3 Post – 344 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

A lot of people stay because of lingering attachment to the platform. As weird as it is, changing the branding subconsciously tells the human brain "This is a new platform" and that makes switching mentally easier.

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Generally it's agreed the best way to stop piracy is by offering a more convenient alternative. I generally for example don't pirate video games available on Steam. With streaming services being so disjoint and expensive now I've gone back to pirating, at least with cable you can bundle channels.

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Congrats to Firefox, it really has made substantial improvements over the years.

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To summarize it for people that don't feel like clicking the link, it essentially takes the log of the post score and then divides it by an exponential function of the time since the post was published.

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Random person: Hey Hitler, can you please stop doing the Holocaust.
Hitler: Nein.
Random person: Damn, guess I can't do anything. If I used force to stop Hitler from committing a genocide I would be just as bad, because everyone knows killing a Nazi who wants to kill every Jew and killing an innocent Jewish person are equal moral acts.

I honestly don't understand how people think like this. All they do is enable fascism and the imperial ambitions of more aggressive nations. As long as we live in a world with sovereign nations, some of those nations may do something extremely wrong that requires a war to stop, and that doesn't mean you just let them do it. Ultimately, war is bad but genocide is worse and sometimes sacrifices have to be made (exclusion existing for nuclear war, which would render humanity and most of life on Earth extinct).

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You are correct about all of those things, but KBin doesn't have any currently released mobile apps and I like to have a mobile app. Ultimately KBin will probably have mobile apps soon and some of those features above will probably eventually be added to Lemmy, so it's just a case of what's the most important to us now.

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I'm not too surprised, they're probably downgrading the publicly available version of ChatGPT because of how expensive it is to run. Math was never its strong suit, but it could do it with enough resources. Without those resources, it's essentially guessing random numbers.

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It's really neat to see something like this still going. Torrenting is a cool technology, it's fun to download and then seed a file, knowing that now other people will get to enjoy it.

They probably paid for the title but the article isn't actually that peachy, I'd say its assessment is accurate. The Reddit sub protest is over, and technically spez got his way, but the platform has been damaged and may recover or may begin to die out and be replaced.

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The company said that it will still have opt-out controls in “select countries” without specifying which ones.

I'm guessing that's how they plan to get around that. They will leave the toggle enabled for people registered in EU countries, and disable it everywhere else. A fairly risky way to handle it in my opinion.

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The Soviet Union did not kill all those nazis out of the goodness of their hearts, but rather because they were in active warfare with Nazi Germany and thus needed to kill a large number of nazis to win the war. Throughout history, authoritarian "socialists" have backstabbed, betrayed, and otherwise killed anarchists and democratic socialists. I absolutely do not trust tankies to fight against fascism in the United States or Europe in any effective manner. Russia and China are not friendly countries to queer rights, though being gay is legal in both countries they do not have any anti-discrimination laws that apply to queer people and the reason there are fewer hate crimes is simply because they don't count them. Russia and China are also not socialist, Russia is an explicitly oligarchical capitalist Presidential republic and China has a mixed economy that heavily relies on markets with private owners. This is honestly a good part of the reason I'm suspicious of tankies, the United States sucks but that doesn't mean that every nation that opposes the United States is automatically good.

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I agree with most of this article except about Discord being Reddit's main competitor. I think Discord has a distinct enough feel that it's almost kinda separate from other social media. It's less so like a platform you make posts on and moreso a big text group with lots of features, which is perfect for some communities but stifling for others.

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Actually, all 15 were of black people. 14 were of black men, one was a black woman.

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If you had left out "gorgeous Russian girls" you would probably have significantly fewer downvotes. I generally agree it's not the people's fault their nation is a dictatorship, but I think generally when people say fuck Russia they mean fuck the Russian state, not the geographical area nor the people that happened to be born there.

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Mastadon (and the Fediverse in general, to some extent) has problems with discoverability and the average user finds federation confusing. People tend to either use microblogging to see what's going on with people they're interested in or to broadcast their activities to a large group of people, and Mastadon currently doesn't fit that niche very well.

That gimmick lasted all of a day or two until Elon decided democracy was cringe when Twitter voted to oust him.

I suppose spez did say he looked up to Elon. I wonder when he'll install an illegal "Reddit" sign on the roof of his HQ?

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This news is as stupid as it is unsurprising.

It's probably a bit of both. They save money with a worse design and they make more money on more sales.

I think that part of the problem is we need to enable younger and poorer people to run for office. Potentially with a universal campaigning platform or something similar, there needs to be a way for less privileged people to run for office if we're going to fix this country.

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For those wondering, the petition is to keep the resorts open by changing certain elements of how they work. I really like this bot, but sometimes it cuts too much out of its summaries.

At least refactoring the code can make the bug easier to find. What I hate is when I spend hours looking for a bug because I missed a single line in some documentation and misunderstood how something in the project worked, that always hurts.

Clarence Thomas is clearly not just a threat to the integrity of the court but to the entire United States. If we are going to have a functional democracy, he needs to be removed from office and imprisoned.

That's true but did anyone think Meta cared about mental well-being? They're a company, their only goal is to make money.

I think some people have trouble conceptualizing those around them as human. From what I can tell it's not intentional cruelty, at least at first, they just struggle to conceptualize and understand the idea that all of the people around them have just as dynamic and complex inner worlds as they do. When it's a struggle to make that connection, it's easy to go through life ignoring the plight of those around you, disregarding them with the same ease most people dismiss a warning on a computer.

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When a 2-day task turns into a 2-week task 🙃

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This is one of many reasons proposals should be talked about in advance. If you like surprises your partner doesn't need to know exactly when the proposal is coming, but generally it should be known if a proposal is coming in the more immediate future, in the long term, or not at all.

I didn't know about the police stopping them from taking down the sign. That kinda just ties a neat bow on this perfect shitshow.

The penalties for these crimes should be higher than fines. They should involve prison time at the very least, destroying our planet is not something people should get off scot-free for.

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It can probably still write boilerplate code, but I wouldn't currently trust it for algorithmic design.

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You're willing to vote for the fascist candidate because he's funny? Even if Biden is senile, at this point, I'd vote for a dead possum over Trump simply because the dead possum wouldn't try to overthrow the country.

This advice is exactly why the sunk cost fallacy exists, just try a different website.

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Damn, apparently all it takes to turn a show gay is to say the characters in the show are gay. I wonder which show we're going to make gay next.

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Yet more proof that each and every company is willing to sell human rights. Some companies price it higher than others, but they all have a price.

I can say confidently there are at least 1057 atoms in the sun. Take that scientists.

Unfortunately, the software for both running and displaying Lemmy is still in beta. While it's still in active development, it's probably for the best that we stay niche because bugs and stability issues turn off a lot of people permanently from the platform. That's why I'm waiting until the Lemmy 1.0 release to really advertise, I don't think we're ready for that kind of growth yet.

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I too look forward to all of our websites looking like they're from the 90s upon the abolition of CSS.

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It's because conspiracism and anti-democratic sentiments have rooted deeply into the Republican party, and for as long as they remain Trump and candidates like him will remain popular.

Beyond being stupid, I'm fairly sure that this view is heretical. If gays are able to steal stuff from God, then God is subject to the mercy of humanity, and I'm pretty sure the church frowns upon that belief.

Something like that, or potentially some jerk with a knack for technology who's decided to use their abilities to be an ass.

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