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If that had happened, I'd bet money they would have arrested clinic staff for assaulting an officer or some other bullshit charge. They already do this when police shoot innocent bystanders.

Ah, a new spin on the "I'm just asking questions" method of spreading FUD and propaganda.

Lol I'd hardly call it a Pavlovian response. It's more that it's a well known date for stores to have sales on their merchandise, which is why people shop around on those days. I don't see what's so offensive about saving some money on a purchase you were going to make anyway, but I think there is some projection happening here.

I'd hardly call them "orders." I will shop for deals on both days, but that doesn't mean I'm actually going to buy anything, especially with all the price tracking extensions available and the severe lack of actual discounts over the last few years. I will only buy things that are actually on sale and things that I actually want/need prior to me seeing them on discount.

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The point is to increase sales. Browsing a website or walking through a store and not buying anything doesn't generate any revenue for a business. Nothing is being consumed, nor is anyone being forced to buy things against their will as the term "ordered" would suggest.

Do you get this bent out of shape when a store has a sale or promotion at any other point in the year?

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Generally because you're buying cheaper ones that aren't built as well. Heat destroys LEDs and the cheap bulbs generally use fewer individual LEDs running at higher power to produce a given output in lumens. More expensive bulbs use more LEDs at lower power to achieve the same light output so that they're not constantly being overdriven and last much longer.

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I just buy a cheap jumbo pack from Amazon. They're like 15 bucks and last for years which is good enough for me.

I've been eyeing an Ioniq 5 for about 18 months now and just checked local pricing again and they haven't budged an inch on pricing (even now with 2024 models being sold with 2023 models left on the lot) nor are they even carrying inventory outside of the most expensive trim packages of Limited AWD. I'm interested in range, so I'm wanting a Limited RWD but they aren't being stocked.

This article screams "I'm not doing my job and it's all your fault!"

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This guy is under an FBI investigation and felony fraud charges. He is ignoring the court because he holds a criminal mindset and has zero respect for the law.

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Looks like it didn't work. We can't see your post.

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“When you are asked to conform ... and give up something for the betterment of the whole, there is a psychological benefit,” Poole said. “We need more teaching (of) sacrifice.”

How does this dude not realize that also applies to his school district and their stupid outdated rules about hair length?

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That'd be great. Currently 90% of my feed is /c/memes and while I do find them entertaining, I also miss a ton of posts from smaller communities related to my hobbies that I would engage with more.

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You also can't look at reddit on any third-party app now.

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Not only that, but a girl who clearly has her shit together and is doing all the right things to be elected class president and scholarship candidate.

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Amazon insisted that the program was about safety only, and that workers shouldn't be worried about their privacy: “Don’t believe the self-interested critics who claim these cameras are intended for anything other than safety,”

Someone needs to punch this spokesperson in the face. It's one thing to lie, but lying in such a smug, smarmy way to paint critics as overreacting and ignorant makes it so much more infuriating.

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Could I hire a guy and pay him 48 hours of minimum wage to lay in the coffin for me and then collect the million dollars at the end? I think I just invented capitalism.

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Look at that, without us even providing you any money you've already admitted that you regularly grocery shop. That's going in your file.

RIP productivity for all those Amazon employees. My company recently made the switch and it has been rough as this trash doesn't even work half the time. We've been using all the same standalone products for decades without issue but now after the switch to 365, I regularly can't check email or opening a fucking PowerPoint. Also the wonderful OneDrive loves to duplicate every fucking shortcut on my desktop until it's filled with 17 copies of each one along with filling the C:\ drive on every shared PC to 99% capacity.

I swear to god the people in charge of making these decisions have no concept of how any of this stuff works or what benefit (if any) it'll bring to their employees. They seem to believe every sales pitch about some off-the-shelf solution revolutionizing their workflows and can't wait to fork over money that would be much better spent elsewhere like on the materials/equipment we actually use every single day to perform our jobs but is in short supply or in a terrible state of disrepair because "there's no money in the budget for that."

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More like:

“We are grossly overcharging for our product and nobody is buying… Obviously nobody wants an EV!"

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Your corrosion issue is due to dissimilar metals which, when in contact with one another, begin corroding immediately. They chose those materials knowing full well what would happen.

Their appliances are absolute garbage and I've read that many repair places refuse to work on them because they're built so poorly.

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I heard that's why he moved to Texas because someone told him "all the X's" live there.

I dunno I see a lot of cars on my commute that could use a driver update...

The media had their role in it too by setting a 'tone' for the whole thing by treating it like a joke from the start and being sure to always interview the kookiest of people whenever they'd visit one of the encampments. Alternatively, conservative outlets like Fox would paint the protestors like a bunch of entitled freeloaders who just wanted to cause problems.

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I'm pretty sure that regardless of where you are or what you're doing, fecal matter is getting blown on your hands. Mythbusters tested this out once by putting tooth brushes all over their shop and then culturing the bacteria from them. IIRC the ones that were in the bathroom had the least amount of fecal matter.

As if giving it all to Comcast and Spectrum for the 47th time will make things any better? Starlink is actually something accessible for a lot of these people, while legacy ISPs just pocket the money and claim its too hard to serve rural customers.

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Reminds me of Russia's failed attempt to demonstrate that Nazis were in Ukraine by releasing photos of a 'bust' that was obviously staged and includes gems like multiple copies of The Sims video game which were supposed to be sim cards.

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We'll probably see them lobbying to give ISPs additional taxpayer funds to 'expand' broadband access while redefining broadband to be anything above 150Kbps.

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Nah, he's just used more of his money to whitewash his image with articles such as this. When you peek behind the curtain, he's just as ruthless as the others.

Meh this is one instance that just keeps getting reposted every couple days. Pirating executable files has always been a risk and brought with it issues like this. There is little risk with music, tv, and movies.

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Seems interesting but it has the stink of "buzzword marketing" all over it. The example given in the article about using it for wake words is just using a microphone connected to the device. Microphones and speakers are both analog devices that all digital phones have already. Also the fact that it's an IC that's programmable leads me to believe it's not analog at all, or else how can it be programmed?

I also thought it was funny to talk about environmental damage from all these digital sensors and then using thermometers filled with mercury as an example of an analog sensor. Mercury is a heavy metal and extremely toxic to most lifeforms, which is why we don't use it in thermometers anymore.

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Same could be said about the users whining that their misinformation/disinformation is getting blocked on social media.

OP just needs a really long extension cord plugged into a German outlet.

Sp you're telling me that eating McDonald's every day doesn't make me qualified to he the CEO of McDonalds? I wish someone would have told me this earlier.

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Similar to the one I saw in Oregon a few weeks ago. It had fingerprint smudges all over the body. Seems like it'd be a huge pain to keep clean and probably need a sealant or clear wrap over the top.

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Nah his password would definitely include an "42069" in it.

It's almost as if we're all different people.

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I think weed is probably a pretty divisive issue in the party. I love in Oregon and know a ton of die-hard, Trump lovin' Republicans who love weed and have long before it was legalized. I think it's mostly the religious fundamentalists in the south and places like Utah/Idaho who oppose it while the rest probably don't care at this point.

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If he'd made it to Covid times, he would have died from Covid after injecting bleach and horse dewormer failed to alleviate the illness.

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Don't even waste your time and just go directly to the high seas. You'll get all the same quality content several orders of magnitude faster.

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Try linking one and sending it to someone else. I tried it and the recipient died two days later.

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