2 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A tool using primate, probably friendly. Likes cookies.

This bullshit just infuriations me. Nearly every country ALREADY HAS LAWS that prevent minors from buying vapes (and cigarettes, etc.) Just enforce the damn rules rather than turn two pack a day people back to two pack a day people and then have to pay for their cancer treatment.

Jesus these fucks are dumb.

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And this is the real cynic in me, but the dad will be enthusiastic about going to Little Timmy's games, and in the end, that's probably all Little Timmy wants: some time with dad where dad's happy to be with him.

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More upvoting of posts.

I know that sounds a bit dumb/lame, but when I first got here and every post had like 5 upvotes, maybe 20 and then maybe once a week you'd see one with more than 100, it was jarring. Made the place feel empty and without interaction. Which it's really not, but that was my and I think perhaps a lot of peoples' first impression.

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This exact thing happened to my Pilates teacher of a decade. We used to joke about all the woo. Then she somehow discovered Josh Rogan and things began to go downhill. What if Trump is right about this one thing? Aren't there two sides to everything? When covid hit she went completely down the rabbit hole, antivax, global conspiracies, the works. Just about everything in that article.

I considered her a good friend. She was the only one who brought flowers to my house when my mother died. I haven't seen her since early in covid, after the first lockdowns.

And I read another article about this same phenomena about two years go, which of course my google fu is too weak this morning to find. But the anecdotal point here is that this is not the first time people have noted this phenomenon.

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S&P and Moody's were collaborating since at least 2000 on the pricing of the so-called "esoteric" structured instruments associated with mortgaged-backed securities that caused the 4Q07 crash. They collaborated via the competitive intelligence firm Washington Information Group (which does not seem to be around anymore.) The collaboration was almost certainly illegal (IANAL). They did this because neither wanted a price war when rating these. I did sign an NDA with S&P that kept me out of the industry for two years. I left the industry shortly after that and went back to what I used to do.

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The right to access the internet via broadband wherever possible. Money should not prevent this.

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I kinda did this with my wife a very long time ago, so long ago I doubt any of my experience is still relevant. And we had saved up considerable money before we left and still had a nest egg to return to. So, not exactly low budget but not trust fund either.

I met a lot of people who had almost no money however. The principal I learned is that if you have a) enough money or b) enough time, you can get to almost anyplace you want to go to. The people with no money had enough time. They would often stay in one place and work for two or three months to earn enough money to move on to their next destination. These people were pretty chill, except for the ultra minimalists who had like one pair of underwear and would ask to "borrow" yours. Those people sucked.

Folks this is a garbage study. N=18, and then extrapolating the dangers based on aggregated stats of disease states?

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The team I manage are Millennials and Gen Z (I'm a slightly older Xer, born a couple of weeks before Kurt Cobain).

Here is a problem some folks might not have considered that doesn't really have anything to do with the "nature" of the younger generations. I fight very hard for flexible hours, better compensation, scheduling flexibility, etc. I do not tell my folks how to do something, I leave that to them, and they'll generally find a better way than the way I initially imagined. Someone needs a day off or to come in/leave at a different time or to WFH, I never ask why.

And generally our CEO has given me what I want, and I can give my people what they want. Admittedly, this is in part due to the nature of what my team does and the visible quality of our work (not IT, btw). So far so good.

The problem is other managers. Other Xers and a couple of Boomers. They see my department getting all this stuff, and they start getting paranoid their departments (or other companies; we are a conglomerate) will start demanding the same. And they do not understand WFH, worse they are afraid of it. Likewise with all the QoL and work/life balance stuff. And if their people found out about the raises my people got, oh boy would that be a problem for the other managers.

That's often where the real fight inside companies is, between managers vying with each to determine which way the company will go, or to, at least, to keep their part of it a nice ecosystem to work in. Fear of change is a big factor.

I disagree and think the core problem of too many guns could be solved the same way other Anglophone nations did it.

However, your argument was very well written, and I appreciate both its intention and its focus on the human.

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None of them were there long, but none of them moved to higher paying jobs either.

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Well, it's more like we don't want them to come here.

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...with a heavy does of the Property Gospel to keep the plebs in line.

This is exactly what happened to a friend of ten years of mine. Exactly; he was the gateway drug to this:

In this case unfortunately it means "objectively not doing the job you are paying them to do." Like, core job duties.

Fair enough!

It's still possible, in my opinion, to visit as a "tourist" (I live in Haarlem now, so technically I'm a tourist when I go) and avoid all the trashy stuff. You can seek out the cool little neighborhoods like the Jordaan or de Pijp.

And many parents working two jobs while living in a food desert have few good alternatives. Ain't got the time nor money.

That's how you keep folks scared.

Another one from the Netherlands.

Seriously, is there a better example of positive masculinity than Aragorn?

The privacy on that site was horrible, and I stoped de-selecting vendors who want permission to track me after two minutes.

But I wanted to ask you: are there any biologics based on this discovery in phase I or even II at this point? Any odds on one of them making it to III?

(also re: your last comment, read William Gibson's The Peripheral; you are describing his "jackpot" scenario)

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Not so much as a secret Trump supporter as helping to muddy the waters. There are many, many valid criticisms to make of Biden (and even more things to validly praise, oddly enough never covered in the press....)

I think the problem people have with criticism, valid or otherwise, is that this is no time to raise any doubt whatsoever about who should be president next. Yes, that's a propagandist's position. It's also the only morally and practically correct one given the existential challenge we face.

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Le sigh. Your answer makes me really wish we could have the equivalent of r/askculinary here.

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You're getting downvoted, and I don't 100% agree with you, but I agree with your principal: at least a decade's, maybe 15 years' worth of the best answers to niche questions on the internet are going to die with Reddit, either because people delete/replace their comments or, more likely, Reddit just fucks them up some how in trying to monetize the answers.

While this is a transparent and shitty power plant by the loathsome VVD, I am hoping it backfires. D66 is almost strong enough to lead a coalition of reasonable parties. I mean, it's not the shift far left that I would like (and think we need), but it'd be a hell of a lot better than VVD + to the right of VVD remaining in power. I don't think the BBB has a lot of momentum left either.

Now the monkey comes out of the sleeve!

This is a good answer and probably the right solution (still not 100% convinced defederating isn't, ultimately, going to be the answer though).

But your Jane/Joe Average User doesn't look to see which instance that pr0n cute picture of a cat holding a teddy bear is on. They probably don't even understand the concept of different instances showing content from others. Hell I've been online since 1992 and it took me a couple of days to get my head around it when I joined.

So I think we need some kind of step by step "If you see X, then do Y" sticked to the instances that care about this for the people who (like me) do care about this issue.

Combination of LinkedIn and local contacts. The two cities where the team works are rather tight communities, and you either do what we do or you do banking or FX.

Edit: I forgot one left to become a personal trainer, so that one kind of doesn't count I suppose.

Hey fair enough. But they are, and they tell me all the time because we talk constantly. It was the Zoomers I could not talk to on Skype/whatsapp/signal/slack ...whatever platform they wanted. So how did I fail to reach them? That's what I am wondering as a manger because, yeah a job is just a job, but it doesn't have to suck, and I as a manager can make it suck much less. It's within my power, but I cannot do the thing if you don't ask for the thing despite multiple attempts. There must be something wrong with how I attempt to engage them.

Not related to the article, totally anecdotal, and n=1, but it seems Google Maps has really dropped the ball as well.

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Why would you feel the need to type that out in a tread where a woman is just trying to express feeling happy about something that has nothing to do with anyone else?

Yes, multiple times. We talk, all the time; we have to bring in multiple locations.

She brought this attitude over from Banking where she was last, and even though I tried to engage her, she just refused to talk to me. Despite me getting her a 20% raise this year, not that that is the central thing.

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Take a page out of the French playbook. General strike.

[Oh but wait they have rigged system such that if you do that you'll get fired, thus losing your healthcare and possibly spiraling into bankruptcy. Seems that ship has sailed....]

What’s the point in sitting on your ass complaining about the behaviours of other individuals and organisations when the only thing you have direct control over is your life.

I'm not challenging you on the "sitting on your ass" part because that is true. But I promise you the Earth getting hotter and more polluted is going to exert "direct control ...over your life." And the only real way we can change this is through some kind of political process.

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Sorry gotta downvote you on that one partner. I'm a long term immigrant from the States, and I still think pumpkin pie is the bomb.

Gave you and upvote to get you back off zero and agree with your general sentiment.

But - the elections since Trump took the ROC convention have all been different - we must get rid of all the R's we can no matter what at the local, state and national level as soon as possible now that the have proven to be an existential threat to democracy itself.

I did. I fought with my CEO for two months and got everyone in the department except me a massive raise, 15%-20%.

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Yeah, no. Crude and coal are still 95% USD denominated, and that's more than half Russia's exports.

Yes but only if you live in Cyprus....

Woah, story time?

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Actually my two most senior people are permanent WFH and I'm quite sure they do this (and I do not care at al).

The ones in our offices, yeah that would not go over well with their colleagues, you are right.