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Random person: Hey Hitler, can you please stop doing the Holocaust.
Hitler: Nein.
Random person: Damn, guess I can't do anything. If I used force to stop Hitler from committing a genocide I would be just as bad, because everyone knows killing a Nazi who wants to kill every Jew and killing an innocent Jewish person are equal moral acts.

I honestly don't understand how people think like this. All they do is enable fascism and the imperial ambitions of more aggressive nations. As long as we live in a world with sovereign nations, some of those nations may do something extremely wrong that requires a war to stop, and that doesn't mean you just let them do it. Ultimately, war is bad but genocide is worse and sometimes sacrifices have to be made (exclusion existing for nuclear war, which would render humanity and most of life on Earth extinct).

Neoliberalism is how people think like this. In order to stop the wave of strikes, protests, and violent demonstrations for workers rights the capitalist ruling class started heavily pushing the doctrine that "All acts of violence are always morally wrong". They indoctrinate children into it through the education system and mass media. The intent was to stall the progress of workers rights movements in the long term, and it worked exactly as they intended.

The biggest thing people don't understand is that governments exerting control necessitates violence, as laws are only recommendations otherwise.

The question of whether something should be a law should always consider: “Is this worth using violence to enforce?”

You're correct, it's just a bit demotivating. There must be some way to reinvigorate the labor movement both in the United States and globally, but I'm not entirely sure how. I think the labor movement in the U.S. has recovered a bit from the massive damage that the Reagan administration caused it, but it's slow-moving.

People have taken the line "violence is not the answer" to the extreme. It is true that violence is rarely the answer. However, there are times when violence is the only answer, because words will literally never work.

Violence is the last answer, when all avenues of negotiation have failed

Similar energy:

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

Thank you for expressing my sentiment in a much more articulate (and concise) manner.

They were taught their whole lives that violence is always wrong. That it’s never the correct solution. They can’t concieve of it being the only way out. When you trust liberals to run an education system, you get people with ingrained useless liberal ideas.

*To be clear, using “liberal” from a leftist perspective.

Your problem is comparing Hitler's holocaust to anything self proclaimed nazis do today. It's far more effective to just ridicule the handful of them instead of trying to be violent.

It is absolutely an apt comparison. Genocide is a favored tool of fascists because it's an effective way of quickly wiping away dissident civilians and destroying the mythical enemy they have in their heads. The Nazis alive today would absolutely do the Holocaust again given the ability, and fascism is too popular in too many countries for ridicule alone to work.

Something they might do isn't worth worrying about. They don't have any means to actually commit genocide on an organized scale. You lose credibility when you overreact or overstate reality.

Sounds like the kind of thing non-Nazi Germans would've said in 1930

You're correct, they currently don't have enough concentrated power. But that's the thing, if they did the genocide would begin immediately. No fascist movement came to power instantly, they built their power slowly through a mixture of government-sanctioned and illegal political activity and when they had accumulated enough power, in a quick strike decapitated their respective democratic governments. You can't afford to be reactive here because, by the time their regime starts in earnest, it's already too late. These ideologies need to be destroyed while they're still fledgling, ridicule only works at the very beginning and we're too entrenched for it.