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Joined 12 months ago

Well, that's something I haven't heard in a long, long time.

They didn't win, they just didn't fail as badly some had hoped. What was accomplished was spreading out a fair portion of their user base. Maybe not a huge percentage of it, but enough that they don't have the same level of monopoly. People are more aware of other options (and Reddit's flaws), and more will depart in time.

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sigh I'll let my wife know...

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Good acts do not make a good person. Plenty of billionaires have done good things, but they don't even come close to outweighing the bad.

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Per Wikipedia:

shrinkflation, also known as the grocery shrink ray, deflation, or package downsizing, is the process of items shrinking in size or quantity, or even sometimes reformulating or reducing quality, while their prices remain the same or increase.

I can't see how furniture could ever qualify as shrinkflation, unless we're counting something like the use of crappier materials.

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What's a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother.

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So is this thing actually called a "Cybertruck"? Because that sounds like something my 7-year-old would come up with. I hadn't really given it much thought until now...

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If it wasn't for their response to the pandemic, I might be inclined to agree with you.

"Coping" is all we can do. We're too dispersed and divided to make protests much of an option. We've got militarized and trigger-happy police, so rioting isn't much of an option. A large percentage of the population is living paycheck to paycheck, so strikes aren't much of an option.

We're screwed, but hey, the world is dying, so we won't have to worry about it for long.

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Four of the best parking spots, too, judging by the handicap spaces nearby.

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Eh, it scratches the itch. I don't touch reddit anymore, outside of web searches. Still, I miss the niche communities that only a massive site like reddit can give life.

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Well that's just stupid.

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This is a human being we've talking about.

Is he, though?

That's a large part of why, with older games, I prefer to use emulators, even if they're available to me in other ways. I love the "save state" option. It's terribly exploitable, of course, but it sure is convenient to be able to save literally anywhere.

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Watching at 1.5x for 30 minutes without realizing... How high was this person? It's either that, or brain damage; there's really no other explanation.

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Don't... need... music...? There are plenty of free streaming options, or even the damn radio. Premium Spotify is far from the only option.

Being able to listen to anything you want whenever you please is 100% a luxury -- and one that wasn't available until pretty recently.

It is tacky to leave the sticker on there with the lower price, but you are the one who paid 12£. How does it matter what they paid? If they search for books to resell at a profit, that's time spent, risk taken, and money earned.

Does anyone younger than a boomer even care about hair color? I'm 37 and while pink hair might stand out to me, that's only because of the rules written by those with sticks up their backsides, half a century ago. Ultimately, I don't give a damn.

Are there doctors and scientists recommending people NOT to take it?

There are morons in every field. We can't just look at the outliers.

First off: normies?

Second, you're absolutely right. Steam did a great job with the whole Steam Deck Verified thing. It ensures that the game "just works", which is someone that can't always be said of PC games. It makes sense, given the near uniform hardware of the Deck, of course, but it's still important for reaching the console and/or casual gamer markets.

And let's face it, the Deck is just convenient as hell. It's the mobile gaming solution I've wanted for decades.

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It will always be too soon for this reference.

Most generations don't need to deal with an impending threat to the whole planet. Nuclear apocalypse, sure, but at least there was no pretending that it wasn't a problem.

This is ignoring all of the other ways in which we're fucked.

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Trump isn't exactly the strongest, most charismatic person, either. His speeches are rambling messes, and he has notoriously thin skin.

I'm honestly not sure how that compares to DeSantis, but still.

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That was also true in 2020. And in 2016 for Hillary.

Her boyfriend is on one of the teams playing. That's it.

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He's Baptist, not Catholic. He doesn't give a damn what the Pope says.

Donnie Darko

Fight Club

Pulp Fiction

All three of those make much more sense the second time around.

In general, though, that's a matter of personal preference. I will never turn down Young Frankenstein, The Blues Brothers, Blazing Saddles, Groundhog Day, or The Princess Bride.

If you're going to use parentheses, just go full-on confusion with something like (B[D)(S]M).

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So, serious question: why is "dick" okay and "cunt" is not? The former is much more common than the latter, both as an insult and (especially) as a reference to genitalia. While "cunt" is generally seen (in the US) as a more severely insulting word, it's also rarely used in reference to genitalia (in my experience as a cis male).

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I will eventually unclench after reading this, but I doubt it will be soon...

How many times are they going to try this shit?

No, no, you misunderstood the meme. It's jokingly suggesting that the Nazis will be what makes the road bumpy, as the driver runs them over. It's not supporting the Nazis.

Until we do away with FPTP voting, you're essentially throwing your vote away if you don't vote Democrat or Republican.

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In this case, it really is the children who are wrong.

People have taken the line "violence is not the answer" to the extreme. It is true that violence is rarely the answer. However, there are times when violence is the only answer, because words will literally never work.

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I really only liked Will Smith as an actor because he seemed to be a likeable person. Now I know better.

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This sounds like a "you" problem.

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The Elder Scrolls is the best series I've stopped caring about.

Because everyone means "alphabetize" when sorting numbers.

It's sad that my reaction was "thank God", but as long as these politicians outlive their welcome in office, that's going to be the case.