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'That statute prohibits state officials from “corruptly” accepting “anything of value from any person, intending to be influenced or rewarded” for an official act.'

This is quite literally the 'textualists' ignoring the text of the law. Creatively redefining what 'rewarded' means. Jackson's dissent is basically 'Did you read the text?', 'Do you think Congress knows what words mean?', and 'Do you own a dictionary?'

It takes a lot of education to make a ruling this stupid. It should be impeachable.

Also mind that soon these new cars will be used cars with the same bullshit.

It would not need to be trained on CP. It would just need to know what human bodies can look like and what sex is.

AIs usually try not to allow certain content to be produced, but it seems people are always finding ways to work around those safeguards.

Depends. Are you a Louisiana Republican legislator?

Copyright should go back to 14 years.

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The most common first name in the world is Maria, and the most common last name in the world is Wang. Erfo the most common name in the world is Maria Wang.

For all note taking, I enjoy ZimWiki.

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Sometimes the job is just to be there, and to be the guy that knows what to do when things go wrong.

It's not like firefighters are just running from one fire to the next.

the AI has to be trained on something first. It has to somehow know what a naked minor looks like. And to do that, well... You need to feed it CSAM.

First of all, not every image of a naked child is CSAM. This is actually been kind of a problem with automated CSAM detection systems triggering false positives on non-sexual images, and getting innocent people into trouble.

But also, AI systems can blend multiple elements together. They don't need CSAM training material to create CSAM, just the individual elements crafted into a prompt sufficient to create the image while avoiding any safeguards.

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Yeah, give kids easy to use pocket computers to access social media curated by algorithms designed to increase anxiety/engagement and "games" that are single-player gambling simulations, all of which harvests their data just to better learn how to manipulate them, and wonder why kids feel anxious, isolated, or depressed.

This hurts the over-25s too, just to lesser degrees because their brains are fully developed.

Whatever it is, it should be public so if an issue is raised and resolved then others can see that too.

No more Discords for support, please, for the love of god.

When AirBNB first arrived, I think we thought it would be a tool to let people rent a spare room in their house short term to travelers, with a built in system for reviews and reputation building to ensure that it's safe for both parties.

Turns out it's a platform that enables wannabe real estate moguls to buy up housing and convert it into unlicensed hotels for a tidy profit.

Oh. Oh no. This is so wrong.

Gab is for the fringiest of the right wing. And people often cluster disparate ideas together if they're all considered to be markers of membership within their "tribe".

Leftists, or at least those on the left wing of liberalism, tend to do this as well, particularly on social and cultural issues.

I think part of it is also a matter of not so much what people believe as what they will tolerate. The vaccine skeptic isn't going to tolerate an AI bot that tells him vaccines work, but maybe generally oblivious to the Holocaust and thus really not notice or care if and when an AI bot misleads on it. Meanwhile a Holocaust denier might be indifferent about vaccines, but his Holocaust denialism serves as a key pillar of an overall bigoted worldview that he is unwilling to have challenged by an AI bot.

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And forced arbitration should be invalidated.

I hate to say it, but I don't think you need a €3000 computer.

$3000 is a gaming PC, or CAD PC. Unless you're a professional streamer or a CAD designer, you don't need it. You can get a decent computer for 1/2-1/3 of that price.

At the same time, it's okay to buy things you don't need, if you can afford them. But you have to decide if you should.

Florida Man went to the mall on DMT?

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My experience with LG/WebOS has been fine if I don't try to get online. It doesn't pester me to do so.

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Or at this point, the one whose tracking is easiest and safest to avoid or circumvent.

USA: Personal cars should be banned, and commercial vehicles should be tightly restricted.

A person like what? There's no connecting thread between morality, emotional maturity, and programming skills.

Oh that explains a bit. Who's decent these days?

One of these door bars could help:

Doesn't really address the fundamental problem, but it'll make getting the door open harder.

Debian Retro Universal Gaming System

Someone make that a thing.

I've found that a hand-held steamer (use distilled water) gets me by for those few cases where the wrinkles just have to be addressed.

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Dogs working contribute to society, but don't talk. I don't know why being able to talk would suddenly change things for cats.

Most Terence Malik films I guess? He's popular amongst film buffs, but I feel like his reach should be broader than that.

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And it's okay for them to be hetro life-mates, or bffs, or whatever. It's okay for people to head cannon them as gay if they like, but all they were ever intended to represent was a kind and loving friendship between two dudes who were fundamentally different. By the same token, love, kindness, and actually being friends with your partner is important even in a romantic relationship. Bert and Ernie are good role models for any relationship really, as they were meant to be.

Boycotting is hard, because "no ethical consumption (etc).

That said, I boycott Wendy's and highly, HIGHLY encourage everyone else to do so as well because they still won't sit down with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and join the Fair Food Program.

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Also nationwide lead removal fund.

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I wouldn't assume it's a solicitation for payment for sex, but it's strange to ask someone you just met to cover your medical expenses. I mean, presumably you'll need the same testing she will. I assume anyone who actually sells sex will try to frankly negotiate payment up front.

My guess was maybe an indirect way of asking you to slow down. Or she's could be on a tight budget and also horny AND knows she's going to have to get down to Planned Parenthood to get tested for the clap after letting some stranger off Hinge eat her out.

People make all kinds of bad decisions when they're horny, and sometimes try to mitigate them in weird ways in the moment. You neve known a guy who started having sex without a condom, then paused to put one on?

I picked my instance because it wasn't too big or too small, and it federates with basically everyone.

No. Some of the worst politicians are young. Some of the best politicians are old. Age isn't a problem. Undemocratic systems and bad politics are problems.

Depends on how slowly you do it??

Sounds like we're talking about a speech act.

If the question is intention vs. perception, intention all the way. Perception of a speech act should track the intent of the speaker, otherwise the perception has failed.

There are of course ways a person can make their intention clearer, particularly by following rules/norms of communication, and a person receiving or processing that communication should also utilize understanding of those rules to interpret (to properly perceive) the information.

But if both parties are doing their level best to clearly encode and decode the information, but the perceived message varies from the intended one, which one is closer to the truth? Intention. And over the long term truth wins out.

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Maybe folks are gonna start learning that just because they made content for a service, doesn't mean that they control it.

Here's 3 interrelated things that happened, I guess:

  1. Corporatization.
  2. Centralization.
  3. Moving away from privacy by default.

Essentially, a few companies have found a good way to make money on the Internet: gather your personal information, and use it to put advertisements in front of your eyeballs. Part of that is figuring out every little preference, trigger, and micro-identity you have so you can be fed increasingly targeted ads, and be cajoled into engaging more and more with these advertising platforms.

Are you a liberal recently single White gay man who owns a condo in a gentrified urban neighborhood in a major US city in the Pasific Northwest, who is between 25-35 and who cares deeply about social justice? Here's some suggested products specifically tailored to you, along with some communities you can join that our algorithm has found keeps people with similar characteristics on the platform for longer periods of time. Is that increased engagement due to the discovery of a warm and welcoming community or an unending flow of rage bait? Doesn't matter! If you become increasingly attached to your community, we'll sell you things that appeal to you along those lines. If you become increasingly despondent and enraged, will sell you a solution for that too.

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Yeah. No one ever gave me AdSense dollars for nearly busting my fucking head.

I would prefer RSS.

It's not a brilliant new idea, it's a good old one. Jitneys are back baby!