2 Post – 727 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Full Explanation:

Spotify introduced Audiobooks to their platform in November 2023:

  • Unlimited listening to public domain classics.
  • 15 free hours per month of premium audiobooks.
  • 10 hour top ups available.
  • Can purchase premium audiobooks for unlimited listening.

OP purchased book 1 and can listen to it all they want. They did not purchase book 2 or 3, and also listened to other audiobooks, putting them over the 15 hour limit.

Key Facts:

  • Spotify Audiobooks are a new feature with no additional subscription cost.
  • OP used all of their free credits for the month.
  • OP was never prevented from listening to a book they purchased.

That said, stop paying for audiobooks like a chump and get a library card.

35 more...

"...what we have worried about is a boys team is losing to a girls team (especially in a year end tourney) they may get frustrated and retaliate against a girl," a text allegedly sent by the tournament directors reads.

"Throughout the season we had a few teams come to us about this and raise concerns about it. Because of this we decided to keep them out of the tournament," another text reads.

Oh, so the teams were threatening to commit violence against the girls. Why not just kick those teams out?

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Somebody should go ahead and get a dedicated WSB instance going so that they can migrate easily after Reddit bans them. I want them contained because they are a toxic community, but I also want them to short the Reddit stock because it would be hilarious.

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“They shouted ‘nr’ and ‘ft’ at me to make their point. However, I served in Iraq. I never back down. Ever.”

I don't understand this take. Because he served in the military, he won't stop being allies with people even when they attack him and call him hateful slurs?

I don't think I've ever heard the "I served in Iraq, so I'm a doormat" argument before...

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The name of this project is a death sentence. F5 owns the NGINX trademark. A successful fork of this will need to have a new name.

When Oracle ruined Hudson, the community forked it and renamed it to Jenkins, and Oracle lost their investment. The same should be possible with NGINX (BSD vs. MIT, IANAL).

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If you were born in the USA, lived in Germany your whole life, and only recently learned of your US citizenship, you need to seek legal advice from a German law firm or from the government. I suspect that getting your US passport was a huge mistake. You may want to contest the validity of your citizenship, as it doesn't sound like it offers you any benefits, and might actually be a financial liability.

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Nobody said anything about her being raped, and never said anything about her life being over. She was present during a mass-killing, was brutalized in the process, and she is now being held captive by a terrorist group. Even if Hamas wasn't raping their victims (which they absolutely are), living through this will, without a doubt, change the trajectory of a person's life.

A lot of people have this very naive view that if we just build AI overlords to monitor all human activity, we can somehow automate good behavior and make the world a better place.

Really we'll just end up with RoboCop.

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It will also be interesting to see if Altman ends up demonstrating the dishonest behavior at Microsoft that he's been accused of at OpenAI, with the former inheriting the mess that those who expelled him from the latter were hoping to avoid. His reputation and other endeavors, especially WorldCoin, don't really give me much confidence in him, personally.

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Tl;Dr: The most hateful and problematic instances that exist were wisely blocked by Meta, and the admins have found a workaround that lets them see Threads posts, but doesn't let Threads users see their posts.

Originally it was just a modified Mastodon instance with federation removed. They hired Alex Gleason who maintains a fork of Pleroma called "Soapbox" to make significant changes to the front and back ends of the site.

Gleason also runs a handful of federated Soapbox instances, all of which are dedicated to far-right "free speech" content, mostly Nazism (Poast) and Trans-hate (Spinster). He also helps admin many other instances dedicated to hate speech.

Gleason has indicated that Truth Social and Poast run on basically the same codebase.

Quite disturbing to see the microblogging equivalent of The Daily Stormer with a multibillion dollar market cap on the stock market...

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Realistically, Debian, because it existed when the movie was set.

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The way I explained it to a chronically single friend who used this word problematically all the time, and made him stop: Female is a word that describes gender and/or sex. My wife is female, and so is my dog. My wife is literally a woman, and my dog is literally a removed, so if I speak of my wife with the same sterile language that I speak of my dog, then my wife would easily conclude that I have no respect for her. I then asked him how the dating world was treating him, he said "bad", and I said "of course, because you treat women like dogs".

Never heard him say it again.

This is bad news. FAST streaming is an ad-riddled nightmare. VLC already supports streaming video just fine. Native support for FAST services just means native support for ads.

VLC already includes support for IPTV streams and M3Us. If you want to load FAST channels, you can do that now using a playlist from here:

You'll even get an ad-free / ad-reduced experience this way. FAST providers like Pluto and Tubi rebroadcast some TV channels and inject their own targeted ads. If you pipe the video stream into VLC, you'll just see "commercial break in progress" filler video instead of commercials. Try it out with a local news station, they are all almost completely add free this way.

Enjoy this while you can, I guess...

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Wow, who would have thought that crypto people, the dumbest people on the entire Internet, would end up posting rw conspiracies.

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I honestly forgot that single-click is the default behavior in Plasma. I set up new desktop environments so rarely, and this is such an infuriating default behavior that I change it immediately. Glad to hear this is changing.

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So the teacher uses an unreliable AI tool to do his job, to teach a student a lesson about allegedly using an AI tool to do her work, and the only evidence he has is "this proprietary block box language model says you plagiarized this assignment". No actual plagerism to cite, just a computer generated response arbitrarily making accusations. What's the lesson here? AI models are so unreliable, when we use them we punish you for things you didn't do, so don't you dare use them for schoolwork?

It has a 1% false positive rate. If you have students turn in 20 assignments each semester, 1 in 5 students will get disciplined for plagiarism they didn't commit. All because a teacher was too lazy to do his job without blindly accepting the results of an AI tool, while pretending that they are against such things as a matter of academic integrity...

So that's why clothes from Temu smell like that...

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AI is absolutely "a thing", not sure there's really a debate about that. The desperation here is they want to be the first company to completely immerse itself in Generative AI, but they're moving so fast they're just shoving every experiment they can come up with down their customers' throats.

AI is going to be a huge part of the future, but Microsoft might not be a part of that future if they fuck up with over implementation of nascent tech.

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The original Luddite movement was literally a worker's rights movement, and the "irrationally afraid of technology" characterization was manufactured by the ruling class, so yes. The Luddites were right then and they're right now too.

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Do you own a residential home for a purpose other than you or your family living in it? You're a landlord.

Incredibly funny to see the NY Post pretend that these glasses were just now "unveiled". This line of camera-equipped glasses has been around for 2 years now.

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Imagine a world where you read the article and learned that they've already been federally convicted. It was in the first paragraph.

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What's with OP's pro-Trump editorializing? How does this article possibly serve as a defense of Trump's fascist "America First" policies?

Google never did make backups of the Internet, why are we pretending like they ever did? Cached webpages were a basic workaround for third-party website downtime; a guarantee that you could reliably see the information you searched for, even if the linked site was down. It was nothing more than a snapshot of the webpage their crawlers saw, where older copies are permanently deleted with every new crawl of the page.

It was never an archival effort, it was a rotating cache. If you were under the impression for all these years that Google was preserving Internet history, I don't know why, because Google never claimed to be doing that. Maybe it's time to reevaluate any other altruistic things you're assuming that mega corporations are up to...

"Forcing donations" is just a fancy way of saying "charging licensing fees".

5 more...

"Fuckers" is gender-neutral.

I understand people's desire for a headphone port, but I really don't understand the hate for devices that don't have one. It would be one thing if they vendor-locked Bluetooth headphones so you had to use theirs, but it really just seems like a common sense move in a world where Bluetooth reigns supreme.

As long as a USB-C adapter still provides the same functionality, I really don't see anyone's choices being taken away. If it is one less physical port on the device that helps streamline the hardware, I'm all for it too.

And if it is a dealbreaker, you don't have to buy a fairphone.

26 more...

You're not saying anything about Republicans that they aren't bragging about. Don't forget that this was the actual CPAC 2022 motto:

CPAC stage with a "We are all domestic terrorists" banner over it. (Not photoshopped)

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You don't have to walk away, you can migrate. This is more an issue of building your house on the king's land. The mods that stayed should serve as a warning to the rest of us that building a Reddit community means that Reddit owns the community you created, and that as a moderator Reddit owns you.

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Very strange presentation of Krita, but I'll take it. The overview of what you'll be able to do doesn't actually list anything you can do, and the comic recommends using it to deblur photographs, which is definitely not something I would recommend Krita for.

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Theoretically? RCS is not an open standard. It requires a license from GSMA.

There has never been a better time to use free open source software. Software piracy is actually less convenient today. Game piracy is really only dead for big multiplayer games, which makes sense since they rely on online services.

Pirate streaming sites were a stupid thing to begin with. I'm happy to see them and the malware they push die. Torrents and P2P will always be king.

Porn piracy is absolutely huge. I think you're just doing a bad job downloading it.

A post piracy world can only be one thing: crushing authoritarianism. That's the only way piracy dies.

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This was from a test I did with a throwaway account on IG where I followed a handful of weirdo parents who run "model" accounts for their kids to see if Instagram would start pushing problematic content as a result (spoiler: yes they will).

It took about 5 minutes from creating the account to end up with nothing but dressed down kids on my recommendations page paired with inappropriate ads. I guess the people who follow kids on IG also like these recommended photos, and the algorithm also figures they must be perverts, but doesn't care about the sickening juxtaposition of children in swimsuits next to AI nudifying apps.

Don't use Meta products. They don't care about ethics, just profits.

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If you're into desktop functionality, better VNC implementations are badly needed. It's not intuitive on most desktop distros how to configure a remote desktop solution correctly. We're nowhere near the "it just works" quality that RDP has on Windows.

If you're into hardware, I suspect there's work that needs to be done with BD-R DL/XL support. I don't think I've ever successfully burned a multi-layer Blu Ray disc across multiple distros, burners, and drives.

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Honestly, the way I look at it is that the real offense is publishing.

While still creepy, it would be hard to condemn someone for making fakes for personal consumption. Making an AI fake is the high-tech equivalent of gluing a cutout of your crush's face onto a playboy centerfold. It's hard to want to prohibit people from pretending.

But posting those fakes online is the high-tech, scaled-up version of xeroxing the playboy centerfold with your crush's face on it, and taping up copies all over town for everyone to see.

Obviously, there's a clear line people should not cross, but it's clear that without laws to deter it, AI fakes are just going to circulate freely.

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Just like how a drug dealer throws away their burner phone after every drug deal. /s

Or maybe you're not thinking about what this word means in context. Burner doesn't mean "use once and abandon", it means "use anonymously and abandon if needed".

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They're claiming that the Black mayor of Baltimore was a "DEI hire", which is an absolutely bonkers thing to say about an elected official.

My socks smell like cheese after a single day, and I can wash a month's worth of them in a single load of laundry, what am I gaining by wearing them multiple days in a row?

Nobody is unaware of that. It's just that before Musk took over, the checkmark meant something completely different. What it means today is potentially embarrassing enough for people to want to hide it. Now they can't.

Before Musk the checkmark meant "This user's identity has been verified and they are notable enough to need that verification".

Today it means "This user pays for Twitter".