1 Post – 371 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That $38 million would be divided up amongst all the other artists if it wasn't being paid to white noise podcasts.

It would be divided amongst the record labels and distributed to artists as those labels see fit.

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It's not the LIFESTYLE, it's the IDENTITY you don't approve of.

Oh that's insightful.

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“I do have one question, though ― do you teach feminism? I mean, I believe in equality, but I am not a feminist, and I don’t want to teach it to my daughter.”

I take the approach I used in Missouri.

“What do you mean?” I ask her.

“Well, do you teach that women are better than men?”

“No, I teach all genders are equal and should be treated as such.”

She buys three kits.

Jesus wept.

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Can we please move past this puritanical fear of the existence of sexual acts between consenting adults?

Edited to add:

Stewart added, “I personally don’t feel comfortable with the plus category only because I don’t understand it and I have never gotten a clear answer.”

I doubt this person has ever had an honest conversation on the subject. Aside from that, "I don't understand this" is not an excuse to vote against something, either bring in someone to explain it to you or abstain from voting because you aren't qualified.

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Right, there are plenty of reactive measures available but the only proactive measures are either restricting availability of the source photos used or restricting use of the deep fake tools used. Everything beyond that is trying to put the genie back in the bottle.

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Radford, Rohani's principal, wrote an email to parents and students that he was "deeply saddened to inform you of another tragic passing of one of our students."

I'm sorry, another?

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Daring Today, aren't we?

Wiktionary has a fairly relevant definition for "Nazi Bar":

(Internet slang) A space in which bigots or extremists have come to dominate due to a lack of moderation or by moderators wishing to remain neutral or avoid conflict.

I don't disagree with the sentiment, but "get a half decent job, do basic planning, and factor in the cost of the home you definitely own" is a massive simplification and a lot of people cannot meet those requirements through no fault of their own.

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I recall watching a video about the nature of how things are stored at Amazon warehouses - basically if there are multiple sellers offering the same item it all goes in the same bin. Even if you are providing a genuine product, there's a very good chance one of the other sellers is not, and that counterfeit gets sent out attached to your seller ID. Then you get a complaint for selling a counterfeit item someone else provided.

Then when that seller is caught and booted, they just register another trademark with 5-10 random characters and do it again. This is causing a massive headache for the US Trademark Office as well.

Some jail staff appeared to believe that Talotta was manipulative and dishonest. “He attempted to blame his behaviors on his ‘Autism,’” the jail psychiatrist wrote, according to Wright. The psychiatrist also wrote that staff reported he was “childlike at times, exaggerating his symptoms and appearing to be very needy.”

I'm sorry, are they implying he was faking/playing up the effects of having an IQ of 60? What's with the quotes around the word Autism? Can we please have the jail psychologist investigated while we're at it?

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Right? Some of these kids see their teachers more than their actual parents. Could you imagine having to deal with such blatant disrespect every day from someone that is meant to be your role model?

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This just hurts. A whole loving family being thrown under the bus to protect one cop. Therapist sounds like a piece of work too, there should never be unwanted physical contact during therapy. Evil.

"Feeling down cause someone said my boobs aren't that great, what do you guys think?"

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People who hold this view: "Why don't my children talk to me anymore?"

What...what is even the problem? Managers "feel uneasy"? What?

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Wow, that's... exceedingly boring.

Imagine buying some of the most recognized branding in the world and tossing it all away. Couldn't be me.

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Justin McElroy is going to be heartbroken.

Oh good we can just go back to doing nothing about it like we always do.

This is why gentle "don't alarm the public" predictions are always a terrible idea, all they do is keep the frog calm while the water continues to boil. I'm sure we'll find a solution by 2090... or 2095.... Know what let's give ourselves til 2100 for a nice even number.

It should absolutely terrify everyone that we may be 2 years out from climate collapse. Who cares about 2090, 2025 is right fucking there.

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Trade (noun)

a skilled job, typically one requiring manual skills and special training.

"the fundamentals of the construction trade"

synonyms: craft, occupation, job, day job, career, profession, business, pursuit, living, livelihood, line, line of work, line of business, vocation, calling, walk of life, province, field, work, employment, métier

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I always tell people the easiest way to get a raise is to find a new job. Nobody is keeping up with inflation anymore, it's pretty much required to job hop to break even anymore.

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Maybe I'm slow but what exactly is your point then?

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This doesn't look like a genuine smile to you?

Shower mirror. It has a base that suctions to the wall and a reservoir that you fill with hot water so that it doesn't fog. I had no idea how much better it was than shaving at the sink. If I'm in a hurry I'll sink shave but I love shower shaving and I love that mirror.

Edit: Here's the one I use. No major complaints, just remove the mirror between uses and re-suction every once in a while.

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This sounds like something John Oliver would play at the end of an episode and I'm about it.

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They are not racist, sexist, transphobic....

But it's not a deal breaker either.

Interested to hear what you think are not "actual important rights." Please elaborate.

Oh Lord he comin'.

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Reminds me of a video where a drunk girl is eating insulation to be funny and her friend immediately makes her spit it out. Could not imagine how their mouth felt the next day.

A very helpful video I recently found.

The modern workplace absolutely sucks for neurodivergent people. One size fits all and you're expected to just deal with the fact that your brain is constantly begging for you to stop.

It's not "news" either.


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Surprised you forgot "people who might be transgender (wE cAn AlWaYs TeLl)"


The exact same movie again, with no change whatsoever. 10/10

Aka hot enough to weld flesh together.

I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at financial crimes!

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I think the thing is that "everyone" is wired to gather berries and run from predators and "mental illness" is our brain saying "I hate this, where did all the berries go?"

Like if you tried to make the family cat push buttons for 8 hours and it refused to do so you wouldn't say it had a mental disorder, you would say it has a brain evolved to fit a cat's needs. Why are people with brains evolved to fit a human's needs any different?

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