‘The Wire’ Creator David Simon Rips Into Baltimore Bridge Conspiracists, Calls Marjorie Taylor Greene A “Complete Submoronic Pratfall Of A Human Being’

vegeta@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 1003 points –
‘The Wire’ Creator David Simon Rips Into Baltimore Bridge Conspiracists, Calls Marjorie Taylor Greene A “Complete Submoronic Pratfall Of A Human Being’

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They're starting to claim it was the fault of "DEI". That's their new thing, whenever any accident happens of any kind its the fault of "DEI", by which they mean its the fault of minorities having jobs. How convenient that all the failures of poor management and cut corners due to profit seeking can so neatly be blamed on minorities they want to discriminate against.

They're claiming that the Black mayor of Baltimore was a "DEI hire", which is an absolutely bonkers thing to say about an elected official.

Much less the mayor of fucking Baltimore. It’s an extremely historically black city. If the mayor of Baltimore was a WASP that would be weird

There will always be an "other" for them to blame. They'll invent one any time they run out of "acceptable" ones in the eyes of the public.

"We have always been at war with eastasia"

It’s not minorities having jobs, it’s minorities having good jobs. They don’t like that there are brown and queer people doing shit they want. Like why the hell am I, a trans woman, an engineer and not them? It must be DEI because it definitely isn’t that I chose to attend a college that barely even requires a pulse to attempt their engineering program and then dedicaed 5 years of my life, countless hours of work, and large sums of money to it.