
392 Post – 2375 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Cripple. History Major. Vaguely left-wing.


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Common Bernie W

He should have been president.

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Unsurprising. Thank you, Bernie, for trying.

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Two years ago, Braxton says he was the only volunteer firefighter in his department to respond to a tree fire near a Black person’s home in the town of 275 people. As Braxton, 57, actively worked to put out the fire, he says, one of his white colleagues tried to take the keys to his fire truck to keep him from using it.

I was going to say "I am shocked, shocked! Well, not that shocked." until I read this. Jesus Christ, I'm legitimately shocked.

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I mean, I have some sympathy for the ones giving the bribes. No sympathy for the ones taking the bribes who are being charged.

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Such a stupid fucking idea. The idea of cryptocurrencies aside, Bitcoin's system of mining is peak waste.

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“We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”

Jesus fucking Christ.

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Pure brain rot, Jesus Christ.

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Conservatives: "The free market is superior! Deal with it!"

Conservatives when the free market decides against them: "THIS IS LITERALLY SOCIALISM"

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He's right. Of course, this won't stop "BOTH SIDES" fans, who want fascism in America more than anything else in the world.

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"Why aren't the poors having more workers??" - the same people continually reducing the status and security of the working class

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Trump criticized sending "billions of dollars out of the countries so they can build a dome, but we don’t have a dome ourselves."

"We’re going to have the greatest dome ever," he continued.

It astounds me that anyone is willing to vote for someone this stupid. It's not an act. He is legitimately stupid. That's been on full display this past fucking decade.

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They're so used to getting no pushback.

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Rand Paul, as in, went to Moscow to hand-deliver a letter from Trump to Putin Rand Paul.

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Hungary needs to be expelled from the EU.

Look, sure, Ted Cruz might be a miserable, pathetic, cowardly, repulsive excuse for a human being who licks boots at every opportunity and is more than willing to sell out his constituents and his country for the smallest of kickbacks. But have you considered - Democrats think LGBT folk are human beings???

Clearly, Texas has no choice but to vote for Ted Cruz.

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"Nazi gold reserve is running low, we'll need a new supplier. Who's running concentration camps these days?"

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Of fucking course we did...

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Don't think I've ever seen a legit night sky in person.

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Israel is partly to blame for supporting Hamas to undermine Fatah. And, of course, for the general tension caused by the occupation and blockade.

Simultaneously, Israeli civilians should not be the victims, and their blood remains on Hamas's hands.

Both things are true. Though I somehow doubt the Saudis and Iran are out here condemning the rise of Hamas.

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Isn't this the problem with every Democratic president? Where the policies proposed have upwards of 70% approval, but once it's mentioned that the person has a scary D next to their name, it immediately drops 30%?

Also, 57% have a negative opinion of Biden, and yet only 58% have a negative opinion of Trump? If that polling is accurate, what an absolutely fucked country we are.

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M... maybe we could try paying teachers enough so that they don't have to open an OF to make ends meet?

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Biden: "For fuck's sake, Israel, don't do something this monumentally stupid."

No points for guessing what comes next.

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Warren v. DC: "Police have no obligation to protect people."

Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales: "Police have no obligation to enforce the law."

Heien v. North Carolina: "Police have no obligation to know the law."

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King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima were leaving the Slave Lodge building in central Cape Town when a small group of protesters representing South Africa’s First Nations groups -- the earliest inhabitants of the region around Cape Town -- surrounded the royal couple and shouted slogans about Dutch colonizers stealing land from their ancestors.

They were literally there to pay a visit to a museum about the atrocities of previous Dutch inhabitants in the land. I don't know what harassing them was supposed to accomplish.

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Average self-proclaimed libertarian

Because right-wing propagandists have convinced morons that sales taxes hurt OTHER people, while income taxes hurt THEM.

I fucking hate these idiots.

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What a pathetic creature. I hope he gets a jumpsuit as orange as his spray-on tan.

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how does one not expect this

who the fuck is in charge of Hamas's foreign affairs reports

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Public filings also showed that Huffman and Reddit’s chief operating officer, Jennifer Wong, were paid $286 million in 2023, including stock and option awards (the value accrues over several years, and the current cash value is substantially lower).

Over a FOURTH of the company's yearly revenue is going to TWO people?

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We found her. We found the good multimillionaire.

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Increase it.

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At this point she could cry out "Hail our Fuhrer, Trump!" and do a Nazi salute, and it still wouldn't be enough to remove her. Oversight is fucked in the judiciary.

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Don't worry, I'm sure she'll get a very harsh sentence, like those people with revoked voting rights who mistakenly think they can vote with provisional ballots in good faith and get tossed in prison for years because of it, right?

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The audience immediately began booing the heckler and chanting “Jerry! Jerry!” as another bystander wrestled the protester into a headlock.

Fucking what

“This is exciting. I like this,” the comic said as the original protester was escorted out of the venue. “I like a little Jew hate to spice up the show.”

Fucking what

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Of course, if local governments implement a four-day workweek, they might force businesses in the area to do the same. Can't have the investor class making marginally less money.

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NCD in shambles over the fact that they missed out on getting combat aircraft for the price of a cheap car.

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Most homeowners don’t have to pay capital gains on their home when they sell. Thanks to tax legislation from the ’90s, a gain of up to $250,000 for a single tax filer or $500,000 for a couple filing jointly is exempt from tax. That’s providing the sale is of the homeowner’s primary residence and that they meet other requirements such as living in the property for two of the past five years.

That means if a couple bought a median priced home in 1987 for $100,000 and they’ve lived there as their primary residence and are selling it today for $550,000, the $450,000 gain from that investment is not taxed because it falls under the $500,000 exclusion to capital gains taxes.

However, if those same $100,000 homebuyers lived for 37 years in an area that has seen enormous growth in home values — as is the case for many parts of California — and their home now sells for $2 million dollars, that’s nearly $1.9 million in profit, of which only $500,000 is excluded from taxes.

Oh, how horrible. /s

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"They're laughing! My father is an incompetent criminal, and they're laughing!"