It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC to Not The – 577 points –
It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC

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Better that than to hurt the feelings of someone who cares a whole lot about people wearing masks.

From reading the article, I get the impression that this bill is mostly about them wanting to be able to arrest protesters who wear masks to hide their identity.

Which is still really shitty, to be clear.

Them's the small government folks for ya...

It's so stupid. Like, if the protesters do something illegal (actually illegal that is) then even if they have a mask on you can arrest them and make them take it off for mugshots. Also medical masks don't really cover enough of the face to prevent identification.

But then that wouldn't be for health reasons, right?

Right, but any kind of "you can't wear a mask in public" law is easily evaded if there's a legal exception for wearing one for health reasons.

But here I thought Republicans only cared about facts, not feelings. . .

The Republican claim on hard-nosed, reality-based reasoning is just so astoundingly mendacious. I find myself legitimately perplexed over the whole thing.

I mean, the guys who believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, trickle-down economics work, ectopic pregnancies are a gift from God and mustn't be stopped, vaccines are poisonous, life doesn't evolve, and Donald Trump was a good president are the down-to-Earth realists? Is this performance art of some kind?

How do people like that survive to adulthood?

By not being beaten with baseball bats when they prove to be sociopathically psychotic