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Hard to know if the patent is expired when they haven't even officially announced which ones they plan to bring forward in the suit.

The only info I was aware of so far is that there were multiple claims they were making.

Definitely not a Valve W though.

I have no idea how some people can worship a corporation so strongly.

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It really is like a feudal system. There's a reason why the HBO series Succession is framed like the politics between a lord, his heirs, and his vassals.

Apologies for the Xitter link, but it looks like the main character Atsu is being portrayed by Erika Ishii.

"Your honor, the evidence shows quite clearly that the defendent was holding a weapon with his third arm."

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Because even though they feel the need to seek physical intimacy from someone else, they still want the stability and safety a relationship brings.

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Switching away from Chrome is something that is always worth repeating, but just FYI this happened last September and isn't "new". If you're on Chrome and are only just now realizing this, it's been your reality for the last 5 months.

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Better that than to hurt the feelings of someone who cares a whole lot about people wearing masks.

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But boy did it change the price you have to pay for it.

I like and admire vegans.

I probably should be vegan because I am lucky enough to have the economic privilege to support that kind of lifestyle.

But, as with many other communities centered around lifestyle topics, I would never want to participate in a vegan community. Lifestyle communities always become insular and echo-chambery, so you become a pariah if you don't properly adhere to 100% of the community consensus behaviors.

Not just vegans, but you see it happen with fitness communities, diy/home decor, a lot of hobbies, etc.

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What she is really saying:

"The writing is on the wall that a code of ethics is going to be implemented, so let's try to get something penned down while we still have a conservative majority."

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2008 was the beginning of the recession, and in many ways things never really recovered. Cost of college never went down. Housing remains unattainable for most young people. And the job market is becoming more exploitative than ever.

Financial uncertainty creates anxiety. People with too much anxiety don't have the time or energy for relationships and family. As it happens, countries where this is felt even more, like Korea and Japan, have it far worse.

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From what I've been seeing around the internet, Republicans are convinced that the debate was rigged. Harris was given the questions in advance, the moderators were biased, etc. etc.

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Seems weird to call it an "inert nuclear missile" when the entire payload component with the "nuclear" trait was not included.

For any TL;DR folks: it was just the rocket without the warhead. Basically an empty fuel tank with a nozzle.

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And wouldn't you know it, it's thanks to bodycam footage that we have irrefutable proof of this clear and unquestionably excessive use of force against an innocent victim.

The bodycam footage that thousands of police departments throughout the US are still pushing back against because they want people to think it impedes their ability to appropriately deliver justice, when it is actually, finally, allowing justice to take place. The necessity of which was caused primarily by police brutality against people of color, just like this situation, where there was no witness account other than the cop's side of the story.

If this happened ten years ago, back before bodycams became more widespread, the cop would have gotten off with a short paid suspension and no other punishment, because all there would be is the cop's one-sided account of how she clearly assaulted him with a deadly weapon and reached for his gun.

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AKA the "I only know about Guy Fawkes Day because of V for Vendetta" crowd.

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Banning an entire class of ads online and in media during peak hours? Sounds like a win to me, even if it doesn't have the effect they hope for.

Ads suck, especially ads that are selling garbage no one needs. The fewer, the better.

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Because Wikipedia doesn't serve ads or pay Google, so Google doesn't like to make them the top result for a lot of searches they should be.

May as well, if it means rejoining the EU following the disaster that was Brexit.

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Getting real tired of constantly seeing news articles saying "The economy is healthy! The US has never been richer."

Meanwhile, cost of food has never been higher. Rent has never been higher. People are still getting laid off left and right.

I feel like I am being gaslit by economists. Are economists all just yes men who are afraid to tell their clients that their practices are unsustainable?

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Yiannopoulos, who touts a traditionalist form of Catholicism, has been telling anyone who will listen to him, to “make the Vatican straight again” and “make America homophobic again.”

My dude, you are queer. You married a man and were proudly gay until a year ago. You're only just now faking a successful conversion to the straight life so your new Nazi friends don't lynch you in town square.

Go back to Britain and stop making American politics worse than it already is. Or stick around and don't act surprised when you inevitably get "Night of the Long Knives"-ed.

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There is a reason why he is replacing RNC leadership with family and other cronies.

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Or perhaps because the owners of the transport company may have refused to listen to safety concerns from employees because it would require expensive upgrades and additional personnel that they didn't want to pay for.

In either case, I am sure this will be a "No one could have predicted this" situation, the driver of the truck takes all the blame, and nothing changes regarding company policy or safety regulations.

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I don't know why this is news. Most consumer Android phones, Google's included, require you to acknowledge a warning before the ability to sideload is enabled. Their stance has always been "at your own risk, we don't recommend it" and we always just laugh and say "okay, whatever dude" before we do it anyways.

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This is a nothingburger clickbait article.

Mods are still allowed, they just unselected all of them from the load list with the patch installation and left it up to players to re-enable them manually. It's the right move to avoid people wondering why the game is horrendously broken should many of their now incompatible mods try to load.

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The Rocinante

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I don't know, the idea that users on Lemmy were the best part of Reddit is a bit egotistical, bordering on narcissism.

I think what you're looking at is simply differences in scale and variety of communities. The user migration to Lemmy was negligible, and I don't really think content quality here is inherently better than it is there. Rather, I think Reddit has just become too big and mainstream.

  1. More Boomers are now using Reddit, which for me seems like the same downward spiral that ended up hitting Facebook.
  2. Corporations see people using Reddit for advice and so they spam it up to try to influence shopping habits and land on Google search results.

If Lemmy ever becomes as popular as Reddit, the same thing will happen.

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"Windows, stop syncing my damn files to OneDrive."

"Copy that, no more syncing. Just give us a moment to delete the unnecessary copies."


"Ok, all done. All the local data is gone and now only the OneDrive backup exists."

"Wait no stop"

Law enforcement should not be militarized. Sweden just copying America's mistakes.

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Eat shit, Spez.

Retiring as leader but still keeping his senate seat. Any day that man is still allowed in Congress is a bad day, no matter what chair he sits in.

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"Updated", not removed.

This is still completely unacceptable. They just changed the threshold so as to not charge devs whose games don't sell at all. It does nothing to address any of the other concerns.

Our Unity Personal plan will remain free and there will be no Runtime Fee for games built on Unity Personal. We will be increasing the cap from $100,000 to $200,000 and we will remove the requirement to use the Made with Unity splash screen.

No game with less than $1 million in trailing 12-month revenue will be subject to the fee.

Okay, fine, we won't bankrupt you if your game doesn't sell.

The Runtime Fee policy will only apply beginning with the next LTS version of Unity shipping in 2024 and beyond. Your games that are currently shipped and the projects you are currently working on will not be included – unless you choose to upgrade them to this new version of Unity.

Okay fine, you won't retroactively bill us. But you still never answered how we can trust the install numbers that your tool supposedly collects, whether we will be billed for people pirating the game, whether botnets can immediately spike up our costs out of spite, how this affects Game Pass/PS+/donated licenses, etc.

And where are the assurances that you won't randomly decide to update the policy again in the future? I also can't imagine they'll let people keep using the version of Unity without runtime fees in perpetuity.

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A lot of trans people would disagree. Just because someone was forced to conform to their biological sex for years doesn't mean they felt that way on the inside.

Every trans person I know, without exception, prefers to refer to their pre-transition selves by their current pronouns and would take issue with the suggestion that they were still a boy/girl before becoming a girl/boy.

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Yes, one of the most infamous world leaders on the planet met with...checks notes...some rodeo clown from South Dakota who shoots puppies?

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Finally Apple is ready to use all that training data they say they don't collect.

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Anyone who thinks physical media on disc is a good way to preserve a work in perpetuity has never heard of disc rot.

Rip it, store it digitally, make periodic backups. Or obtain the IMAX film reel and keep it hermetically sealed for decades.

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I am assuming it may be related to a couple prominent news stories.

There was computer scientist Lynn Conway passing away recently, and in the thread for this article, there was some concern about the LA times author opting to use male pronouns to refer to Lynn pre-transition.

Then there was the other recent news of Lia Thomas being barred from participation in the Olympics, and any time there's a discussion about trans athletes in sports, it invites a whole lot of yikes. is the normie instance. Unsurprisingly, a lot of normies have bad opinions. If you run into transphobes, feel free to tell them what every transphobe needs to hear: "Go fuck yourself". Or block 'em and let them scream at a wall. It's good to nip bigotry in the bud before it grows, but it's also not worth letting people with hate in their hearts take up space in your mind's temple.

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In case anyone is confused by the headline:

NBC’s [hiring of former RNC chair Ronna] McDaniel [has caused a public relations] mess [that] threatens to [figuratively] explode

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