticket and support regressive and racist policies, so did they really leave the GOP, or are they just arguing in bad faith?

And actually, I'd argue that they're making the problem worse, because that leaves the GOP primaries in the hands of the nut jobs that like the way the party is headed...

As someone formerly in the same boat, I think belief in the Abrahamic religions makes it hard to identify with the plights of others, because if you believe in a just, loving god, then "those people" have the religion and hardships that they do for a reason (and the reason is usually either "it's part of God's plan" or "they made bad decisions").

When you base your entire worldview on a faulty premise, you can use sound logic to get all the way to libertarianism without a problem. Once I reexamined and discarded my belief in the Christian god, it was like flipping a switch; I went from douchey religious Libertarian to bleeding-heart socialist almost literally overnight.

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If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.

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It says "Thursday," which, assuming the the article was written and posted this week, is a perfectly adequate way of conveying the date of the protest. Not that I think CBS has workers' interests in mind or anything, but we may as well be accurate with our condemnation of corporations.

So, technically not a prostitute.

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and i love how after 2020 now it’s just par for the course for restaurants to always be understaffed because it’s cheaper.

But don't forget the managers and business owners complaining "people don't want to work" and blaming Democrats, unions, unemployment benefits, and "kids these days"

Except then you eat it and your mouth is numb for a bit and it helps the hangover

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I agree with everything you said, except I would argue that capitalism is the Sixth Horseman of the Apocalypse, seeing as one of the original four was already replaced during a translation. The original text were interpreted as "Conquest, War, Famine, and Death," and the story I remember from my New Testament course in college was that in the early 1900's, it was thought that Conquest was too similar to War, so they used one of the later passages that specified that the horsemen would bring death by "sword, famine, plague, and the wild beasts of the earth" to rebrand Conquest as Pestilence. In fact, now reading up on it from Wikipedia, apparently the first two horsemen were likely both supposed to represent war, with the white rider (Conquest) representing "righteous/justified war" and the red rider (War) supposed to represent "civil war," which is interesting.

In fact, given how vaccines and modern medicine have dramatically lowered the death by infectious disease in the 20th century, it's likely time for another rebranding (relevant xkcd), so I'd replace "pestilence" with "capitalism" or even "profit" if I were feeling flowery.

edit: Upon further reading, apparently the third horseman (Famine) could also be interpreted as a form of capitalistic excess, since it's accompanied by a voice that describes rising market prices for staples such as bread and is carrying market scales. Traditionally, this is thought to indicate Famine as loaves of bread would be weighed during food shortages, but the accompanying voice seems to indicate that luxuries are still available, so I could easily make the argument that the passage is about the rich tending to their own needs while ignoring the needs of the poor (which sounds an awful lot like modern US politics/capitalism).

Edit 2: So I guess I'd rebrand all three of the riders preceding Death so that I'd interpret things as "Imperialism, Extremism, Capitalism, and Death," or put a little more poetically, "Conquest, Discord, Avarice, and Death"

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No, the moon's rotation isn't on a 24-hour cycle. I'm not an astronomer, but I pretty sure since it's tidally locked to earth and on a 28-day cycle around the earth, a lunar day is actually 28 Earth days, but I'm not actually sure how that would factor into the number of time zones (I'm pretty sure it would be more complicated than just 24 time zones to match 24 time zones on earth, though).

Plus, I think the speed of the moon relative to the sun is different enough from Earth that you need to take relativity into effect, which is the real headache here.

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Waste Management Engineers= Waste Management Pandas

Waste Management (Engineers) / Waste Management = Waste Management (Pandas) / Waste Management

Engineers = Pandas


Checks out.

It's actually not (just) the acidity. Pineapples and several other tropical fruits have an enzyme called papain that breaks down peptide bonds in a rather unique way, to the point that the texture of the meat can become quite off-putting if the enzyme is not used properly

Edit: acidic or not, it's definitely best not to put any sensitive parts of your anatomy in pineapple juice

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