20 Post – 651 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Trans woman - 9 years HRT

Intersectional feminist

Queer anarchist

I think the scale of image believability is logarithmic. Going from "believable at a glance" to "believable under scrutiny" requires an exponential increase in performance compared with going from "not believable at a glance" to "believable at a glance". The same principle applies to text generation, facial recognition, sound generation, image enhancement, etc. One of the many reasons AI should not be being integrated in many of the ways world governments and corporations are trying to integrate it.

Gender affirmation only counts to them if it defies the sex or gender binary. They're completely fine with people modifying their bodies to affirm their masculinity or femininity so long as they were assigned male or female at birth accordingly.

Trans people pursuing medical transition are such a small percentage of the population that cis people getting hormone therapy or affirming surgeries will always dwarf the number of trans people who are. Throw in all of the ways we affirm the gender of cis people, through language and fashion and culture and so on, and it's evident what their gripe is. It's never been about children receiving gender affirmation, merely their conviction that transgender people do not exist or are immoral and evil and shouldn't exist. There's a reason modern transphobia is highly intertwined with fascism. To believe that an entire group of people, based solely on their gender, is immoral and evil is only possible through a lense of dehumanization and conspiracy. Something they are especially good at. We are too few in number and too disparate to counteract the efforts of fascists, who by themselves outnumber us in every way.

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Billionaire white woman no less. Who's best friends with a Nazi, a homophobe, and a gaggle of upper middle class bigots who share her belief that society should adhere to anything they so desire including legally discriminating against anyone who is different from them.

Mhm. And why wouldn't they want to talk with her, the unbiased paragon of tolerance that she is. I'm surprised they aren't offering for her to head up a new political office who's sole purpose is to determine if trans people should have rights or not.

It is about women's bodies though, a piercing is a form of body modification.

And yeah, in a world where women's bodies and attire weren't policed to an extreme degree it might be the same. But it isn't. It's not that there's some linguistic difference but rather that policing women's bodies happens in millions of unique ways every day. It does happen in some ways to men too, body weight, height, body fat and hygiene those kinda things. Women are policed for those things too, in addition to a million other factors. And we suffer social consequences for those things in ways men do not. We suffer even if we do meet those expectations, because ownership over our bodies is still being taken.

It would still illicit a similar response of confusion from me if someone said they were "dissappointed so many men were getting nipple piercings". What is the causal relationship between the speaker and the men in question? Why does the speaker feel entitled to those men's bodies? It would still be weird and wrong to say that. I hear people making claims about women's bodies literally every day though, and pretty uncommonly about men's in the same way.

I'm reacting to the comment made by the commenter. Those are not semantically the same statement, though. They literally aren't. It expresses an expectation for others' bodies to be a certain way and a dissappointment when they aren't. The word dissapponted is not interchangeable with preference. "I dislike nipple piercings" is not the same thing as "I am disappointed in women who get them." You intuitively know this too because someone being angry with you implies a direct response to something you've done. Someone being disappointed in you implies they had an expectation for you that you failed to meet. It also takes literally nothing from the speaker to clarify this, which the commenter did not.

I have no feelings whatsoever on the subject of whether the commenter likes nipple piercings or not. I do not have nipple piercings and am entirely uninterested in what the commenter thinks about them. I object to men using language that enforces ownership over women's bodies. As I said in my prior comment, this is an everyday occurrence for us. This happens to us all the time. My body is not your business, and the bodies of random women are not the business of the commenter.

As I said before, how would he materially know how many women have nipple piercings? It's possible to have them and them not be visible in public. If his gripe was with how many women he's hooked up with that have them, he would've said that not that he's disappointed in women who get them.

This entire thing stemmed from a simple call out on something the commenter said. A way that his language implied that women's bodies should be a certain way. It was never a big deal until several men immediately mischaracterized what I said and tried to imply that I am stupid, that I dont know what I'm talking about, that I'm weird, that I don't speak English lol. One commenter rambled on about his dick. I would've left the comment and moved on, that was always my intent. It was the visceral response at the mere suggestion that something he said may have had a misogynistic implication that prolonged this conversation into what it became.

You'll note I discussed the context subtext and use of the word in my comments. 🙃 that's what this whole thing has been about... sigh

Can you also stop trying to insinuate that I'm not an anglophone person? It's fucking weird

Creepy. Don't say that to strangers.

Uhhh, not sure what you're talking about with contouring makeup. It is literally ubiquitous in modern makeup? And your face isn't 2 dimensional... it lightens and darkens parts of your skin to emphasize and diminish certain facial features.

For many trans women emphasizing and diminishing certain facial features is hugely confidence boosting.

Also, please don't refer to plastic surgery as "doing a Michael Jackson". Please respect people's right to decide what they want to do with their bodies. Read through the sidebar if you haven't already, this is a safe space for transfeminine people. Many of us opt for facial surgeries to undo effects of testosterone during puberty.

Youre mischaracterizing what I said as though I made some comment about the commenter having preferences. Which is not and never was what I said.

If you're going to call out something I said and the implication in it, at least tell me what I said that you're calling out and what the implication was in what I said.

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That would be true, but for one, the percentage of women with nipple piercings is statistically insignificant. For two, you don't actually have any measurable way of telling with certainty how popular those piercings are. So it's not really as comparable to hair color, which you can ascertain at a glance. And even then, I would expect some kind of clarification that this has been obtrusive or obstructive to the speaker. "I've been disappointed so many times to find out that my date had their nipples pierced" or something to that effect. Just saying "some women are doing this aesthetic thing to their bodies, and it disappoints me" is not really saying the same thing.

There may be a fundamental disagreement here over whether or not it is valid to feel a sense of ownership over other people's appearances. "Oh no, that guy would've been so cute if he hadn't grown out a mullet I wish he hadn't" would be a strange thing to think, let alone verbalize, about a stranger. It implies that by virtue of that man changing some aspect of appearance the speaker has lost something tangible. It might give the speaker pause in that situation to realize that their language kinda makes it seem like they're entitled to "mullet-less" men. We also have to consider the emphasis that puts on men who do have mullets. The speaker in this case is collectively denigrating all of them for failing to meet their expectation of non-mullet hairstyles, despite those men not knowing the speaker and having nothing to do with them.

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It's not just based on the dictionary it's literally what the word fucking means. Jesus christ. Re-read my comments. I have absolutely no desire to continue this. I've made my fucking point. Leave me alone.

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disappointed dɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd


  1. sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfil one's hopes or expectations.

  2. (of hopes or expectations) prevented from being realized.

Here saved you a Google search lmao 😂

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No, I'm not. If you don't know what the word disappointed means, you should look it up.

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You're just petulantly refusing to actually respond to what I have said at this point. I don't care about his preferences.

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One minute, you're rambling about your engorged member, and the next you're demonstrating again that you still don't understand what I was saying. Fuck off.

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It should be illegal to misrepresent an ad as a post or comment. This exact thing should be against the law. The boundary between advertising and social media is so thin at this point. It has to stop. It's dangerous for consumers. Corporations should have to clearly label themselves at every turn. The usage of AI to intermingle advertising and social media should be blanket illegal.

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Honestly, same boat. Our power bill has gone up over 20% this past year like it's insane. Our grocery costs have easily doubled in that time, too. Like I'm doing the math and seeing the numbers like I'm making more than I was 3 years ago, but I wasn't living paycheck to paycheck then, and I'm rationing food today.

I also can't count the number of times prices have gone up on common groceries in the last year. Every time I go in I'm spending more than I did the previous time. And the grocery stores around here have started phasing out their cost saving brands. More and more lately what used to be the expensive brand is the only one left, and I'm paying twice as much for half as much compared to what I was getting before. They're not even trying to hide what they're doing.

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Wow, 60 years on and they're still raiding gay bars. Can't express how profoundly depressing that is.

Bigotry and prejudice. Not necessarily uneducated, but certainly poorly educated.

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The amount of people defending her statements in this thread is absolutely disgusting. I wonder why she feels so emboldened as to say such horrific things in public?

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Yeah, I'll never use Chrome again. Google has always been shady, but this latest round of anti-features is unbelievable. I'm shocked there's been no anti-trust suits related to what they're doing with Chrome. Firefox is just a better browser with way more security options and extension support. That alone is enough for me to stick with it.

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Even the usage of the term "endgame" implies an almost sportsman like perspective on the legal battle for transgender rights, devoid of any acknowledgment that transgender people have humanity and that their actions will have dire consequences for real people. A literal battle plan for how to dispose of us. No vague language, no hand waving away accusations of genocidal intent. Point blank, openly asking, "How do we get rid of trans people for good?"

They refuse to acknowledge that trans people, that any trans person, benefits from acceptance and support and freedom to be themselves. In their ideal world, first they'll deny our healthcare, deny our legal rights and protections from violence and discrimination, they'll replace mental health care facilities with religious conversion therapy camps, and when all is said and done and trans people continue to exist in any shape or form they'll resort to incarceration and disposal. They'll make laws enforcing dress codes based on assigned gender and make it illegal to change your name to one not approved for your assigned sex. This is what they've been saying they want for years. If they could do this, they would without a second thought.

We're the basis of the entirety of the post pandemic Christian conservatism movement. None of these people would even have jobs without us to scream about during the two minutes hate.

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Note to everyone seeing this post on all and unfamiliar with transgender rights and terminology.

Please read the sidebar. Comments breaking any rules will be removed. Transphobia will be banned. Gatekepping will be banned. This community is supportive of those taking DIY hormone replacement therapy.

If you have questions about DIY HRT, otherwise known as HRT without a doctors prescription, please direct your inquiries to Google. This community is a safe space for transfeminine people.

Someone will surely find a workaround to this. Half my library on tachiyomi is from mangadex lol

Edit: I did find a workaround, an unofficial repository for mangadex and bato extensions. As of the moment bato extension seems to be broken, but hopefully a patch will be released soon. The developer of the extension still plans to maintain it afaik

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Yeah. The details are in the article. Officer had his knee on the victims upper back for at least 30 seconds while the victim begged the officer to move as he couldn't breathe. At some point he stopped responding entirely while the officers were holding him. He needed immediate medial attention from the instant he stopped breathing. Instead of helping him officers told him "shut the fuck up you're fine". And only after he had stopped moving for 5 minutes did they check and realize he was dead.

The knee on the upper back position is illegal. The correct thing to do is to have 1 officer hold his shoulders steady and the other hand cuff him. If there's only 1 officer present (which there never should be), there are many other holds that are not life threatening. I think it's entirely fair and legitimate to say that they killed him. It's not libelous, or exaggeration, they killed him and did not seek medical attention when he very clearly stated he wasn't able to breathe. That's manslaughter and negligent homicide at least.

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It's a political comics thing that has its roots in England around 250 300 years ago. The comic is meant simultaneously to be funny (and therefore disarming) and legitimate political propaganda. To ensure that the political propaganda message is not lost on the masses they label everything to make sure their message most clearly gets across.

For example, see this political cartoon from 1903. Panama_canal_cartoon_1903.jpg

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It's very nitpicky of me, but towards the end of the article, they discussed various factors hypothetisized to "cause transgender identity," and I hate that framing. Being trans doesn't need a root cause to justify treating us with respect and affording us human rights and access to health care that improves our lives. Nothing made me a woman. It's just who I am.

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It feels like watching the Cuban missile crisis. A sinking uncomfortable feeling. I think the news has legitimately traumatized me. Breaking news means the next horrible thing has happened.

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A teenage non-binary child was brutally gang beaten and passed away suddenly the next day. Given the situation, including many severe head traumas, I doubt the toxicology report will show anything. If you've read the reports, it is downright grizzly what those girls did to them. Unbelievable violence and cruelty. The injuries inflicted were undoubtedly life threatening.

Even if, let's say, the toxicology reports show that they did take their life. What exactly does that change? The assaulters beat them within an inch of their life. How can you imagine someone could go on living after that happened to them? Is it any less murder because the victim literally lost the will to live after being brutalized by 3 of their peers? It's just disgusting that those girls aren't in holding cells right now. They tortured a kid to death. I had to stop reading the reports at several points. It's horrifying. Even considering the assaulters were all also minors, it doesn't in any way diminish the horrific nature of their actions.

This is the result of MAGA. There is blood on the hands of Chaya Raichik (libs of Tik Tok), of Matthew Walsh, of Candace Owens, of Kevin Stitt, of the entire movement of trans hatred. This is and always was their goal.

I miss when CCTV was a world ending privacy concern. Its gotten so much worse in the last decade.

What? You mean in America, the country ruled by Christians who impose Christianity on children in schools, where the majority religion is Christianity, where Christian organizations get preferential treatment by the government, where Christianity is the overwhelming majority religion of politicians, and where there is an active political movement to literally enforce state Christianity on the population, and where Christian moral doctrine is being widely used to restrict the bodily autonomy of women?? Ah yes so much Christian hate

Unironically shut the fuck up

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They're starting to claim it was the fault of "DEI". That's their new thing, whenever any accident happens of any kind its the fault of "DEI", by which they mean its the fault of minorities having jobs. How convenient that all the failures of poor management and cut corners due to profit seeking can so neatly be blamed on minorities they want to discriminate against.

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Fuck Pope Francis. Love that he said "no its okay to do genital surgery on babies (literally less than 2 years old) if they don't match what we decided was right for them". Intersex people can just go fuck themselves in the Pope's view I guess.

0 fucking consistency to any of their bullshit rhetoric. I think God's core message is actually to shut the fuck up and let medical professionals address people's health problems.

GRS literally saved my life. I would literally be dead if not for it. Transitioning allowed me to live a happy, fulfilled life. Anyone who tries to say that I shouldn't have been able to transition, or should be forced to detransition, is unironically literally saying that I should be fucking dead. No part of me is a man. If God existed, then me as I am today was always his plan and design for me. Because otherwise he's just a fucking asshole who literally created me just to suffer and die. If such a God existed I would have no qualms openly defying his creation, because no human being should be driven to suicide over something that real medical treatments exist for.

“ideological colonization”

The unbelievable fucking audacity for the catholic God damn church to accuse trans people of colonizing is so fucking wild. Such an unbelievable thing to say as someone who's the head of an organization that goes around the world "converting people from their heathen religions to Christianity". But somehow spreadings trans rights to be themselves and receive medical treatments that save their lives is "colonization". I'll tell that to the tens of thousands of dead native children buried outside catholic residential schools.

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I mean. Which group are legally subhuman in Israeli law? Which group is denied basic human rights such as access to drinking water, political representation, voting rights, movement rights, and inheritance rights in Israeli law? Which group has been kicked out of their ancestral homes for the last 70 years, and increasingly confined within what essentially amounts to giant concentration camps?

Which side has a modern military funded by the United States?

Which group is in control of whether or not the other one has access to electricity food and water?

Yeah, no, that'd be like saying that nobody in South Africa had the moral high ground during the peak of apartheid. That'd be like saying that jewish people who attacked Nazis in Nazi germany were "just as bad". Or saying that native americans were equally as in the wrong as their colonizers who were actively genociding them.

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A big hearty fuck you and fuck off to her. The Overton window has not moved that far. The gap has just widened as the conservative right moves into open fascism.

How egotistic do you have to be to think that your opinion is warranted with regards to women's appearance? Good for you if you think you don't like lashes. No one asked, and I'd be willing to bet you'd see a woman with full face on including lashes or mascara and think she looks great. 🙄

The men in this thread calling women repulsive for wearing lashes are unbelievable. Imagine saying something so horrible to someone about an aspect of their appearance you personally think you don't like. And then you wonder why no one wants to date you. So fucking sad that the endless male commentary on women's bodies can make it to c/all and see so much support here.

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because it exposes students to "alternate sexual ideologies." Baggett said she was concerned "a second grader would read this book, and that idea would pop into the second grader's mind… that these are two people of the same sex that love each other."

This is the kind of people we are dealing with. They are literally trying to prevent children from developing accepting attitudes towards minorities. That is their stated goal. It's not often I read such blatant disgusting hatred coming from a teacher. The book she was referencing was And Tango makes three. Which is unbelievable in the context of her statement. Were the penguins, who were real actual penguins, somehow a part of an "alternate sexual ideology"? How badly rotten does your brain have to be to think "sexual ideology" when you see 2 penguins raising a baby together?

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Lot of people in this thread who don't seem to understand what sexual exploitation is. I've argued about this exact subject on threads like this before.

It is absolutely horrifying that someone you know could take your likeness and render it into a form for their own sexual gratification. It doesn't matter that it's ai rendered. The base image is still you, the face in the image is still your face, and you are still the object being sexualized. I can't describe how disgusting that is. If you do not see the problem in that I don't know what to tell you. This will be used on images of normal non-famous women. It will be used on pictures from the social media profiles of teenage girls. These ads were on a platform with millions of personal accounts of women and girls. It's sickening. There is no consent involved here. It's non-consensual pornography.

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Neoliberalism is how people think like this. In order to stop the wave of strikes, protests, and violent demonstrations for workers rights the capitalist ruling class started heavily pushing the doctrine that "All acts of violence are always morally wrong". They indoctrinate children into it through the education system and mass media. The intent was to stall the progress of workers rights movements in the long term, and it worked exactly as they intended.

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