3 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Statistical modeling.

And yes, I am miffed about the use of the word “exponential” in this post’s title.

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He just needed to feed the idea of it to his base. They won’t know or care that it was an imaginary report, and will never hear that the press conference was canceled.

Lock him up!

This. Have we really not learned this lesson? We need to take what he says literally and seriously.

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Here’s todays winner for most unintelligible title

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The tldr here is this:

These constitutional scholars dug into the original meaning of the 14th amendment and concluded that Trump easily meets the bar for having “engaged in” the Jan 6th insurrection, thereby disqualifying him from holding office.

I believe it all comes down to the term “engaged in”. Some say he didn’t because he was not literally storming the capital with the rioters. These two law professors are arguing (in a peer reviewed law journal) that the original intent of that term includes all the stuff Trump did.

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Lifetime appointees with no accountability reject call for accountability. Shocking

I’d like to believe that that’s true, but I’ve been disappointed by our political system too many times to believe it .

Oh god. When one of the most unstable, poverty-stricken counties in the world is at risk of “spiraling out of control”, it’s really bad. Today it’s a refugee crisis and genocide, next year it’ll be mass food insecurity :(

Especially disheartening because there was genuine optimism in 2019.

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That makes way more sense than the hypothesis that Trump has a filter

The system works

Gaetz and MTG are in some of the safest districts in the country. They’re not going anywhere unless their party puts up a competitor.

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If only horrible economic policy was the worst thing to worry about

Thank you. As someone who knows nothing about that religion this headline was extremely confusing to me

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It’s self reported. They released it before he entered the building

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It really should be proper fedi-etiquette for a community owner to seek out and link to similar communities in the side bar. Not sure why they don’t do that either.

omg what could have been so questionable that he wrote a draft but didn’t tweet it?

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They also make windows tickers that say “in case of emergency we have xyz pets”. Good to stick one next to the front door.

Substantial confounding in studies like this though. I haven’t read the paper but they usually can only control for basic demographics, not the nuances of parenting style and engagement, which could certainly be correlated with both screen time and development.

Just imagine what Trump would have said

I don’t know much about how the canal works… why does it need rain water? Isn’t it connected to the ocean on both ends?

I get that there’s a system of locks to raise/lower ships, but dont those just pump salt water in/out?

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It can be taught in simple terms was earlier than 5th grade. My two year old knows sometimes you say he, sometimes you say she, sometimes you say they. It’s not outlandish at all.

I bet they still love him. In typical dictator fashion, anyone who doesn’t worship him surely has been purged long ago.

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Yeah, this time he will actually demonstrate restraint 🙄

Yes do it! I love specialized instances.

Somebody made an awesome list here

It does not include an instance like the one you’re describing. Maybe the closest is, which appears to be down at time of writing.

Interesting. Isn’t it entirely public though?

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You gotta love a headline that presumes to know the motive for a murder

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There could have been more progressive presidents sure, but I really think Biden’s achievements and stances are under appreciated. I believe he’s been the most progressive president we’ve ever had.

Wasn’t there a similar story about “Born in the USA” ?

Environmental damage is reversible

Because they don’t care about quality in depth content. They’re just in it for the clicks. Probably had an algorithm fill in the remaining paragraphs

Yep. It’s stupid shit like this that got him indicted in the first place.

Cool so he knows one gay person who at least acts ok with being called this slur, and now he has the green light to call anyone the same name. Didn’t know that’s how it works.

For 99% of elected officials, every action they take is about getting re-elected. The difference here is Manchin has a counterproductive strategy to do so.

The policy promises were mostly unfulfilled, but they did in fact stack the judicial system with sycophant judges from top to bottom. The real goal was actually achieved.

For real. There will be some fabricated scandal that somehow “tips the scales” in their minds back toward their troll daddy

He probably has lawyers fighting literally every step

Pretty much because all these indictments are also bringing up stuff that happened a few years ago. It’s clear that it just takes that long to do the whole process, and maybe they had to wait until after he was president anyway. So I started thinking about all the other shit he did, and this one stood out as one of the worst.

Can’t resist a little Ted Cruz schadenfreude

That ship has got to be quite a bit heavier than pre-industrial sail ships though right?