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Joined 1 years ago

It's not going to be in the back of your head.

The sad part is that Europe is seeing a lot of SUVs too. Not as big as whzt we see in the US. But they are there. We also start seeing american style pick up trucks. Luckily, people pay more taxes for these kind of cars.

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The number of comment that says " I would buy one, but" is amazing !

What this company is doing is what every company should do, from laptop to tablet. As well as tractors. Dot being able to repair what you buy is fundamentally flawed!

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Hey this is X celebrity, btw check my latest project, coming out tomorrow. Amas quickly became an easy promotional platform.

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911: "Sorry, it's raining "

Lol, they were funded 10 years ago snd when fairephone one came out people were already saying what you're saying.

There are customers for this kind of phones and the idea to not throw away perfectly working electronics.

But customers accepted to not be able to replace their batteries or being sold phone full of glue.

The need for the 2nd amendment is fundamental if you want the people, able to form a tyranny.. oh wait..

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Strong "Hello fellow kids" vibe

In Korea, or maybe other easter Asian countries, people photoshop the shit out of their CV Pictures.

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I remember ICQ

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I'm somehow really surprised by the linux community embracing the surface. It's a horrible piece of hardware. It's designed to be short lived. Hard to repair or upgrade. Limited connectivity. Etc. I've had user come back with their surface where the battery had pushed the screen out.

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Yeah, It's so wild. Like, they are so delusional.

Let's push back the classification of mass shooting to lower the number. Ok, so we need one shooter and at least 10 dead. If people are only injured it shouldn't count. And the victim can't be criminal or have a criminal background. If drug or alcohol, not a mass shooting.

The general public is definitely at risk if a drug buy goes bad a bullets start flying all over the place.

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What do you expect? He was defending the oppressed businesses during a riot.

It's just amazing how many people comment under fairphone post without knowing anything about the brand. I guess it's mostly American user because it's not sold in North America.

But fairphone has been operating since 2013, they are not a one off.

It's really awesome what they are doing especially as they are the only one doing this. The right to repai is super important for consumer. It's very sad to see people calling those issue "woke".

When people of every background and political spectrum are victim of corporation preventing them to easily fix what they buy.

Talk to any farmers about jon dear! Or any buy it for life enthusiasts.

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It's already banned. WTF are you on?

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Can New outlook even open eml?? I remember it couldn't just a few months ago.

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Dragon? Please explain?

The Wikipedia page on Oetzi is truely amazing!!! I don’t remember all the details. But the research that was done is crazy. They were able to know so many things, from the pollens found on him. His injuries, his probable job. Etc… it’s fascinating!

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This falcon is a big ass Eagle.

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Well when things aren't going well, people vote far rights, the have the simple answers. People love simple solutions for complex problems.

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I want bad company 3 with building you can destroy.

We're going to the moon guys!

When I woke up I was like, " It's really good dope". I've never done anything other than weed.

And they pay the cleaning crew $25

Got really sad this summer, relatives from the US visited and we went to the lake to do Stand up paddle. Upon seeing the life veste, I heard, looks like the vest we wear for school shooting drill, :/

You're account is tied to an email address, you just give the email address as well.

Don't cook homemade caramel.

From the other days map, about weekly hours worked, I can see that the less people work, the less they treat sewage.

I mean, it's sad she is dead. But billionaires shouldn't exist. They have been stealing our time and money for so long.

It's part of your army kit. As we have a mandatory military service. But, soldiers have now the option to leave it at their military Base.

Which was introduced to lower the risk of suicide. No idea the impact of this policy though.

One important point is that, swiss people aren't strongly divided or proudly displaying their, political affiliations. I think their are fights, protest and riot. But never it would come in the mind of anyone to bring a gun to such events.

Mass shooting are very rare and even though OP says people buy guns. I dont know anyone who has one. Beside for hunting.

We also have a pretty good social security and different safety nets. So this help.

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Same. Lemmy can only get better. Reddit, I'm not sure.

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It's funny, I visited a technologie University the otherday. It was open to the public. Two student were talking about a 3rd one. Saying the guy didn't wash and spent his time studying.

I think I will stay, I'm a 15 year redditor, I'm really pissed at the management. They've never been great. The community has been doing all the work for so long, posting, commenting, moderating, developping apps and tools. And these guy think they are better? They are even saying it will calm down.

Remove this guy as CEO, cancel this API nonsense and we will see.

But in the meantime. I'm here and the more time passes. The more comfy I get.

I really like the meme, kids have way more time than me to play mario kart. At first, you're like a god. Two weeks later you get absolutely destroyed.

Same, it's been hard it's like I'm in rehab. But in a way it's great too. I've been doing other stuff. Like started learning to make video edit with Davinci. For all the Apex gameplay footages I've stored over the years.

Saucisses is my favourite one

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I work for an American company and during global meetings when US HR are bringing up race, it feels really weird. Especially when you see that the percentage of white people stays the same and it's minorities competing with each other.

Republican might loose a lot of it's voter base