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Joined 12 months ago

God damn it'd be great if we could stop supporting the fascist religious shitheads in charge of Israel.

He knows he is already going to lose, and is taking actions to take power anyways. Just what we want from a democratic nation.

Yeah no shit. Everyone who hasn't been brainwashed by conservative opinion stations knows that they're straight up lying about that shit. They straight up lie about a ton of shit to get more money and power and there are still millions of Americans that fall for their constant, daily lies. It's a real shame that no one is doing anything to stop them because their constant lies will contribute to the downfall of America eventually. Yet supposedly their lying and damage they cause to Americans is protected under "free speech."

And they have a loooong history of infiltrating protests and starting shit to give cops a "reason" to attack the protesters and stop the protest.

They clearly don't want to send trump to prison, even though he most definitely deserves to rot in there, because of his rabid dumbass cult followers. So why not send anyone who helps him violate the gag orders to prison instead?

Conservative opinion stations where they spew lies daily are negatively affecting Americans in a big way that we won't be able to come back from if it isn't taken care of.

Why are they allowed to lie about major things that make people make terrible decisions without any consequences? We really need some news regulations before conservatives destroy America with their filth.

Make laws that protect the layman from insidious individuals like everyone at fox.

Just like trump's "don't count the sick people and we'll have less sick people."

Just because you shut your eyes and ears doesn't mean the problem went away. But that's the best you can expect coming from republicans these days.

It only takes one shitty person to ruin something for everyone and there are a large number of shitty people doing shitty things on the Internet.

Yup constantly bring up his rapes and frauds he committed and still commits. Make fun of him for scamming his followers constantly. Bring up that he stole money from a cancer charity at least three times.

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Reminds me of the times that asshole gave medals to people who were completely undeserving of it. If a traitor gives someone a medal, it should obviously not count and be taken back.

Hell it'd be nice if everything from the disastrous trump era was reverted. So much damage would be undone but we're well past that point already. Seems we're just trying to prevent these dumb assholes from doing even more damage that they seem so set on doing.

Yup it'd be best at that point to usher him away and apologize for the insane bull crap he just said. Can't believe they let him finish rambling stupid shit to everyone.

Is his name Charlie Kelly?

Wow who knew that these obvious piece of shit scumbags were obvious piece of shit scumbags. They're a detriment to our society and republicans elect them to positions of power where they can become even larger detriments to our society.

Why would they get fined for doing something that is perfectly legal and that every other company does daily?

Well you'd love kiss x sis.

"I will attack these Americans on day one."

Oh gee thanks asshole. How does anyone think that is okay at all.

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Pro-choice for a man to marry a child but not pro-choice for any women to make their own decisions on their bodily autonomy.

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Why don't they just rename it to "I wish black people were still slaves." Because that's basically what they're doing.

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She? Lindsey is a dude.

Haha not all change is good and especially change coming from that orange piece of shit. He would most definitely bring about worse change like he did the first 4 years he failed as president.

He doesn't deserve the name Keanu. They should make him change his name to donald.

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How about instead of making sure they wear the correct clothing, you make sure they do their god damn fucking job of making life better for the citizens. Because that hasn't been happening for decades now and what they wear while fucking over Americans hardly matters.

Oh hey look another time where trump opens his mouth and spews out the dumbest shit imaginable. He actually brags about this? What a fucking moron. If he wasn't born into wealth, he would've been taking the short bus to school. To call his inane blabbering "advice" is putting it way too nicely.

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Anyone who has any semblance of basic thought could tell that trump was a disaster and electing him as president is one of the dumbest fucking things imaginable that you could do, and republicans went and did it. How could electing an irresponsible, stupid man-child be of any help to anyone whatsoever?

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Conan acts like that to get a laugh because he isn't like that at all as a person and everyone knows he is joking. You won't ever see Fallon or Corden be that way on camera because it's really how they are in everyday life off camera.

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Oh hey look! Blatant misuse of terrible laws by republicans in order to steal elections and they've been doing it for decades.

Shall we fix this major obviously ridiculous issue? Nah. Let them abuse broken laws for their own gain and America's downfall.

So blatant in your face corruption from the republicans. They're doing a lot of that these days.

Ah. Texas.

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That guy definitely watches trans porn daily.


Democrats aren't putting forth any great candidates either but at least they're not scraping the bottom of the humanity barrel for the worst piece of shits possible like republicans have been doing as of late.

Those billionaires have too much money and people should be able to afford a one bedroom apartment on a full time minimum wage job!


Idk trump standards are "do the opposite of what is good and right" so this seems right up the trump standards alley.

House republicans hate paedo gaetz in the same way everyone in America hates house republicans. No one can stand any of those pricks either.

Israel "Why won't you just let us murder all these men, women, and children?"

If after every single time someone mentions x and they have to write formerly known as twitter, they might as well just call it twitter. X is never going to stick because it's dumb as shit.

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It just takes one asshole to ruin it for everyone else.

Hmm I think we need even bigger trucks and also more religion and less gay people. That'll fix it.

So the dude is a straight up lunatic? He belongs inside a fuckin insane asylum.

Used to be sunwise and counter-sunwise.

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Rent is only a third of your income? You lucky bastard.

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